Tuesday, October 15, 2024

When a kid in SPirit helped me pick out his mum's card......

When a kid in SPirit helped me pick out his mum's card......

When I was first understanding my gifts and abilities as a psychic medium I still ran a small swimming pool company. At that point in my life I really had not fully understood how these abilities would change my life and how they could help others so very much. My day to day activities of my family consisting of my three teenage daughters and running the pool business kept me very busy. I didn't realize that once the doors opened a little that Creator would start using me as a tool, even while doing pool work.

For almost two years I had worked with two wonderful people. There was always a distance and sadness about this lovely couple and having never wanted to pry into their life, I simply did my job and let the feelings of sadness only occasionally wander into my being. They were leaving for a new job post in a few days and this was my last visit to them as the managers of this little resort I cleaned pools for twice weekly.

It was because of this that I stopped and picked up a card for their departure. I meant it to be a “Bon Voyage’ type of card but what I settled on was far from that. The card I finally found had frogs on it and said “Always keep smiling... It makes people wonder what you're up to.” on the inside. It took me a little while longer than I had wanted to settle on the card, but for some reason I chose this particular card. As I would soon learn I had a little help from someone in the Spirit Realm helping me that day with my selection. Setting off on my forty five minute drive I just felt good about having picked that card. I kept feeling it would make them smile.

After my work was finished, I then went to their office to have brief chat and say “good bye,” however that isn't the way Creator intended things to go. They were both busy with their duties and unlike most days I was there, too busy for me to interrupt and tell them what I needed to for the next few days on the system. So I just left the card on her desk and waved good bye with a smile.

After I reached my pickup I checked to make sure all was secure in the back and my tools and equipment were as they needed to be for the drive to the next destination. For some reason I double checked a bit more that morning. As I was about to get in and start the engine, Jeannie the manager came out and waved me down. Thinking something was wrong I got out and as I came closer I saw she had tears starting welling up in her eyes, and in her hand was my card.

I asked if she was all right to which she nodded said that she was. “What made you pick out this card this morning?” she asked “You have no idea what you’ve just done!” She was so happy with tears in her eyes. A bit surprised I told her of my picking it out in the store and it taking me a bit longer than I would normally do. There was just something about that card that I knew would bring a smile to her face I told her. I also let her know how it just felt like the right one.

She then said it was just like a little plaque she used to keep on her desk before her son passed. He’d given her that plaque with the exact wording in the card. She said “It's the same words and even the frogs!” “He gave that plaque to me just a few months before he died” she said. She mentioned how she had it in storage but couldn't bring herself to ever put it on her desk as it made her so sad to do so.

As she finished I started to feel a presence coming in with my energy. In my mind I started talking to him and then aloud for him. In my mind saw a young tall and thin male, late teens or early twenties and I kept hearing “Jimmy, Timmy or Jim.” He was blonde with curly hair and a big sweet grin. He was on the thin side and full of life and joy, just as he had been in life.

As I conveyed to Jeannie that I was hearing and seeing someone called “Jim, Jimmy or Timmy” she got a bit white and her eyes misted more. The message I started to convey was truly a “Bon Voyage” in more ways than I could ever have expected. Jimmy told me everything I needed to know about his accidental death at such a young age. He told me of the family troubles with his dad, mum and siblings since his passing. He showed me how much an accident it all was and told me to tell his mum he never felt a thing. I could see a revolver, which for me means a shooting accident. He was very strong and insistent on that point. He kept telling me “Tell her I didn’t feel a thing!” and showed me is spirit leaving his body just as the danger and bullet hit.

He told me how no matter what she told her other son, Jimmy's brother, he would not yet be willing to understand or accept the message he was conveying through me. He also said that he had been following his parents through all their ordeals from his Dad's depression and job change to his mum's trying to hold everything together and feeling as if she were failing. He gave me the feelings of such grief, sadness, disjointedness to life and much more. So many things he said and I conveyed that late morning gave Jeannie the proof she needed that indeed it was Jimmy and he really was OK. So much he told me and all the while his mum tried to hold back the tears.

That was the first time I felt that deep catharsis from this process of mediumship I was born with. The deep connection of healing from another soul, his mum, Jeannie. Her tears were of joy. I'll never forget that deep relief and joy that was radiating from her. She asked me if I “did this often” and I told her no that it was something until recently I had kept well hidden for many years. She said to my “I’m so very grateful that you decided to stop hiding it because I would never have had the relief in my heart you have given me if you hadn’t.” Then I had tears because I knew she spoke from the heart. We hugged and said our good byes.

