Monday, September 30, 2024

Magical Miracle Monday and an experience almost 20 years ago now


I mean than whole-heartedly because there is help trickling into the devastated areas. There’s some relief going on in the areas hit hard here stateside.

Earlier today I asked my Guides and Angels what to write about. I was feeling so deeply what’s been happening. They said “Write about Little Jacob and Miracles.” Jacob, by the way, isn’t his real name.

They told me that we just haven’t heard about the miracles yet. That we’re going to hear from folks who have survived and more through Magical Miracles. One I’ve already read about today. How folks made it up the mountain with the roads crumbling under them, kids on hips and in tow. They made it. If they’d waited just 5 more minutes they wouldn’t have made it. That’s how close it was.

We’ll hear more as time goes on I’m sure.


Things happen for a reason or reasons often times. It was just under 20 years ago and I was reading Carol Bowman’s book “Children’s Past Lives” (oddly enough she was living in Asheville when these events occurred in her life). It was a book I felt I needed to read and had picked it up at a used book store sale or similar. Anyway I had started reading it and was amazed by how things unfolded for her and her family.

About that time I started helping my neighbor, Jenny, with her 3 of her 5 kiddos. She was just over 26 and they had 5 kids in tow. She was so overwhelmed with the baby being only a few months old and they stair stepped on up from there.

So I’d take the older ones over to the park across the street, or my place to play ball or pick berries and play for an hour or so. This way she had a chance to tidy up or just get a shower and wash her hair! Letting the baby nap as she did. I remembered having 3 little girls all stair step age and I knew she was so overwhelmed. She and her husband were of very simple means and let’s just say there are times you can give a hand without being pushy or too overt.

It had rained a couple of days before. The kids were happy to see me at their door as was Jenny. The baby was fussy that day. I asked her if she wouldn’t mind my taking the kids to the park for an hour so that we could get some energy out. She said that was fine but the look on her face was one I’ll always remember, it was relief.

We walked down at the park. The swings were free of anyone else so the kids had a few minutes of getting me to workout my arms, LOL. After a while we walked down by the creek. That’s one of the first times Jacob said to me, “Granny and I drownded in the creek!” Now this little guy was not very old as he wasn’t even in kinder-garden yet. I asked him if it was that creek and he said “No, it was behind our farm house. The waters came up real fast and I tried to help Granny cross the creek and we drownded.”

At first I just thought it was kiddo stories. Then after a few times of him saying this I asked his mom if he’d ever said anything about it. She said he had been saying that since he was really small. OK, I thought to myself there’s two signs – always the same story and starts almost when he started talking.

Months went by and we had our visits from time to time. The oldest ones started elementary school all day, so their schedule didn’t always line up with mine. One day I dropped by and the mom and I talked a bit more before the kids and I went off to the park.

She told me that the weekend before they had gone driving around the countryside that Sunday. It had been a great day and all the kids had been so good that morning for church and everything. That’s what had made them want to take a drive out more in the country. Then after about half an hour or so Jacob started yelling “that’s our house, that’s our house!!!!!” It was an old farm house that someone had just started renovating.

They pulled into the long driveway because Jacob wouldn’t sit still or be quiet and they wanted to prove to him it wasn’t their house. Boy did they get the surprise.

The door was open and the house was almost as it had been left however long ago. They didn’t go in but looked inside. The parents didn’t want anyone trespassing in case the owners were close by.

Jacob insisted they go for a walk to the back of the farm house. The house didn’t line up so much with the road but the long driveway which was more dirt than anything. You couldn’t see it from the road, but behind that house was a small creek. There was a little bridge that at one time had crossed that creek. It had wrought iron and wood rails and a wooden plank floor to it. Even then it was impressive for its day.

All of a sudden Jacob got excited and sad too saying loudly “That’s where Granny and me drownded! We drownded here in the creek! The water was high and we drownded!”

Since that Sunday he was quieter and calmer. Jacob was smart, extremely smart for a little one his age. But even he couldn’t make up a stream that you couldn’t see from the road with its banks covered in tall grasses.

None of this I can ‘scientifically prove’ for those who would be critical. Sometimes, many times, faith has to walk and cross that line where science cannot tread.

This memory I’ve thought a lot about this past weekend. I thought about it when I saw the major flooding in various parts of the world this year.

Maybe Jacob’s story can help. I don’t know. What I do feel is we will hear of more miracles and more…..

Please keep the prayers going my dears. They will be needed for a very long time!


Sunday, September 29, 2024

Self Care

 Good Day, Blessings and thank you <3

Thank you for the messages and everything during Hurricane Helene. Physically we’re in good shape. Emotionally and Soul-wise, I’m working on that. The energy of being so very close to a disaster TRULY of Biblical proportions is hard. Adding to the pot as it were because I’ve watched so much of our world enduring similar flooding over the last few months.

Writing anything the last few days has been difficult. I’m not going to pretend to be all “happy, love and light” when what’s happening just a hundred or so miles from my door is all too real. It’s not possible now for me with everything going on globally whether it’s nature or man made modes of destruction.

Now is the time for real self care. It’s the time for helping others – just pick a state or country. Nepal is flooded. The UK has had flooding. Poland and much of Europe. Fires in California. People in Maui are still without from last year. Australia has had more than enough. Canada has had fires beyond belief. Pick one. Pray about it.

Bring your energy up with a bit more of a hand up now. If you can’t do anything on a physical scale, PRAY like it’s needed beyond belief, because it IS. Pray hard and often. I don’t care how and I don’t think/feel God cares either, just do it. Just pray often and hard. I don’t care if it’s at midnight, naked and in the moonlight, just pray and don’t get arrested.

We’re in times that are somewhat able to be modified. Prayers can change so much. Prayer has no boundaries. Keep praying and going <3

Take care and make prayer <3

Friday, September 27, 2024

Keep Prayers FLOWING

 This is not my typical blog, but after today's devastating weather, in the South Eastern US, it's needed.  This isn't the only area hit by disasters of late.  IT is only one of many and there are so many all around our world that need help.  

