Sunday, December 22, 2024

HAPPY CELEBRATION SUNDAY!!! Creativity for you today!



Find some ways to let your Creativity flow for you today!

Notice I didn't say for anyone but YOU!

I really need to do this myself! So, I figured many of you might be in the same patch as well.

During Holiday times we often do for everyone on our lists but ourselves and that includes our creativity! I don't care if you put beads on a bracelet, write a poem, or paint a painting - celebrate it and make it for you!

As a younger woman, mom, wife and business owner I wish to the HEAVENS I had done just a few hours of that. Each year I focused on kids, hubby, extended family and relations, critters and not me. Me didn’t come into it unless I was aggravated that everyone else too forgot me. My word it made no difference when or who, I felt so left out.

Then on my Spiritual path I realized I have to take me first. This is now decades later, kids are mostly grown at that point, but I felt that inner ding of truth to I need to take me first. It has been a hard freaking path to start doing just that. Think of it like a never ending dance of Tango. Your partner is Spirit and you, are both leader and follower because it’s you that needs to resolve and release.

You move ahead and are in the lead when you won’t put up with someone’s BS and ill suited behaviours. You go back a bit and follow the old path/Tango when you slip and allow old behaviours to creep back in – even with a different person…. Tango, dips you back and spins you at the right time if you’re lucky to move ahead. You may get dizzy from a rush of adrenaline and go back too.

When I say to you in my blogs something it’s because I’ve experienced much of what I speak.

Taking time during this High Holy Day time to clear up and move things out of your way is important. Finding a way to Celebrate you and your Creativity is Important.

Paint, draw, sculpt, crotchet, play an instrument, dance, sing, knit, embroider, weld an art piece, design and weld an instrument, glue glass bobbles together, carve stones or wood…..but Create and Celebrate you can do that <3

These things will open your energy centers. It will help you balance your energies. It can help you with releasing issues from your tissues and much much more <3

Solstice Celebrating time! <3

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

HAPPY WEIRDING WEDNESDAY!! Magical Creating and Cards for the Week



Bring some magic into your day, week, holidays 🌲

Put your imagination to work like I did to make these stockings all those years ago. 34 years ago now!

I had very little money and no child support for my three girls. To make what I did have stretch I found old fabric, ribbon and such in my little box of things and made the girls stockings, pattern and all.

Bring loving wonderful magical things in from your imagination ...Even if it's just for you!


Oh we've got some emotions coming up, just like I said yesterday, only this is what the cards are pointing to with 2 water cards this week!

It's all good because this Six of Water goes along with the energies of the Holidays!

Afterall it's only natural for us to have memories from our past, childhood and beyond during the High Holy Days!

One of the KEY messages here is not to make those memories what they were not. This isn't "It's a Wonderful Life" time my dears. Take the reality for what it is and was ❤

We're going Left to Right Top row first!

Next Two of fire - Action and go! We've done the necessary for letting go with the last of Mercury's Magical Moves and now we're onto coming through and with energy. Even just one step forward is a move forward!!!!!!

OK so here we have cards three and four. Fast movement after the delays!! It looks like this card is juggling things going everywhere and that's going to be the energy. This can be a really good card if you have felt like you've been in a holding pattern for a while!

You aren't going to miss anything that is meant for you but you may well feel like that at times! Don't go into the negative vibes of it! Especially now! If you keep alert you will see what are really potentials for you as they come by! Stay aware and awake!

Please bear in mind our Sixth Card is A Jumper!

We're fortunate to have Archangel Jophiel as our 5th card (these are from Radliegh Valentine's Angel Tarot Cards).

Going along with This card watch for how you can stagnate your own movement and momentum because your emotions may make it feel as if you are trapped or stalled. This is the Holidays and many, many people do worry about the gift giving and getting part of things. As much as this is a consumerism society let's not get lost there. Keep aware and out of the "Negative Waves" that we can get in for a lot of reasons during this Holiday Season.

