Monday, January 6, 2025

HAPPY MAGICAL MONDAY!!!!! - starting with psychic abilities.......



Oh my this morning I’m starting our day with flowers because it’s cold, wet, freezing rain and ick where I live today. If they could, I think even the birds and squirrels would be using umbrellas and galoshes!

This past November I was fortunate enough to reach my 60th year. There are many in my family that didn’t get that privilege. It’s helped me to think and given me a desire to move in more ways than one. Talk about Magic…..

Twenty plus years ago I started avidly studying what psychic abilities and much more really. If I was to use these abilities to help, I was going to research a lot of it. I still am albeit not as fast as I’d like.

We’re going to start diving in places I’ve previously only scratched the surface of in many ways.

So let’s start now.

What do you get when you start working with your intuition? More of it and sometimes weirder things that you thought you would get.

Let’s start with Clairvoyance or “Clear seeing” as it’s called. You want to improve it right? OK, great.

A lot of the books, videos and more that I’ve looked into will not tell you some of this, and I want you to see the reality of it. Not to frighten but to prepare you as you go on your journey. In most of the materials I’ve read or listened to over the years, there is little to nothing on the side of what you may really have happen.

Many, many people – even acquaintances – with my first reading had a huge misconception of what clear vision really is. Once I let my secret out (yes I kept my abilities a secret for decades) and gave them a reading the two of them said “I bet all this time you’ve been seeing everybody around us!” That wasn’t the case and still won’t be today, for me at least. Yes I do see things, something our culture still makes fun of, but I usually see more in my mind’s eye.

The common concept is that those with clairvoyance literally SEE things and spirits like a Hollywood Movie. Think of it like Scrooge seeing his spirit visitors. That’s not usually the case though.

A friend of mine’s father crossed over. Her mom/his widow kept seeing him sitting in his chair in their living room starting about two weeks after he’d crossed over. She was worried for she thought her mind was going.

When my friend Sheryl asked me about this, I told it was actually perfectly normal and her mother wasn’t going off the deep end. We had a good conversation about it. She was worried about contacting someone because she thought all people like me were making it up until her mom started seeing her dad. Had not our daughters been good friends too, she wouldn’t have contacted me.

Seeing loved ones or even events that happen in an old building can happen. It can be just like I would see someone in a store. However, that usually isn’t the case. For most people we see things out of the corner of our eye. At times we can see someone in Spirit one second and they are gone the next.

My mom died in the early 2000’s. She is one of the few spirit people I’ve seen person to person in years. By person to person I mean that I’m seeing someone as if they were a person in life. Momma came to me not long after she passed over.

 For some seeing a person’s energy field around them, auras is the usual. I sense the colours but do not see them. Others can see colours, see and then sense life happenings for a person. The first psychic I ever met looked at my aura (I didn’t know it until she explained moments later) to have her tell me “Oh Honey, your family put the ‘Fun’ in dysfunctional!

I will say she nailed it right there and then LOL!  Bless their hearts!!!   

Well, more on this another day or I'll be typing a book or may be ......... ;) 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Happy Slow It Down Sunday


A chilly day that's good for Chilly and resting....

Earlier today I posted just pictures that have highlighted the last week. (This was on FB and Instagram)

There's been so much going on of late, that a day off felt like the right thing for today.

Here we were expecting rain only to have it snowing.

An errand pre snow hours came to naught as things got a bit fouled up on the other end. Errands to be done later - another day at this point.

A good do nothing day is sometimes what we can use the most.

When I think of our world, of how it has changed so very much in the last 30 years, I often feel we've forgotten to slow down and just watch our world.

Sitting on my sofa at the moment I am watching one of my fur friends watching birds avidly, another is snoozing under the warming rays of the desk lamp, one grooming and another playing and kind of pacing around waiting for dinners. It's 3:33 as I type this. :D

Watching my fur friends in today's world is such a blessing.

There's hot ginger tea in my mug. I've "engineered" a top to keep it warm by using an old lid from another (now broken) piece of crockery.

I wonder if the dove in the tree is watching me and mine through the window as I see her.