In whatever way you care to do so, please start praying for all those affected.  Please keep it going <3 Thank you <3 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Corollary to the last two days.... Preparing for Helene Remnants

 Yesterday and today I've not finished the points I'd wanted to make on the days. The reason being my area of NC is bracing for the NE side of Hurricane Helene. This 900+mile wide storm, as of this writing is a CAT 4 system.

Yesterday morning I found a turtle/tortoise in the yard going up hill. That's a sign from our very saturated ground and creeks that I'm not really comfortable with and a great sign to prepare. That's what I've been doing in addition to moving my things around. This storm has me edgier than usual I will say.
No I've not taken a crystal ball to it, LOL! I'm just following my gut and senses to get things ready for a spot of possible difficulties.
I'll do my best to keep up with things, however, there may be a hitch due to Helene's movement. Thank you for your patience!
Anyone in the path of this one, get yourself in a safe spot, hunker down and brace. ❤ HUGS ❤

HAPPY THANKFUL THURSDAY!!!!! Benefits of being thankful at times!!!



Thank you for being here!

Finding things to be thankful for raises our energy up. It helps us renew our own energy, raising it up with each heart felt “Thank You.” But there’s more Magic in it. These simple quiet actions also raise up the energy around us, around our homes, our families and more.

If you were to watch Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s moving “The Shift,” you would see in the first scenes him waking up and saying “Thank You” three times. Not many of us would usually do that at 3:13 in the morning, but he did.

This allows a better flow of energy from the get go on any given day.

For me personally I added into my early morning routine a “THANK YOU!” for having gotten most of this rearranging done. This has been a huge project for me. Moving book cases, rearranging things, cleaning things, moving bins of things stored and necessary but not “out” due to seasonal needs. The fun of finding things I’d not seen or used in too long. Putting many of those out front to get back to using and working with my “once again new” finds.

As I go about my morning routine, I say thank you the Creator of All/God for so many points and things in my life. There are times when I do this throughout the day too. Today in addition to some of my regular gratitude points, I’m also thankful I have had time to get ready for this hurricane system coming through tonight and tomorrow. We normally don’t have this coming from the south, however as you may be aware, this time we do.

Well, I’m as prepared as I can be. The fur kids have extra food and everything, so thankful for that! I’ve put together extra water, etc although we’re not in the eye wall path, (projected that is I’ve still got my angst on that!) we’re on the NE side of this gal and like my late friend Helene, she could pack a wallop if she wanted to. Helene could be a dear, but that Long Island Lady could be rough stuff if she needed to be.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

HAPPY WONDERFUL WOO-WOO WEDNESDAY!!!!!! Numbers - a short one :D



Have you ever noticed that when you are making positive changes that you may get a little more wonderful universal woo-woo signs and such?

Yesterday as I was paying at Lidl’s my total was a grand $5.55. Then on the way home the license plate just ahead and diagonally from me was containing 444. That and the receipt in my pocket made me smile and say thank you.

555 = positive changes on the way!

444 = (to me) being watched over

As I took a break to finish writing this, I stopped to look at a dragon advert online. The end numbers for this sculpture????? Those numbers were 777 which for me is “keep the faith and everything is moving in a positive direction.” I LOVE those number hints and signs!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

HAPPY INTUITIVE TOOLS TUESDAY!!!!!!! Happy Cleaning up our intuitive tools and more!!!!


Are your intuitive tools squeaky clean? Mine aren’t ;) yet…..

As some of you may know from reading my posts here, I’ve been doing some clean up. What you may not know is that I started one area and I’m going on to the next and so forth….. Yesterday was the Herculean task starter of moving art stuff and book cases.

What does this have to do with your intuitive tools. A lot actually because we shift energy from the same old same old to fresher and clearer. With me I actually do a bit more of talking with Guides and Angels when I start a task like this. I need the help because my old energy got things stuck in this way in the first place. With this I need to listen. This enhances the ways we can communicate and I can understand more easily as well and en toto.

There’s another point. Do you keep having the feeling that you need to change/move or go through some things? They’ve sat there OK for a while and may be you dusted and may be you didn’t, but all of a sudden that area has to be moved? Have you felt you needed to do something in an area and haven’t done so?

Did you ever think/feel it could be your Guides and Angels helping you out with the energy around you? Have you ever had areas of your home feel like they are crowded, or cramped and yet they aren’t cluttered or even dusty? Energy talks even if we aren’t listening. They very well could be giving you patient hints on what’s going on energetically.

They certainly gave me a couple of quick signs this morning that I was on the right path of things. Early this morning it poured heavens hard and I had taken the break in the rain to get real bread and a few necessities. My first total came to $5.55 and as I drove just moments later there was 444 on a license plate. I know these to be positive for good changes as well as being caringly watched over.

This is one of those times where I so wish I could have this done and dusted in less than the 4-5 hours it’s going to take to get this sorted. However I’m also grateful I can do this physically, emotionally and spiritually and energetically.

My energy needs healing too. Therefore I’m still taking a little bit of time and healing on in different ways. Sometimes readjusting one’s home is also a healing point. Our energy needs to be tenderly cared for at times. We have forgotten to cherish our energy, our things, and what we do to surround ourselves with that sort of energy. If we don’t do this how will our future generations do it?

As always, more later on these things. Make sure to listen to your Guides and Angels now more than ever <3 <3 <3


Monday, September 23, 2024

HAPPY MAGICAL MONDAY!!!!! Discerning where the energy is coming from is MAGICAL!



Today I'm reminding myself of the Magic because I can feel angst so much in the ethers.

Magical Mondays.... A few years ago I found a stone in the middle of the road. It was a gravel road I traveled down sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. Yet there in the side of the road was a stone with "MAGIC" literally cut into it.

Today we can remember that there is more magic and in many ways than we may well guess in any moment.

Remember too your Loved Ones and Mine are so close and just a thought away… Keep the energy lighter in other words.