Over a year later I was in Knoxville shopping with two of my daughters when I bumped into Jeannie and her husband again. She saw me and was all smiles. Her words were in so many ways music to my ears as she told me that what had happened that day, over a year before, had transformed everyone in her family. Eventually even her older son was able to come to understand the message through their understanding and joy filled relief. She told me too, that they now had the ability to regain a stable life that before had left them with the tragic passing of their youngest son.

We never fully know how Creator will use us as His “pens of life” it can like I do with my work or a simple smile by anyone to uplift another's day. We all have Service to give and in many different forms. No matter what form it is you can give, just know in some way you can make another's life a little better. That day Creator chose to use me through a wonderful young man in Spirit helping me pick out just the right card.

Love and Blessings, Ada

Monday, October 14, 2024

BLESSINGS ON THIS MEDIUMSHIP MONDAY! A day where some doors started to open

The Old Civil War Hospital and an Opening Gate

It was in the most unlikely of places that all the pieces to the puzzle came together regarding all the things I'd felt, seen, heard all those years. This day I would learn many of the why's of what had I had worked to hide for most of my life. It was in a new friend's office in a very old building that the light finally turned on for me. Inwardly I was as calm as could be, however,I'll never forget that day I was both elated and mystified by the outcome of what was the turning point in my understanding and my life work.

Early one fall morning while I was still living in Knoxville's downtown historic district, I walked down to a very old and lovely brick Georgian style building where the small business administration offices were at the time. It was a lovely warm morning and a walk seemed more enjoyable than driving the half mile to the offices. Down the roads filled with all manner of antique homes I walked to my destination.

From the very time I had moved to the area I had been drawn to looking at that magnificent old building with it's brick exterior and white shutters like a moth to the flame. As I walked into it for the first time early that morning, a myriad of sensations happened. This was to be a very early morning meeting before most of the good folks working there came to the office. Immediately when I walked into the lower entrance and reception area I felt as if I were being greeted. As I walked into the elevator which was physically empty for all but myself in there I had a crowded feeling as if there were many people in there with me. When I reached the top floor, I walked through areas of cold and very warm energy dismissing this to the air systems in the building.

As I walked up the hall to my left for my meeting I looked behind me repeatedly because I felt as if someone was following me. The aroma of coffee was a lovely welcome to me as I found my way to the office. My meeting took place as planned with Jim and we discussed expanding and marketing my swimming pool business. I proceeded to fill out forms in the little alcove because no matter what you do it seems there is always a set of forms to fill out. I noticed the carpet was an interesting shade of grey blue as I finished and walked out.

After my meeting with Jim I had intended to drop by and see Bob a new friend whom I had met the week before at a business meet and greet type thing. My boyfriend at the time introduced us and we hit it off very well with synchronicities with regard to each of us having three daughters, food and a few things in common. I had known from what I sensed he could use a friend and ear so I went off down the hall to the main area to say hello.

Again I had the feelings of very cool areas as I walked down the hall into the main area. His door I found open but there was no one in the office, but there was a fresh cup of coffee on his desk. So I decided to get a cup of coffee as well and come back in a moment or two. Upon my return there was Bob, this big six foot five dark haired fellow that as I found out later had played college foot ball. He was all smiles and greeted me with his gracious southern manners.

We chatted about daughters, work, business and what we both had done in life thus far. Our conversation was lasting longer than I had originally intended. The energy in his office was different to say the least and I kept feeling as if there was something going on. He mentioned a few things and I went with my feelings to ask “Have you ever noticed anything strange about the energy in this building?” to which he replied a bit eagerly “What do you mean?”

There was something in his being that I knew I could trust him immediately with what I was about to say. He was acting like a giant little kid behind his business desk even with a suit and tie on. I began to tell him of the cold and warm spots and the feelings of being followed all through out the building. He said to me just then “Hold on a minute.” He proceeded to get up from his comfortable chair and walk over to the door, and closed it rather quickly. Sitting down again, noticing my watching him intently, he said “some folks around here won't like hearing what you have to say.” I understood what he meant and proceeded to explain my earlier experiences.

He asked me if I knew anything of the history of the building. I admitted to him that because I had been too busy in my life raising my girls and getting by, that history lessons on the area were greatly lacking. As he told me a bit of the building's history I interrupted him and said well that explains why that man is standing beside you then. He asked me point blank “What man?” Clearing my throat and feeling like I was treading on ice so very thin I was about to find myself over my head, I described this man to the best of my ability.