Our JUMPER - The King of Air - Oh if this isn't work and family this time of year I don't know what is! OMGOSH. Keep in a balanced state. Always say what you need to with LOVE behind that confidence. LISTEN with very similar energies whether it's home and family or professional life. Confidence is a key here and so is making sure you listen both with mind and heart <3

Blessings and Have a Great Week!

Sunday, December 15, 2024




A bit of soul care this week is regular clearing of energy. But not necessarily the way you may think. We’re bringing in all sorts of things to our homes. We’re sending out all sorts of things.

Our time tables may aggravate us like mine did yesterday morning for me. Oh I was in a right state yesterday morning. True, part of it was from outside of me and was just one of those things I feel at times. You may feel them too.

When I realized it, I sat myself down and “felt” where it was coming from. Part of it was me, but most of it was from outside and not clear relation. Just angry energy passing through the ethers.

After that and a bit of shielding I was good. Even with driving around the post office four times I was able to joke with the lovely clerk when it was my turn in line. We laughed about my carrying packing tape in my handbag. Sent things off and then we laughed at prices and paying the retirement fees ahead of time. Our chat was fun and we both giggled and laughed making the others laugh too!

Take good care of your energy right now is basically the key I’m working for here.

Take the time you need for you. Do things you enjoy too!

If you’re going through your the season with a loved one on the other side, take things at your own pace. It’s not an easy process. Holidays change as our loved ones change and that includes them no longer being there for visits or at the table. There’s no one size fits all for grieving a loved one during the holidays or at any other time.

From my own experiences do things the way that feels best for you. If you only want to do one thing or go to one person’s home, that’s great. If you want to be closer to family and friends and go out to see them, that’s great too!

One of my favourite things from a client is that they put a special stocking out for their loved ones who have crossed. Then as the month progresses when they have a happy thought or memory of that person they write it down and put it in the stocking. Then during their time together on the holiday, they take turns digging into the stocking and reading the memory or thought. Sometimes they laugh, sometimes there’s a tear, but this is how they share their experience.

For those of us who have had more difficult familial relationships, it can be a time where we are reminded of why things are a bit tense. I had relations like that and stayed away for a multitude of reasons. Also, you don’t have to send them cards, gifts or anything else if they really have a detrimental affect on your energy. Remember it’s your day too and worrying about what “they” will say doesn’t help you. Being concerned with what they think only robs you of your time to enjoy this season of seasons.

Take it from someone who’s family put the “fun” in dysfunctional according to the first psychic I met. Another one, a few years later, looked at my aura, whistled and said to my face “Wow, you’ve been through some shit!” and as I write that I’m laughing to myself. How right they were even though at the time I wouldn’t really have couched it that way.

Honouring does mean acknowledging, it does not mean kowtowing into submission or into a relationship that doesn’t help you. It means you acknowledge and a kind of remembrance.

Sad as it is to say, having had my adopted mum to cross over this year, my only thing is I’m relieved she’s not in pain any longer. Her actions and behaviours even in her latter days and weeks, years even showed much of her true nature. I’m just happy she’s no longer in pain or having such trouble breathing even with O2.

Take care of you and your energy.

Be with those that bring you joy and/or peacefulness.

If you do like I do and wear fun elf hats or dress a bit more festive all is well with that. It’s fun for me to have kids that are fussy looking at m. They often get wide eyed when I tell them I’ve got Santa on Speed dial :D

Saturday, December 14, 2024

HAPPY SACRED SATURDAY- Finding Your Sacred Spots


Life is Sacred, like the wee creatures I've shared through photos here, to me ALL life is Sacred because all of it has a touch of the Divine. Perhaps I'm an animist as I do believe that everything has a touch of the Divine, rocks, insects, critters and even humans. 😉

Someone wants to argue go to Genesis and see where Creator made humans last to watch over (aka be stewards) of our world. We usually forget that made last part.

Feel what is Sacred in your world today. I'm not asking you to follow my footsteps, but find the Sacred.

For some it's a chant, for some holy hymns, for some it's nature in all her marvels, for others it is a cathedral.

I remember entering some very old churches in England when I was in the West country. The space around most of those churches had a high feeling of reverence. Even ones that no longer stood I could feel the reverence around them.