The next thing is to use your discernment. You can use this powerful tool by asking yourself “Is this something I’m picking up or am I upset at something?” Probably it’s not you. If it’s not you see if you can “feel” or sense/see/hear where it’s coming from or from who. You can ask if it’s from specific people you know. Usually family or close friends is the best way to start. Don’t call them and say “Have you been ticked off this morning?” Just focus your thoughts in their zone. Focus on that for a moment or two because it does not take long! If you feel a “no” or nothing at all, you know it’s not them. If you get a surge of this energy you know it’s them and you can now more easily protect yourself.

This reminds me of when I first started doing this practice. It was over 20 years ago now. Michael and I hadn’t been living together very long, but we had been together for almost 2 years. He was on a trip to Bangladesh and I was home tending to my business and my girls. One morning I got up and was angry. No, it wasn’t PMS. My youngest daughter braved up and said “Momma why are you so spiky all over?” From the mouths of babes at 14 she nailed it. Momma’s energy was spiky and I had no idea why. I stood in my laundry room and focused, I knew it wasn’t my girls. For once it wasn’t the neighbors next door (a couple who LOVED to argue and two PhD's have tempers too!) Then my mind was drawn to Michael.

Quickly I went to the office and sent him an email (it was evening for him). I doubted he’d get the email so I went to get my coffee and start our day. It was a Saturday so we had the day off. After an hour or so I went to my computer and checked my emails. My sensing the anger dissipated like a fog in the sunshine as soon as I sent that email.

Low and behold there was one from him.

He was very surprised by my email. How did I know he was livid? Then he told me of how the trip to Bangladesh was a hoax by a company that was trying to get intellectual property and that was also using reports to fund themselves without doing any of the work. So he was livid that the money spent on the trip was so very wasted. Their last day was tomorrow and for that he was grateful.

Since all those years ago, I usually go to this method. This is one method of discernment that is easy enough to use whenever needed and no one needs to know but you!

Discernment can wipe away most anxiety or anger sensations in a very short period of time. The Magic is it’s not always us! Also, It normally won’t ever be someone we love from the other side. This is something that is not used for those that have fully crossed over.

Sometimes it’s the folks outside of us and our immediate circle that we pick up. Other times, it can be events that are hours, days or even weeks in advance. There are a lot of factors in that.

Today’s Magic and I feel there’s always a little Magic in every day <3

Sunday, September 22, 2024





When was the last time you smudged or energy cleared? Today I’m in the process of clearing and cleaning things and energy.

Yesterday I was up BEFORE O’dark thirty (YAY for Full Moon Energy!) and I couldn’t go back to sleep once my brain hit the click button. To start a project in the afternoon was not going to happen, no matter how much one part of me was saying “Hey we can do it!” and my common sense said “WTF is wrong with you!??????!!!” Yes, even Mediums can use those terms on themselves. I will say I gave myself a bit of encouragement and we’d tackle the cleaning, clearing and some soul care “on the morrow” meaning today.

Just as I described the other day about cleaning and organizing the bookshelf, when we do a bit of extra cleaning and tidying, you can sense with your abilities the difference it makes. I could see and feel the change immediately. The same can be said when we take a bit of time to energetically clear our homes, a room, our office, or even our car/vehicle. This change is why I’m going to tackle taking apart and putting back together in a better way a few things, well a lot of things, in my flat.

Energy shift for the Equinox, Eclipse season and a whole lot more is what it feels like now. Over the last 5-7 years I’ve noticed a lot of times, without me knowing it, I’m doing this with a lead up to OR working with a significant astrological shift. That was a little bit of weirdness when I first discovered that. Twilight Zone music please. LOL!

When are other times that it’s good to do a real clearing and cleaning out?

First and foremost when you feel the need.

If you are feeling too tired or an energetic heaviness.

Things just start happening that aren’t feeling in your best interest.

There has been a major life event for you or a close family member. That could be a job change, a family or friend member passing, a fur person’s passing, a very strong argument, strong illness in the family and the list goes on.

Then there is any time and every time you feel like you need a pick me up.

We don’t realize it but our energy IS affected by our home and its contents. We put that energy in whether we mean to or not a lot of the time. Like my story about the chair being moved and there was the ick energy. Some time later we’ll go over how this energy we read with psychometry. For now it’s enough to know it’s not always pleasant and nice and we can turn it around.

Self and Soul care in this and other ways go hand in hand <3 <3 <3

Saturday, September 21, 2024



Celebrating our Loved Ones today….. Energy of the Soul is truly amazing.

Our loved ones’ willingness to communicate after crossing over still surprises me. As the late and wonderful Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., used to say “Have a mind that is open to everything and closed to nothing.” Being open to the thought they will get through is the best opening intention we can give.

When Michael crossed over it was about 6 weeks or a bit more before I really heard from him. That was nearly 14 years ago now. However, I remember the very first communication almost like it was yesterday. It was bed time and as I was getting into bed, I chatted to him about no communication and a few other things. I then said “I know you can hear me! Was it as wonderful a time as I’ve read and felt from others?” Without missing a beat his reply that I heard in my head was “It was a Salubrious occasion.”

Only Michael would have used a $50 word when a $1.00 one would have worked. From that simple statement I knew it was him beyond a doubt. It wasn’t me making it up because I would NEVER have thought of the work Salubrious.

Starting with Our Salubrious Soul Saturday :D

That communication I doubted for a while as I was still in active grieving and until that point had not had any signs I could say definitely were from him. We’re all going to doubt some of the things that come to us. It’s a built in reaction from our exterior world. Let’s face it, this hasn’t been taught in any typical westernized educational system. I know I’ve doubted quite a bit over the years only to have most – the vast majority – later confirmed by another intuitive or by repetition.

So I’m not going to tell you not to doubt. That’s what we do. It’s just best to know that the doubting is part of it.

The biggest reason they use signs more than anything else is because it is easier energetically for them to do so. I don’t know why it’s easier. I’ve heard explanations but none of them totally hit my inner “ding” as being 100% true. What I do feel is true is that somehow orchestrating some signs is much easier on their energy and ours.