This strong character, with a grey uniform and gold epaulets on the shoulders. He showed me a weary demeanor and was still standing strong. I detailed his face and hair white, with a goatee that somewhat made his face a bit pointed more than one would expect. Immediately, Bob became even more exited almost shouting “You can see the colonel! Oh my God you can see the Colonel!!!” This giant little kid emerged with so much excitement, which honestly wasn't anything I had experienced before when telling someone what I could see, shocked me. I was almost dumbstruck. Somebody was excited and happy I could do this. There wasn't time to process in my head his great joy in my revelation.

Jim started asking me many questions. “How long have I been able to do this?” “Do I do this often?” “What else can I pick up on?” and many more. The questions came so quickly I had to take a moment and a deep breath or two in order to reply. I told him that I'd always been able to do this and that it was something I didn't like to discuss because I'd grown up with such negatives about it that saying anything about my extended senses was honestly scary for me to say anything at all.

We talked about our upbringings and how he knew it was hard to come from this type of back ground and open mental doors we had been told not to in so many ways. We discussed the fear factor in some of our understand of how our religious upbringing had made us keep tabs on how we said things and to who we said them to.

Fear is a powerful base root emotion that can affect our entire energy system and being. With me, fear had been the major factor in keeping me quiet about my abilities and gifts until this point in my life. Very few whom I was close to knew I had any abilities. The extent of my abilities I had kept hidden better than the combination at Ft. Knox for most of my life... Even from me.

I met with Bob a few more times at the office when I had other meetings. Over the weeks he asked me if I he could reveal my little secret. At first I was exceptionally hesitant. This was something about me that until Bob had become my friend no one in my past liked. No one before had wanted to view this part of me positively. My abilities had always lead to so much difficulty in the past it took a lot for me to come forward enough for him to know, let alone those in the office he worked with daily.

This would be my next challenge opening the door a little further to the proverbial closet. How far would I walk through it would take years. Like with most things in our lives, it's often the little steps that make the big leaps.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Blessings for a soul filling Sunday-Find time for you to recharge this week



I’m one of those that enjoys their solitude. I enjoy a break from all that is going around me and more than a little if there’s been massive upheaval. Sound familiar? Do you enjoy this too?

The last few weeks have been a resoundingly difficult time for so many all around our globe. It’s been horrendous in Western NC, but also in other areas of our world.

Time to recharge and by doing something you love or nothing at all. Find what you love to do or if you don’t have that kind of energy, rest. Just as long as it’s something that feeds you and your SOUL <3

Saturday, October 12, 2024

HAPPY SPIRIT PEOPLE SATURDAY!!!!! - They brought my address book back!!



Oh my word I’ll have to say I’ve got the WOWS in a big way right now. A bit ago I started “fall cleaning” in my home. This has been including giving away what no longer works for me. It’s also including finding things that I’ve had packed away… Until this morning that is.

For over two years I’ve been missing my little yellow and butterfly covered address book. TWO YEARS this has been no where to be seen. Yes, I’ve gone through boxes. My pendulum told me at times it was here and other times no. I gave up after the floods where I moved everything and THOUGHT that was where it may have fallen. Only today The Spirit People brought it back.

Yes, within this last hour or so of my writing this, they brought it back. It was right there on my nightstand shelf that has had that area EMPTY for a very long while. Before that it was full of books. To have it sitting right there in that little front left corner as I’m finishing getting dressed for the day has left me happy and also gobsmacked because it was NOT there when I went for my bath. It wasn’t there last night and it was NOT there at any time for TWO YEARS!!!! Spirit People brought it back or someone in the ethereal world brought it back.

This morning I was thinking of mum and all that situation. Michael’s birthday would have been today and I thought of him too.

Why do I think Spirit People brought it back or it came from the other realms? It was NOT here. I’ve looked high and low for that little book for two solid years and it’s not been anywhere I could find. I even looked in my storage “just in case.” This isn’t the first time I’ve had spirit folks mess with things and hide them, but it’s the first time it’s taken this long for them to be returned!

The first time I remember was when my girls and I were late for their school drop off and my keys were MISSING. We turned that house upside down to find them. They were No where to be found. For two hours we searched. Then they were right there on top of a pile of papers we’d gone through just an hour before. ON TOP OF THE PAPERS!!!!!!!!! THEY WERE IN PLAIN SIGHT ON TOP OF THE PAPERS!!!!We all went into the living room and came back to see the keys right there!