We sometimes have to hold our energy in a loving quiet and do nothing point. We are all too often spinning our wheels in busy mode but getting very little done. Standing or sitting and being in watching and quiet mode can be such a blessing if we just take the time for it.  Remember taking care of our energy as well as our body is good for the soul...

Thursday, January 2, 2025

HAPPY NEW YEAR THURSDAY!!!!!! First Cards of the Year!!!!!


 This year, for some reason it’s making look at things and go “Wow” more than most year changes. To be honest, I’m not fully understanding why. Now that it’s a quarter of a century past the Y2K panic I’m laughing at some things. The fact we panicked then. We’re good at that we humans we can admit!

That 25 years we’ve seen so many changes. In 2000 I had to pay a fair phone bill if I were to call family in another state. The phone was attached to the house in one way or another. Now, I just have one bill for my phone, can call across country or even another country AND it follows me. We can’t leave our phones at home now when years ago our answering machines were on 24/7 just in case.

For many of these changes, I’m thankful. (I still leave my phone at home some times ;) )

Being thankful raises our energy. It helps to keep us lighter and brighter inward and later outward. That’s something I have to always keep in mind now.

My Dad knew that after his heart attacks. Dad got upset yes, but he shifted things after those. He was a young many with a family when the first one hit after WWII. He’d not been out of the service long and was working for the government when the first one hit. From what I was told by my brothers and my mom it was a profound shift. This was way before the self help and new age movements!

Dad did his utmost to keep his calm when I was growing up. Even when I upset him by doing something, he’d just look at me in his way and tell me “I know you can do better.” There was something in the way he said it that was NOT AN OPTION. Taken to mean “You WILL do better!”

Those memories now well over 40 years old (nearly 50 yikes!) still make me smile.

One of our cards this week is “Accepting What Is” and perhaps that’s where I’m going with all of this. Looking back is OK, staying there is not. Moving forward in life is necessary as is not repeating our mistakes. Accepting things helps us to come to understanding and moving on.

Here we are a quarter of a century into the 2000’s. Wow!

This is our first card pull of the year! These cards are from Denise Linn's "Gateway" oracle cards. For the start of the new year I felt strongly these were just right for this time!

The top one is our Jumper Card! For me these are for us to pay special attention to for all of the reading as well as individually.

This first card is "Trusting Your Intuition - My life is truly guided" which pretty much speaks for itself. I'll add here that when we second guess our intuition we often go around in circles because we did. I know this from personal experience, LOL! Right now, to me, it is vital we listen to our intuition and this card surprised me a bit coming out I will admit.

You can't make this stuff up though!

Our Second Card - "Accepting What Is - I accept and embrace my inner majesty" Embrace all of it, even if you don't like it or love it. There's a reason or reasons for it all. The Rose on this card is a huge sign from Spirit. Some, like the late Dr. Dyer, mention the smell of roses with some of their experiences. The sign of the Divine near by at times. When we "Accept what is" we can move forward more fluidly at times because we're no longer fighting or resisting those energies. 

Third Card for today - "Awakening Ancient Wisdom - Deep inner knowing is emerging within me." - Yes another listening to your intuition card! You may notice more signs and synchronicities as well as signs and more. Pay attention because those ways of wisdom are there to help you and possibly others.  Wisdom is coming to you and you need to hear it.  

Jumper Card Time - "Standing Firm - I am noble, brave, and strong." - This really does mean stand your ground. You've dealt with so much and become more than you were. Don't back down now, Keep going!  That mound the person is standing on can mean all that you have come through.  You have learned from it and feel the honour of that.  Feel the Grace of that.  Stand tall and firm where you need to this week! 

Sunday, December 22, 2024

HAPPY CELEBRATION SUNDAY!!! Creativity for you today!



Find some ways to let your Creativity flow for you today!

Notice I didn't say for anyone but YOU!

I really need to do this myself! So, I figured many of you might be in the same patch as well.

During Holiday times we often do for everyone on our lists but ourselves and that includes our creativity! I don't care if you put beads on a bracelet, write a poem, or paint a painting - celebrate it and make it for you!