I can understand how it’s easier on ours. When I do readings, I raise my energy up and they lower theirs. I like to think of them lowering theirs almost like us bending down for a very long time. Those things take energy and I usually only read for an hour or thereabouts. Usually I don’t read more than twice a day. I have to let my energy readjust. It’s funny but one of the after affects of doing readings is everything feels like it’s a little off. That’s because my energy is on a different level.

Even after almost 20 years. It still takes me a while to calm and ground my energy so that I’m good for driving or something else.

Just a little while ago I received a lovely sign from Momma, my natural mother. She passed over 21 years ago. She passed very young at 69 because of second hand cigarette smoke all her life. She showed me her birthday on the clock of the stove as I started warming my lunch.

That’s a favorite for some Spirit People. Special dates on clocks. Once you get the 11:11 acknowledged as signs, you can more easily understand other signs that way too. Was your anniversary April 22nd? Look for them to give you 4:22 some times. They might give you your birthday or a special day only you and a few close loved ones would know. That’s another way of going about it.

Well I’d best stop for today or else you’ll have a book to read before I’m done. Remember their energy is always around and they are just a thought away <3

Friday, September 20, 2024




We’ve all been feeling a bit much lately. So we’re going to re-tune this with feeling things on a more positive note and it may even go to DO, RE, ME, FA, SO, LA, TEEEEEEEEEE, DOOOOOOO!!!!! ;)

We can feel all sorts of rough stuff. I know it may not be evident but some of this rougher energy IS from global events. Remember that water and wave thing I discuss here often.

Now it’s time to work on bringing my and your energy UP a bit more.

Yesterday I just had to get into nature and have a walk. I just KNEW if I didn’t I too would flip my lid and possibly regret something. Nature can calm us. Some of us are tuned to the seaside, some of us are tuned to the mountains, some of us recharge in a lake setting and even snow or desert conditions are for some. Nature in all her grandeur is a natural recharge – all puns intended ;)

Talking to the Creator (whatever word you want to use there) helps with the connection. People walk all the time, however the mindfulness of this helps more than words can relay. Even now, when our world is so very shaken and turbulent, this simple act is like touching the calmer waters within. This is one of the steps I took yesterday as I wrote earlier.

After that bit of special time taken, and a few errands, I came home and worked on a few things. That’s when things got interesting. I guess the Virgo side of things in me was restless because I then took apart one of my book cases. I pulled everything out and rearranged my books. Cleaned the shelves and books where needed. OMGOSH it was NEEDED!!! and then rearranged with books arranged authors and categories as I like. I walked back to admire my work and it FELT clean. The energy radiated better vibes so much so I could see it and feel it. Sometimes I’ll feel the energy pick up, but to see it sharper and feel it so strongly was a real attention getter for me.

For this weekend and even longer, I’m going to make this suggestion. Find your way of doing what I’ve done in the last couple of days. Keep with the shielding and other protections you do, but also pick spots to clean and tidy. Often we don’t notice how something could get a bit much until we tackle it like I did that book shelf yesterday.

Years ago I remember cleaning mine and Michael’s joint office. There had been a lot of things that had been aggravating me regarding work and more. I had this really great desk and chair and a lovely older loves eat and chairs behind each of our desks. One day he, Michael, was away on business and I decided to tackle that office and give it a good going over. When I moved my chair, oh my gosh did I feel a puddle/pool/spot of ugly energy there. It wasn’t that dirty but, wow, the energy sure was unpleasant. Cleaned and tidied it was definitely different. On that occasion it was also energetically cleared.

Can’t hurt to give even just a small area, like my bookcase, a try on this. It could help more than you know <3

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thankful Thursday and Remembering My Cowhampshire Walk



When we can start of any part of our day or night with something like this, it changes things. That feeling changes our energy and the energy around us. It changes our chemistry and can be measured doing so. Talk about being a potent energy changer as it goes directly into the physical!

It is something I do when I’m driving and when I go to work or run errands it helps me ease into my day. Walking is another point where it can change us and add an extra spring into my step. I can feel the energy as I do my “gratitudes.” These are two things I need to start doing more again.

This isn’t really something I was brought up with doing. Oh there was “grace” said at the table on special occasions, but beyond that, only with gifts at special times. It was never made clear to be a daily practice. It certainly was not understood and explained on how this simple feeling voiced aloud or internally can change so much in our small section of the world.

There are so many things in this world that are able to bring us down. Doesn’t it make sense to give ourselves a practice of bringing our physical, mystical and mental energies up together? The last few days the news of new ways to take a reasonably inane device and turn it into a weapon almost like in a movie has so saddened my soul. When I think of all the indigenous/native women missing and trafficked or killed it hurts. The list goes on so long and so deep…….

To bring up the energy from me and around me I do my best to say Thank you. I’m not perfect at it. My Guides and Angels know that! However, every little bit counts. Sometimes it’s a “Thank you” for my tea or milk, juices or as I write this I didn’t say/sense out gratitude for my peanut butter sandwich for dinner last night, and the juice etc with it.

Almost a decade ago I had just about $7.00 in my pocket. In those moments of great deliberation in the middle of outer Cowhampshire, I decided to walk the 5-7 miles to the store versus possibly running out of gas with no way to fill my tank. I was going for a little bit of cheese and food for the critters until the next bit hit the bank in a few days. As I walked along that bumpy frost heave laden road, I remember what Denise Linn had told us in one of her classes about bringing a feeling of thankfulness to a difficult situation.

That’s what I did as I walked on that warm fall day in my father’s village.

As I walked in my jeans and shirt, I came across a couple of apple trees with apples on the ground. A little while later, I came across grapes on the stone wall where once a house had stood. I remember being so thankful for the grapes growing along the side of the road and the little apples from the trees on the ground near the road. Thanks to those I had enough for my meals too for that night and breakfast.

I’m still thankful for those grapes and wee little apples. They helped to make a feast to me. The fresh fruit meant Creator’s energies all around and I had help.