In my haunted house in downtown Knoxville the Spirit Kids returned my rings, keys and everything as we were moving. They were on top of the fridge. NONE of my daughters could have done it because they weren’t even there when I was doing the cleaning up to move! They weren’t there before or I’d have seen them. Yet everything I’d been missing for months had been right there on the fridge as I was cleaning to leave the house.

There’s more but I won’t bore you.

A fair portion of the folks in that book are Spirit People now. My brothers, a few friends, family friends, my adopted mum, and some former clients. Actually looking at a couple of client names and hearing from them was a surprise of sorts, and a little sad.

Special days Spirit People/Folks can use for their own entertainment as well as ours. Do I feel that Michael or K had a hand in returning this little address book? Oh yes. Probably a good laugh at it too.

This is a phenomenon that I’ve not read much about from the states. However, from listening to those in the UK at Spiritualist churches I do know that this is a true phenomenon. It seems that some spirit folks (not just ghosts) do like to get our attention this way!

There have been a few times that I know those in Spirit have done this to help keep me and mine safe too! One incident of keys being lost for about 20 minutes (only to show up on the table) kept us just late enough to not be involved in an accident. This happened on multiple occasions as I think about it. They also had things of the kids disappear only to be blamed that I’d done it when in actual fact those items were returned “Just in time” for class.

Oh there’s more, but we’ll go on with that at another point.

Have a fabulous day and thank you for taking your time to read my musings <3

Friday, October 11, 2024

BLESSINGS on Frequency Friday! More on this next Friday.....



Frequency is a word that is tossed about a lot in the metaphysical/spiritual community the last few of decades at least. One of my favourite quotes from the late Donald Sutherland was as that quirky sergeant Oddball in “Kelly’s Heroes” in “Don’t hit me with those negative waves so early in the morning Moriarty!”

How many of you have heard that one?

Frequency is how fast or slow – how high or low something moves. We learned the basics of this in Science class back in middle school aka junior high.

The calmer, more peaceful we are the better our frequency. The crankier or shittier we are – the lower our frequency.

We’ll come back to Frequency on all sorts of avenues on this over the next few Fridays. However, very quickly state that the Magical Miracles are coming through for so many of those so badly affected with Hurricane Helene. Surviving is one of those miracles after seeing what the water did. I’ve lived in and around these mountains for over 35 years and NEVER saw anything even close to this kind of catastrophic and monumental damages. Prayer raises Energy and is one of the most amazing phenomena I’ve ever been blessed to see, sense and more. Thank you all for your wonderful and power filled prayers for my area of our world. Those prayers have certainly helped <3

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Blessing on this Thankfulness Thursday - Gratitude the Dynamic Dynamo


Blessing on this Thankfulness Thursday!!!

Today I’m just thankful for my being here. There’s so much going on in this world that we can’t even comprehend the totality of events. I’m so thankful for my family and friends being OK and safe through all of this.

When my three daughters were in elementary school, back in the 1990’s, we had a tornado that went straight up the road perpendicular to ours. We were two houses from the end of our road. It went up through those East Tennessee hills and none of us had all of our windows intact.

The neighbors next door were happy to have their friend run from their truck to the house as the storm hit. The company truck took a beating but the driver was whole and safe.

The girls and I hid in the closet in the hallway. Our dog was inside the other closet with my now ex husband. The cats were outside and I was so worried for them. The girls I had curled up with me. My youngest was trying not to cry but she was anyway. She was only 5. We were all praying. I led them through the simple prayers many of us learn in childhood. I snugged my girls up tight as we hunkered down in my clothes closet. In that closet with those girls and I, I felt a presence strong but calm as we said our prayers.

That twister was one of many that day in our area. It lasted about 5 minutes up and down our road. When it was all clear I kissed and hugged each of my girls and we wiped tears away from our faces. After a few minutes we went outside to look for Patches our calico and the other cats. Thankfully they were OK as they came out of the woods to us!

The destruction was all over. To this day I still have photos of the hailstones that measured 3-4 inches in diameter! Thankfully none of the houses were totaled, but everyone got new roofs and most of us had new windows in several parts of our houses that year! We were so thankful none of the neighbors were badly hurt and everyone had their homes.