As a younger woman, mom, wife and business owner I wish to the HEAVENS I had done just a few hours of that. Each year I focused on kids, hubby, extended family and relations, critters and not me. Me didn’t come into it unless I was aggravated that everyone else too forgot me. My word it made no difference when or who, I felt so left out.

Then on my Spiritual path I realized I have to take me first. This is now decades later, kids are mostly grown at that point, but I felt that inner ding of truth to I need to take me first. It has been a hard freaking path to start doing just that. Think of it like a never ending dance of Tango. Your partner is Spirit and you, are both leader and follower because it’s you that needs to resolve and release.

You move ahead and are in the lead when you won’t put up with someone’s BS and ill suited behaviours. You go back a bit and follow the old path/Tango when you slip and allow old behaviours to creep back in – even with a different person…. Tango, dips you back and spins you at the right time if you’re lucky to move ahead. You may get dizzy from a rush of adrenaline and go back too.

When I say to you in my blogs something it’s because I’ve experienced much of what I speak.

Taking time during this High Holy Day time to clear up and move things out of your way is important. Finding a way to Celebrate you and your Creativity is Important.

Paint, draw, sculpt, crotchet, play an instrument, dance, sing, knit, embroider, weld an art piece, design and weld an instrument, glue glass bobbles together, carve stones or wood…..but Create and Celebrate you can do that <3

These things will open your energy centers. It will help you balance your energies. It can help you with releasing issues from your tissues and much much more <3

Solstice Celebrating time! <3

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

HAPPY WEIRDING WEDNESDAY!! Magical Creating and Cards for the Week



Bring some magic into your day, week, holidays 🌲

Put your imagination to work like I did to make these stockings all those years ago. 34 years ago now!

I had very little money and no child support for my three girls. To make what I did have stretch I found old fabric, ribbon and such in my little box of things and made the girls stockings, pattern and all.

Bring loving wonderful magical things in from your imagination ...Even if it's just for you!


Oh we've got some emotions coming up, just like I said yesterday, only this is what the cards are pointing to with 2 water cards this week!

It's all good because this Six of Water goes along with the energies of the Holidays!

Afterall it's only natural for us to have memories from our past, childhood and beyond during the High Holy Days!

One of the KEY messages here is not to make those memories what they were not. This isn't "It's a Wonderful Life" time my dears. Take the reality for what it is and was ❤

We're going Left to Right Top row first!

Next Two of fire - Action and go! We've done the necessary for letting go with the last of Mercury's Magical Moves and now we're onto coming through and with energy. Even just one step forward is a move forward!!!!!!

OK so here we have cards three and four. Fast movement after the delays!! It looks like this card is juggling things going everywhere and that's going to be the energy. This can be a really good card if you have felt like you've been in a holding pattern for a while!

You aren't going to miss anything that is meant for you but you may well feel like that at times! Don't go into the negative vibes of it! Especially now! If you keep alert you will see what are really potentials for you as they come by! Stay aware and awake!

Please bear in mind our Sixth Card is A Jumper!

We're fortunate to have Archangel Jophiel as our 5th card (these are from Radliegh Valentine's Angel Tarot Cards).

Going along with This card watch for how you can stagnate your own movement and momentum because your emotions may make it feel as if you are trapped or stalled. This is the Holidays and many, many people do worry about the gift giving and getting part of things. As much as this is a consumerism society let's not get lost there. Keep aware and out of the "Negative Waves" that we can get in for a lot of reasons during this Holiday Season.

Our JUMPER - The King of Air - Oh if this isn't work and family this time of year I don't know what is! OMGOSH. Keep in a balanced state. Always say what you need to with LOVE behind that confidence. LISTEN with very similar energies whether it's home and family or professional life. Confidence is a key here and so is making sure you listen both with mind and heart <3

Blessings and Have a Great Week!

Sunday, December 15, 2024




A bit of soul care this week is regular clearing of energy. But not necessarily the way you may think. We’re bringing in all sorts of things to our homes. We’re sending out all sorts of things.

Our time tables may aggravate us like mine did yesterday morning for me. Oh I was in a right state yesterday morning. True, part of it was from outside of me and was just one of those things I feel at times. You may feel them too.