A bit earlier today I felt frazzled. As I went off on my errands, I decided to stop and this beautiful little park in town. There’s a lovely creek flowing through it. To my joy and surprise as it was sprinkling I was able to photograph some mushrooms. As I walked back I said “Thank you” to the Creator, my Angels, the Arch Angels, my Guides and everyone I could think of in those moments. Just a few minutes to relax and breathe gave me just enough time to get away from that energy and redo for today <3

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Oh This is an Energy Woo-Woo Wednesday for Sure!


Oh my did anyone else have really wild dreams last night/early this morning?

Yeah, mine had baby raccoons and old homes I’ve lived in, Manchester United and City fans watching the house! Break in suspect/old girl friend of one of my exes. Yeah weird full moon stuff for sure!

Over the next few days getting a bit more fresh air and breathing into these amazing changes is going to be a real help! <3

Earlier today I took that advice and went out for a few minutes. I’m not totally used to being home a great percentage of the time and although I love my solitude at times, breathing and walking about is a joy. It helps me in so many ways from the physical to the etheric. From a world that loves its busy humming to a world where the humming business is unnecessary.

With each strong energy event, I take my time with the things. It’s also important to me to clear energy in my home and things in it a few times. It helps to keep me a bit more focused and therefore usually able to get a bit more done. Walking grounds my energy as does working with water. (after 6 inches of rain in less than 24 hours there’s enough water to step in for a while!)

You know when the universe is clearing things out as you may bump into someone unexpectedly like I did today. Another thing might be odd dreams or thinking of a book title only to see it (and my book doing that hasn’t been in print since the ‘80’s!) in a second hand shop! Maybe it’s a phone call or text that shows up and you can just walk into it with grace and ease. Changes don’t have to be difficult and neither to the etheric Universal hints ;)

Do your best today and this week to work with and ride the energy currents. Some of them will feel like a huge rush or like a whirlpool and yet others will feel like a tickling easy wave. We’ve been in this sort of energy before and we can do it better now ;)  


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sometimes the Energy Makes us do an alternative plan shift....


Today as usual is Intuitive Tools Tuesday on my FB page.

The energy intensity with today’s Full Moon as well as the difficulties in my area with flooding and from storms, is a bit much. Oh my it is a bit much.

For many of us this kind of energy can throw us off. I remember years ago when my oldest was still in high school she had a day off from school so we went together to clean pools and then go shopping afterwards.

Well, we had no luck in getting pools done due to a wide variety of happenings to throw us off track. We had everything from road blockages to power line crews to storm and road issues. Yeah it was one of those days. Listening to my Guides at the end because once we got to the first of the pools, there was no power, so we went and had a fun day shopping and goofing off.

The last two days have been that kind of energy. Take time and sense what are you needing to do or not do…..

What is it that you are needing to pay more attention or let go of?

This is kind of an energetic reboot whereby you have to stop and just let things get on with whatever it is needs to be done instead.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Can Life Be Like a Waltz??????


OH my there are days we get derailed on our intentions and that was my day today for a good while.

Some things I got done. Many things are on a to-do list for tomorrow or at least this week.

It’s OK.. it’s how it needs to be even though deep down I would like to have a small tantrum on that idea.

Going deeper to just respect that today had done what needed to be and the rest is for another day.

For whatever the reasons(s) it was a step back like you would do in a waltz. I like to think of some things in life like a good waltz. You sometimes swirl around, sometimes go forward, sometimes go backward and then swirl around some more and go forward. I do miss a good dance!!!!

What a nice thought to head of to slumber land with..

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Soul Talk Sunday



I was raised in a “Sunday Worship” couple of families. It is the day I tend to lean to for thinking more on the “soul” side, however, I don’t think the Creator Energies really care what day we take to do this. Some people have their Holy day on Thursday, or Saturday or even Friday at evening. God doesn’t really care as long as we do a bit to connect and just be with our understandings at that time.

So Looking at the soul today…

Well, looking at it every day for me and not just because I talk to Dead People most days. LOL!

Years ago, there was a cold and ugly winter day where I spent a good couple of hours of it watching videos on youtube. For years I’ve not watched much TV. So this show was all new to me even though it was over a decade old. There was one I remember where they stopped the show (I saw a part of the out take) and had a discussion on Soul/Spirit as a concept. Some women felt this was a very foreign subject to them. That segment of the show really surprised me because I’ve always been so connected to that side of life.

Our souls need loved by us, not just those around us. We’re the only one with our soul self all of our lives, even if we’re a twin! Our soul self needs time off from our day to day mind and body stuff. Our souls are so much more than we imagine. I found that out buying a piano from a country Buddhist when Michael was unwell with his cancer.

It was February of 2010 and Michael had had his cancer diagnosis for about 2 months. Stage four colon cancer and neuropathy from everything he’d endured in coma and more. Not a great way to start out the year I’ll admit. I’d gone to my doctor and she’d given me a prescription for my blood pressure.

What I wanted and needed as much as prayer was music. I’d always wanted my own piano and “dadburnit” I was going to get myself a piano. I was well paid as a lower level administrator for my biomass job so that wasn’t an excuse anymore. What’s more my soul craved touching the keys…

It had been like that since I was a little girl. Twice I had tried to convince my father to buy different houses because they had pianos as he looked for a new one to renovate. It didn’t work but I remember trying to make my case around 9 and 11. So this time, nothing was going to stop me.

It’s in part due to this meeting that I really do believe everything happens for a reason. How many Buddhist ‘Nam vets does one meet in a very small East Tennessee town? Not many. We talked and he asked me about why I wanted a piano and I told him straight up I needed it for a kind of therapy. He asked me if I played and I said not much in this life but I can feel it. We discussed a good few things and he learned of what I needed the piano for.

Then in this old East Tennessee barn turned piano repair shop, he helped me be able to realize I could handle what was coming. He walked me through a soul expanding exercise whereby we worked from past experiences and more. Then, he helped me and brought my self and soul back into a tighter package within me, mostly.


I felt better and more confident about what was coming down the pike. It wasn’t going to be easy I knew but I felt overall these coming events I could deal with.

My soul and I had a non-verbal discussion on quite a soul level in other words.