The mounds I drove by had a very similar feeling.

The great Tor of Glastonbury, I felt a calling standing many yards from her. From a time gone by I could feel myself standing there again, too. At a time when two coppers meant something.

Here in the states, near running water or high in the mountains I have sensed the Sacred there. The honouring of being with that Sacred Sense I didn't want to leave ❤ When I take myself back there in my memories, I can still feel a part of those beautiful sensations with me ❤

Once you find that Sacred Sense, Honour it. Honour with feelings, thoughts and more in your own way. Paint, sing, remember, and be in joy with it. ❤


Friday, December 13, 2024

HAPPY FUN FREQUENCY FRIDAY - When the voice said "Get gas NOW!"



Now it is always a good thing to listen to that intuition of yours.

Please bear in mind this is LONG before I became a professional intuitive. This is before I even started learning about intuitive abilities or anything metaphysical. I just knew it was there and we (my intuition and I) were at a standstill at that point in my life for the most part.

One night over 20 years ago I am still so, SO thankful I did just that! Sometimes you find out really quickly why you needed to listen <3

It was a dark night, but not a stormy one. My friend had asked me to bring my girls over to her house for a little Christmas get together. We were going to meet a few folks and have a bit of dinner. My work shift was running late that night unfortunately. This year I had taken an additional job at a store in the mall for Christmas money for the girls. I called her on my new Nokia ( :D ) that we were going to be running late. The girls were soon ready and we set off for our drive. It was a good 7 to 8 miles away her home up on the side of a mountain.

As we started down Alcoa Highway, I kept feeling we needed to get gas. In fact I kept hearing “Get Gas.” Due to our running late already I said to myself I’ll get it when we come back. Looking at my gas gauge repeatedly, I knew I had enough….I thought “I know how much is in here and we have enough to get back down the mountain.” We kept going as I passed station after station.

Now this was an older car, about 15 years older, a great little blue 1986 Chevy Nova/Toyota Tercel. (If you know about cars of that time, same model, different sticker, LOL!) It was a 4 door and with all of us it was packed. With myself and 3 teenage girls, this little car was buzzing down the road. I passed almost every single gas station of which there were many. Then as we came near to the second to the last station I heard strongly.

“Get Gas NOW!” and I wasn’t sure if that was outside or just inside my head it was so loud and strong. I jumped a little bit hearing it!

That made me LISTEN and I pulled over into the second from the last station I would pass on route to Terrie’s house. My slightly less than the 8th of a tank obviously wasn’t going to be enough for some reason. I took the time and filled up, went in and paid (yes you could do that years ago). Off we went on our journey.

Once I filled the tank, no more anything about the trip. I felt odd it was such a strong urging, but I knew to listen if it was that strong. As we turned down this extended mountain road near Rockford you could tell by the snow flakes hitting headlights it was a cold winter night. Leaves were long off the trees now and some were scurrying across the road as if they had to change sides in a hurry.

We arrived and had a wonderful time. As it was a school night, I wanted to get the girls home in time for anything necessary before the next morning. Homework was a key priority in our household. I told my friend I’d look after her house when she was away for the holidays and off we went.

I don’t remember which one of us noticed it first, but we were all kind of shocked. The girls knew I stopped for gas because of that inner prompting. When we reached the intersection of that mountain road and Sevier Highway, the lights were oddly off at the gas station. As we drove we realized all the lights were off for the most part down that road. When we turned onto Alcoa Highway, even the lights across the river were mostly off. In fact, we realized only emergency lights were on in places.

ALL the gas stations were closed. There were no lights on in stores, houses, or shopping centers and everything was closed.

As we drove, I turned on that good old fashioned thing, the car radio. The news anchor was on instead of music and told us why everything was without lights and power. There was a substation that went out in South Knoxville and everyone in South Knoxville was without power. My jaw opened wide!

Had I not listened to that voice of intuiton, the girls and I would have been stuck on the side of the road or had to walk a fair few miles from home! This we discussed because my youngest said loudly, “It’s a good thing you got gas when you did Momma!” She asked me how I knew and I told them. There was a “Whoa, that’s weird” said a few times.