When I realized it, I sat myself down and “felt” where it was coming from. Part of it was me, but most of it was from outside and not clear relation. Just angry energy passing through the ethers.

After that and a bit of shielding I was good. Even with driving around the post office four times I was able to joke with the lovely clerk when it was my turn in line. We laughed about my carrying packing tape in my handbag. Sent things off and then we laughed at prices and paying the retirement fees ahead of time. Our chat was fun and we both giggled and laughed making the others laugh too!

Take good care of your energy right now is basically the key I’m working for here.

Take the time you need for you. Do things you enjoy too!

If you’re going through your the season with a loved one on the other side, take things at your own pace. It’s not an easy process. Holidays change as our loved ones change and that includes them no longer being there for visits or at the table. There’s no one size fits all for grieving a loved one during the holidays or at any other time.

From my own experiences do things the way that feels best for you. If you only want to do one thing or go to one person’s home, that’s great. If you want to be closer to family and friends and go out to see them, that’s great too!

One of my favourite things from a client is that they put a special stocking out for their loved ones who have crossed. Then as the month progresses when they have a happy thought or memory of that person they write it down and put it in the stocking. Then during their time together on the holiday, they take turns digging into the stocking and reading the memory or thought. Sometimes they laugh, sometimes there’s a tear, but this is how they share their experience.

For those of us who have had more difficult familial relationships, it can be a time where we are reminded of why things are a bit tense. I had relations like that and stayed away for a multitude of reasons. Also, you don’t have to send them cards, gifts or anything else if they really have a detrimental affect on your energy. Remember it’s your day too and worrying about what “they” will say doesn’t help you. Being concerned with what they think only robs you of your time to enjoy this season of seasons.

Take it from someone who’s family put the “fun” in dysfunctional according to the first psychic I met. Another one, a few years later, looked at my aura, whistled and said to my face “Wow, you’ve been through some shit!” and as I write that I’m laughing to myself. How right they were even though at the time I wouldn’t really have couched it that way.

Honouring does mean acknowledging, it does not mean kowtowing into submission or into a relationship that doesn’t help you. It means you acknowledge and a kind of remembrance.

Sad as it is to say, having had my adopted mum to cross over this year, my only thing is I’m relieved she’s not in pain any longer. Her actions and behaviours even in her latter days and weeks, years even showed much of her true nature. I’m just happy she’s no longer in pain or having such trouble breathing even with O2.

Take care of you and your energy.

Be with those that bring you joy and/or peacefulness.

If you do like I do and wear fun elf hats or dress a bit more festive all is well with that. It’s fun for me to have kids that are fussy looking at m. They often get wide eyed when I tell them I’ve got Santa on Speed dial :D

Saturday, December 14, 2024

HAPPY SACRED SATURDAY- Finding Your Sacred Spots


Life is Sacred, like the wee creatures I've shared through photos here, to me ALL life is Sacred because all of it has a touch of the Divine. Perhaps I'm an animist as I do believe that everything has a touch of the Divine, rocks, insects, critters and even humans. 😉

Someone wants to argue go to Genesis and see where Creator made humans last to watch over (aka be stewards) of our world. We usually forget that made last part.

Feel what is Sacred in your world today. I'm not asking you to follow my footsteps, but find the Sacred.

For some it's a chant, for some holy hymns, for some it's nature in all her marvels, for others it is a cathedral.

I remember entering some very old churches in England when I was in the West country. The space around most of those churches had a high feeling of reverence. Even ones that no longer stood I could feel the reverence around them.

The mounds I drove by had a very similar feeling.

The great Tor of Glastonbury, I felt a calling standing many yards from her. From a time gone by I could feel myself standing there again, too. At a time when two coppers meant something.

Here in the states, near running water or high in the mountains I have sensed the Sacred there. The honouring of being with that Sacred Sense I didn't want to leave ❤ When I take myself back there in my memories, I can still feel a part of those beautiful sensations with me ❤

Once you find that Sacred Sense, Honour it. Honour with feelings, thoughts and more in your own way. Paint, sing, remember, and be in joy with it. ❤