So for whatever time you want to do a little self soul talking it’s great to find the time, but better to MAKE the time. If you’re asking a bunch of questions on a lot of levels my answer is this. Start small. You are here in this life, with this time and you can talk to you any time. Take a go at it and keep on going. You’ll be surprised <3

Your Guides and Angels are always there to help too, just ASK! <3

Saturday, September 14, 2024




Let this building Full Moon Energy help you with any things in your life you need to get a boost from in order to get started, through or even finished.

As I re-read some things from Carolyn Myss’s book “Anatomy of the Spirit” I’ve found the sage wisdom to my soul putting a halt to my readings and energy work until after this Full Moon cycle.

A lot has happened in my life in the last few months, caring for my energy to help myself and then others is a necessity. The cascading effect of watching the events of my life and then finding the celestial events backing up my experiences has my inquisitive buttons going again. That’s a good sign. It shows my energy is improving.

We’re building up on this Full Moon. She’s strong as I woke at O’dark thirty this morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. I didn’t need as much of my Earl Grey tea this morning to wake up more fully. The moon is doing her job at the moment, energize….. Somewhere in today’s “To Do” list there will be a nap to catch me up though. I don’t have to be psychic for that one to know, LOL.

Yesterday I ventured into the downtown area and our local library for a book sale. On that “to do” list is going to be clearing energy from these lovely tomes. I found some alternative healing books, some intuitive tools books, some sci-fi from old authors now long gone, and even a Klingon dictionary, just $2 USD each. This is kind of a big one for me as I’ve not done that sort of thing in several years. Another good sign.

Taking time for your energy in this world where many things just don’t make sense any more is vital. We are on the verge of massive changes and with those changes, like all changes, there are going to be bumps and all sorts of anomalies. Hold tight, take care of you and we’ll work out things as they come.

Pay VERY special heed to your intuition. Ask your soul self/higher self what is best for you in the now.

I’ve been told to drop a lot of stuff on the emotional end and I’m endeavoring to do so. Let that go. They (my Guides and Angels) even gave me a meditation for that the other day. I’ve recorded it and will figure out how to get it to those who want it soon. Learning how to work and edit all sorts of stuff is on my horizon I feel. But not today, because today is for other things.

What is your intuition telling you to do the next few days? Have you sat down to ask yourself “what do I need to do for boosting my energy?” What comes to mind? What comes to your heart? Do a little of that even if you don’t do it all. It will help more than you can guess in this present moment <3

Friday, September 13, 2024

Full Moon ENergy short....



Moon Energy for what this day was pretty much named for or because. We carry a unique series of deep beliefs about this day. Our world is a 13 month “moon-th” planetary body. Her ancient male inhabitants wanted an easier method thus screwing up the calendar brilliantly. Instead of 13 months of 28 days we have 31 day months, a 28 or 29 day month, and 30 day months. All of which have many of us reciting a very old poem just to make sure we’ve got it right… maybe…. Hopefully.

Lunar energy can lead to “moon sensitivity” which I know well. I get cranked up and energetic. Today, like years before, I’ll go to sleep and be awakened regardless of cloud cover or darkness of curtains by the full moon bright overhead. The most adamant of roosters have NOTHING on this wake up call! Oh no my friends nothing on this one!

Full moon energy thankfully has slacked off with my PMS + ESP situation. I’m no longer the bitch that knows everything. I can leave my broom parked on many occasions and just listen and sometimes laugh. For those with a stronger estress cycle still, polish up those broomstick handles ladies!

Many people in medical fields that I’ve spoken to over the years will know the full moon can and does do many things for a variety of people and patients. I’ve read science articles on this “debunking it” but in point of fact I also know that those paying for a study often won’t pay until their results align ;)

So we know where that can go.

It’s a dance the moon and our world. Each one gently dancing their way around, tugging and pulling with super moons, full moons and new moons. All have their phasic energy bouts. Texts having been written on all of them.

Find some fun in reading on the Moon and her myths and legends this weekend. It may be a fun way to work with her energies. You never know <3

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thankfulness, Good Vibrations and a whole lot more


Through a series of distant events over the last several days, I’m so very aware of things in my life in this now. Yesterday afternoon after a good cry, started by an event not even in my life, I was so thankful for my girls. Being a single mom to three wonderful women has been a joy and a challenge at times.

Yesterday’s posts were about how emotions could run high on different levels and some of you strong empaths probably felt that energy in a lot of ways. If you had major life events in or around your life that may have hit the mark all the more. I can’t be the only one being so thankful at the end of yesterday and the starter for today.

Gratitude energy is amazing when you stop and think about it. Gratitude is a universal connector on a very high level. Saying thank you sweeps negative energy out of our energy field and raises it higher. By raising our energy a little higher, the energy around us is brought higher regardless of where we are in the day.

Our heart and even our tears change in their chemistry a bit. Happy tears are chemically different by a bit than tears of sadness. Isn’t that amazing? An emotional act changes the biochemistry in us.

That makes me happy just thinking about that point of fact.

Yesterday I had an amazing event happen totally out of the blue. At some point in the future I’ll release the videos of it. I’m still grateful for this amazing sign. Also, I’m still taking in the meaning of it all. One doesn’t get a message clear and crisp from an Ascended Master without it having some significant ripple affects in the happy and thankful zones!

There have been many times in my life when being thankful let alone happy felt like such a long road to get to. There were times I had to find points to be thankful for on more than one occasion. You can do that too if you are in a rough patch now.

Our energy is malleable if we allow it to be. With energizing ourselves with happiness and gratitude we can help the areas in our lives we may need a little more work on. You don’t have to do it all at once. Just one little point can be a huge start.

I’ll have to admit I’m still smiling about being able to watch an old film “Little Lord Fauntleroy” from 1936. If you don’t know the film the character of the grandfather was completely changed by the loving energy of his only grandson. He went from a miserable old sod to a happy and endearing old chap.

So like the old Beach Boys song says Good, good, good. Good Vibrations….”