Perhaps you’ve had similar experiences with storms. Heaven knows we’ve had enough severe and horrible storms the last several years. I remember watching the lady find her dog on live tv back in 2011. We had twisters going from Birmingham all the way up the south corridor. I still feel that day was “bowling” but in all the wrong ways. We had 9 funnel clouds go over my home and three families lost everything just a mile or two from where I was at the time.

Places all over the south got hit hard. My youngest daughter told me of how her wonderful new white care looked like cranky gremlins had hammered her car and left dents all through. That was another time I was so thankful my kids were safe.

Thankfulness/Gratitude puts you in a very different energy for us, our surroundings as well as those we care about too.

There are times when I’ve been on my inner knees so very thankful. It really is a dynamic change in energy for us. Spirit knows just how much that dynamic change does <3

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Blessings on this Wonderful Woo-Woo Wednesday - The Energy of Prayer

Blessings on this Wonderful Woo-Woo Wednesday!!!!

Today’s woo-woo is on the power of prayer.

A few days ago I wrote in one of these blog articles that I was here because of prayer. In that statement I don’t mean just being a medium, or at my desk as a person.  I mean I am alive because on a number of occasions PRAYER and its power got me through and to so very much.

The first time I can recall was my Mother praying for me as I’d been so very sick and at 9 years old had had hooping cough and pneumonia. Momma was an 8th or 9th grade dropout. She liked to read in her earlier years but as her illness persisted that stopped. She did have a belief in the Creative Spirit that was closely linked to her evidently Catholic or Episcopal upbringing. That belief directed what I felt pour through my body one morning as she watched her church services on the TV. From that day on I was better each and every day.

Prayer is an amazingly powerful. Did you know that the Power of Prayer is so strong that it can go backward and forward through space and time? Did you know that the power of Prayer has no boundaries? When I learned that it was a huge “Aha” moment for me. Even now when I think about those two concepts it’s massive to contemplate!

Several years ago I had a “case of the stupids” and bought an older RV then packed all of my critters and I in it for a trip to to back to live in NH. On my way up my rig stalled on the side of a mountain. Not the best place in the world for over 18,000 pounds of rig to stall out. The other bad thing was that the emergency brake went out. Yup-a-doodles that baby was going to roll down that mountain if I didn’t hold fast and furious onto that brake pedal. I called for help through emergency services and then called a dear friend whom I asked to contact my fellow “Flowers” for prayers to keep all of us, critters and myself, safe. Safe we were, 30 minutes of holding that brake…. Whew! When I got out after the Virginia State PD chucked my wheels for me, there was 1 solitary feather just outside my rig’s door! Prayers Answered!

These are just 2 examples of many where this amazing, wonderful and compassionate loving energy has saved me and mine.

There are those of you reading this that can probably recall prayerful times and how often even small Magical Miracles happened.

The other day I wrote about how we needed to just pray and I didn’t care “if you dance naked in the moonlight, just don’t get arrested!” and I meant it. Prayers are as diverse as the people of this world. With what records we can find from Roman and Greek times, thousands of years ago, as well as just the sheer volume or place and points where prayer has been done over the centuries, there are many modes of this Magical and Mystical Communication. Think of all the historical prayerful places… amazing over all those centuries and all those people how prayer has been with us for so long. We humans love to make rules about things and prayer isn’t out of the boundaries on this. To me, caring and Loving prayers meant from the heart are all that’s needed.

To me, prayer joins us to that of Creator in such a way that we can help in ways that we may never understand. The first time I remember praying soul hard (yes SOUL HARD- when you ache in your being ) was when I was working on Dad at 14. There have been too many times since to count. I know some of you know that deep ache and what I do is pray, and keep in what I call “Prayer mode” because I may be standing in a grocery store line and praying for someone or many someones right there. Just quiet and no one but me and The Creator knows it. Day or night, there is never a wrong time to send Loving and Compassionate energy out to someone.

This is why I place a “prayer call” out most evenings on my facebook page. Sometimes on other social media, namely Instagram, too. Lately I have added Instagram as the disasters that are happening are monumental and quite frankly we need all the prayers possible to help. This is a time like no other and it’s not just our back yards, it’s all over the world that events are happening, whether the media shows it or not.

Here I’ve only hit the tip of the power and potential of Prayer. This is an Energy of Love and Compassion. That with Creator Energy can do anything.

In times like we are in now, pray how it feels best to you. Also, keep the prayers going whenever you like or feel the need. No one needs to know but you.

We’re all connected and never more so when we join in prayer to help those in need <3