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Special Days and Emotional Energy You May Pick Up



Usually I'd have this as "Woo-Woo" Wednesday but as today marks 23 years from it's date and all that 9/11 may stand for many I'll leave it with that.

Energy is our theme for a while and it's very poignant to note today's and indeed this week's energy. Today feels a bit frenetic to me. It has since I awoke and it makes sense that from all that many will be feeling today.

Here’s the more now from my earlier post.

Emotional energy is a real energy. If you have ever watched water drops hit a puddle or a sink with water in it you know that those drops make ripples in the sitting water. Just like those water drops make ripples in the pool of water, so does emotional energy make ripples in time and space. Emotional energy is STRONG energy.

If you have listened to the work of Dr. Gregg Braden and others you will have learned of how the heart is such a strong electromagnetic generator. Our hearts are huge in how we process energy. As it’s our center point (solar plexis) because in that region our energy goes up into happiness and contentment aka higher energies or it goes down into pain, fear and anger aka lower emotional energies.

Due to the very large emotional swing of what today means, the emotions will not only be on high, but be of a varying nature. This is the anniversary where many lives were lost. The remembrance services for this day will add to the vibrations of emotional energy on this day.

This day, 23 years ago, I remember my youngest daughter was home with me and we were moving some of the larger things from our old farm house to our Victorian home. That morning I had no TV on and I had no radio on. We were just going about our day doing what we needed to do. Remember I was not working as a Medium and I certainly had had no training at that point. The day felt ‘off’ before we even got started with it. (that was a big sign in and of itself but I didn’t know that yet) We were moving furniture and appliances in the morning that day.

I remember so much of that day. How my youngest and I felt on hearing the news. I had to call Michael and ask him if it was true. There was no interwebs on the phones or much more than dial-up at that time.

My two older girls were in school and I called the school to see what was happening. They were on lock down. I could come and collect them after lunch time.

I called an acquaintance at the TV station down the road. They were on air, but the staff member had no idea what about some of the questions I was asking about.

There is more in my memory bank on that day, but you have just been through “an emotional swing” with and through my memory of that day. Each of us has our own memory of that day if we were alive and over the age of 8 or 10 at the time.

Emotional energy strikes a cord with us. No pun intended. We may feel more, see more, sense more or hear more on days with a very strong emotional undercurrent. Like today has a strong undercurrent. December 7th has one as does September 1st for many because those are starting dates for involvement in the second world war.

So, just remember that you may feel something on a day because of energy you are picking up with that antenna I’ve mentioned before. You and only you can work through it, but you can find help if you need it. Use meditations, music as well as shielding and grounding for any anxiousness or stress you may feel <3

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

You and your Psychic Antenna .....



You and your Psychic Antenna - You are meant to pick up the energy around you 💜

Energy and your intuition go hand in hand. Many of my posts and my former students will tell you I often say we have an intuitive antenna. If you have an intuitive antenna, and we all do, what is it there to pick up?

To pick up Energy. Our intuition receives information ….. energetic information.

All my life I’ve had the ability, the antenna if you will, to pick up energy. It has made no difference where I was or what I was doing, I could and do receive messages and information. Those messages and informational points are energy.

Do you remember the telegraph tapping out in an old movie or on the first Downton Abbey show? They didn’t do anything but tap, tap, tap and a message was sent to wherever. You had to know what it was (how the message was sent via morse code) to read it. People were taught that obviously.

Learning how your energy works and what your energy antenna is tuned to pick up is your key for your intuition.

Yours may not pick up energy from Spirit People, but it can pick up other things such as….

Do you know when your kids or partner/husband/wife is going to be sick before they are?

Do you hear sounds that no one else does?

How do you feel when you are near someone sick, agitated or sad?

You listen to music, music is a vibration or an energy, how do you feel? Depends on the music right?

The same is for what we energetically pick up…. More on that tomorrow.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Watts Energy or is it What's Energy????? Time to play with Energy.....



Today starts our week on Energy and writing this kind of makes me laugh because at one time I worked in the “renewable energy” field. That very science kind of area not over to the Woo-Woo of where we’re going to go with this all week and month long.

I’ll start out with “Energy comes in a lot of forms.” You are a two kind of energy being. You are a physical energy being. You’re sitting there reading this in a body that runs on a more physical form of energy from the food you eat and liquids you drink. But…… Then there’s the part of you that is of a more ethereal energy. That soul the makes me punch these keys as I write and you to scroll through things as you go. The two work to the centralized zone of the mind/heart/body connection. Yet the body has an energy field of the soul and it as almost an energy dance we call the aura.

So you have a body that eats, sleeps and runs on physical energy……. You can measure its heart rate, electrical impulses and more…….

Then you have a soul, more ethereal, less measurable by today’s technology, but there nonetheless real energy. It’s just a different sort of energy.

Both aren’t exactly the kind of energy you plug your phone, lamp or anything else into, but they are energy no matter watt. (pun intended ;) )

The most fun way I know to start thinking about energy is using the way we kids used to static shock each other in cold weather. Cold New England weather, old oil heaters and then little moisture equals static shocks. Add a rug to that or woolen blankets and you could have fun off and on all day. Yes, for you younger folks, we baby boomer and Gen X kids made fun in some interesting ways.

Think of you, the soul you, as those things akin to static shocks. You can't always see them, you can't always feel them but the potential is always there :D

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Soul Care AFTER an Energy Vampire Visits!


Happy SOUL Care Saturday!!!!!!!!

Wonderful Listening Souls, be careful around other people. This week I had a really great reminder of how people to people energy can work in the positive for everyone as well as a “take and no give” scenario. Empaths and Sensitives are more keenly susceptible to this and since most of us have a degree of empathy in us (Clairsentience it’s also called), we’re going to get hit with it from time to time.

It can happen any where and almost any time.

This week I was ‘hit with it’ by someone and because they carry a rage and are almost always low on energy I got zapped before I realized what was happening. They even texted me on other things to lay the “trap” to have me there to go over and over again their plight. I did the “I have to go to an event tonight” thing and left after about 9 minutes which was 8 minutes too long. This was the grab and go form (this person’s usual way) of entwining me or someone else to here their outrage, hurt, or anything else from their point of reference. If not careful I could have been entwined for well over 30 minutes. I lucked out with a go strategy. Something we all need practice in!

Energy Suckers, Psychic Vampires, Energy Vampires are all names for individuals that on a regular basis pull energy from individuals in order to sustain themselves. Most people don’t go out and think, “Hey, I’m going to suck Genie’s energy dry today because I’m feeling upset or scared about work today.” No, they don’t actively think about it at all. It’s actually a learned habit of behaviour.

To be fair we can all be Energy Vampires at our low points. It’s that most of us only have this happen at rare times that there is a significant difference. True Energy Vampires suck your energy dry all the time.

Again I will state we can all give and take energy at times. It is just a matter of how well we are caring about and for our energy that is often the key!

How do you protect yourself? --- Shield yourself the minute you know it’s happening. IF you don’t feel strong enough for shielding, then call in your Angels and they can greatly help. The ArchAngels’s can also help just call them!

The next thing to do is to get out of close proximity of this person. If you are on the phone, get off the phone as soon as possible. In other words “Run, Forest, RUN!!! from whomever this is if at all possible! You can even ask for help on a way to get away as soon as possible if it’s a difficult situation.

How do you keep it from happening?---- If it’s a family member this is REALLY hard to do at times. The best thing you can do is try to limit your exposure. As adults we can have it a bit easier with relations but when gatherings happen and you feel like a limp and wet dishcloth after 15 minutes with “Aunt Jackie” you can remember to get out of there asap due to bathroom or walking the dog for Gennie, anything just scoot. Keep your time with anyone like this to a minimum. No you cannot go to Aunt Mattie’s get together you have things to do is just an example. You can stand up for your right not to attend even if relations will be a bit irritated by that.

Clear your energy in some way. If you need to smudge yourself or work with a form of clearing prayer. Just make sure you ask for Divine Energy to fill you up again so that you don’t feel drained again too early!

How can you recharge after an event like that? ---- Get in Nature as much and often as possible. Find things you LOVE to do. Nap as soon as you get the chance. Find ways to laugh even if it’s finding a funny film to watch by yourself or with others. Draw, paint or whatever creative act you love. You can also call on your Guides and Angels for helping you recharge.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Spirit People have a Sense of Humour and We're Laughing Now!

Copyright reserved Ada M. Brown and Natural Listening


When I got into this business I never would have thought that Spirit People keep their sense of humour! Thank God they do!

Some of the saddest readings to start off have ended in absolute rolling laughter!

I’ve had the “#1 ASS” to show up as well as the lady who kept telling me about her hair colours. There was the time they told me how someone was a cardiac care nurse who rode motorcycles by showing me a heart made from rear view like lights on a helmet.

My Guides and Angels I love their sense of humour, each and every one. It has often been what’s kept me going through all the rough times.

For years I felt like a failure and was considered a failure by many in my family. I’ve held various jobs over my life and learned from each one. However, many in my family felt I “should” be this or that and I never fit their mold version of me. This “failure” feeling I kept with me for a long time because I didn’t know deep inside I didn’t need to keep their ideas of or for me. I wasn’t made for their version, I was made for Mine and God’s version of me.

As I recall this one Spirit visit, I’m laughing to myself and smiling. My last brother, Moe, died a few years ago. In many years past, he always knew what I needed to do so authoritatively. A few years after I decided to work with my abilities professionally he politely told me that I was basically, like anyone in this field, a lot of nasty things. He told me there was no such thing as an afterlife. I needed to get a real job and stop with all this BS. And he was the polite one of the bunch.

GUESS WHO came through within minutes after I found he had crossed over? I’d felt him weeks before during Christmas time but didn’t want to believe it. His voice was still on my phone and I just had to listen to my last brother’s voice one more time. Booger Butt that he was wouldn’t let me hear it, he kept flipping my phone to a message about my website being up. He did this THREE times before I said, “OK, now I KNOW it has to be you! You’ve got my attention!” and I listened to that voicemail and heard “Well get busy!” and sure enough, listening to his voicemail it was his voice coming through to my head loud and clear.

Guess who keeps ribbing him at times! I will raise my hand!

I can just hear him saying “Well shit, there is something after all! I gotta tell my baby sister on this as soon as I can! Shit she was right!”

You couldn’t convince him of anything but this life in his life….. now we’re all having a good laugh at times.

PS A key in the wrong lock is a failure…..Sometimes we just have to find the right spot where we fit in <3

Thursday, September 5, 2024

HAPPY THANKFUL THURSDAY!!!!!! - My inner Druid lineage and the trees next door



OH the Natural Nature Loving Tree Hugging Dirt Worshipping side of me is pissed! Trees over trimmed and cut down is a good way to get me yelling, long and hard.

Somewhere in my lineage there are druids whose genes and energies are up in arms within me.

This morning the neighbor had tree trimming and cutting happening. For three hours these folks have been at it. I knew they were coming as the neighbor had told us, however, tell that to my inner tree voice. Not working.......

A severely diseased tree I fully understand taking her or him down so that property and other trees are not harmed. Perfectly fine trees that are not harming anything I do not understand at all. I'm not sorry the Natural Nature Lover in me is here to stay.

So other than be agitated for a while, I'll thank those trees for their contributions for the birds, shade for my plants and everything.

Were I to stay thoroughly ticked off, I wouldn't do my body's energy any good. It would deplete my inner mental calm too quickly. I'm a redhead and I know what I'm talking about! LOL! Been there Done that!

There's not a thing I can now do about it. There wasn't before as the trees are on the neighbor's property. Her choice and not mine.

So today I'll open myself a bit more. Tell the trees and birds, spiders and critters that lived there just how grateful I was for the shade, the fun of watching them climbing and talking to us in the mornings. I'll eventually get in a place of thankfulness and reverence for the trees and light now coming in.

Working on the positive sides keeps us open to Magic and Miracles more <3 <3