We arrived home safe and sound. As I drove around the back I kept the high beams on my old farm house back door. Our two Basset hounds let me know they were upset with no lights or heat! I got out of the car, and unlocked the door. Then I had the kids come in and lit candles. After that, I went back out to the car to listen to the radio just to see if I could hear when they expected power to be restored.

We took the dogs out for their last of the night walks. Flashlights in hand for that. Thankfully our Basset hound babies were sweet and easy dogs, NuNu and Coppertop, did their business had a couple of Whoops and came back in out of the cold. Up on my sofa bed they landed ready for cookies and night time cuddles!

The cats headed for the girls rooms away from the doggy whoops and barks. They found their spots in good measure under the covers with the kids eventually.

Another things to be thankful for was that we had 2 Kerosene heaters that we lit for warmth. That old farm house may have been a cabin once but the drafts were enough to keep you cold no matter what if we’d not lit the heaters. We had candles in special spots to avoid fire potentials and readied ourselves for bed.

Thankfully I listened to that inner (and a little outer) prompting for gas that night. I said a lot of thank you’s then and even today. That late at night, with everything closed there wasn’t much traffic and we would have been stuck or had to walk for a few miles late at night. As it was, we made it home safely, our fur babies were all right and we had a good night.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

HAPPY THANKFUL THURSDAY - Pardon My Mental Meanderings



Oh my mind does some meanderings at times like this…..

This week has a LOT of special events in it for me. I’m thankful for them because without them, I wouldn’t be here today. My grandmother and mother’s birthdays, my anniversary of meeting my late Michael, my late brother-in-law’s birthday and the passing anniversaries of my middle brother Moe, as well as Michael’s passing anniversary date. Talk about a LOADED week!

Then we can add to it all of the extra holiday energies.

When I was shopping the other day, Dad dropped me a dime as I was checking out. I had to smile. We just had our days too about two weeks ago. Yesterday morning there was one by my bed on the floor. It hadn’t been there the previous night I’m pretty sure.

As my mind wandered its magical meanderings I remembered her story of mum’s birthing. I had asked had they lived in the little house by the river and she said “No! That was the Mid-wife’s house!”

Before Aunt Eva passed she relayed all of this to me. That was 15 years ago now. She told me of how hard their labours had been. How they were so relieved to have their babies safe in that time. I’m smiling when I think of how she said “A baby’s gonna come when it wants ta” in her solid New England accent. She had 4 babies all told and 3 of them crossed before she did at 94.

Thinking back to the 91st anniversary of that time today…. My grandmother and her older sister, my Aunt Eva, walking almost half a mile to the midwife’s home. Gran in full labour with my mum on her way. Snow everywhere and the Great Depression full on. No one in the family could afford either horse or car for their journeys, only on foot did they do things. The next day this newly 17 year old young woman birthed a wee tiny baby girl. Staying in the midwife’s home for no telling how many days. No doctor to do things. Only the old midwife in her 1906 cottage that still stands.….

This was a time where a woman wore skirts and dresses only. There were no pants or trousers for women in that era in general. IT was a rare event for women to wear such things and even rarer in a public place. December in New England back then was COLD. Coats, hats and the rest walking up the road from where my great grandparents and family lived to that little house in fresh snow. They lived in what we’d call the “bottoms” then, river bottoms near the factory, the old Tannery. Snow for water melted on the wood stove.

These were 2 young women of what would eventually be over 10 children from their parents, my great grand parents. Just starting their endeavors of being wives and mothers. My Gran only 1 day into her 17th year. My Aunt Eva her sister just 19 and already had birthed 1 child. Sisters going along together, one my gran, a tiny petite lady of maybe 5 feet tall and her slightly older sister almost 5’10”! How they must have looked walking up those roads…..

Their mum, my great grandmother, was taking care of HER youngest at home and in diapers. Probably praying her heart deep with a safe delivery for her baby and grandchild on the way. Possibly wondering how the food would stretch and did they have enough preserves and more on hand. She would have her last child in just 4 short years and her hair would be white as snow when she did. I have a picture of her just so.

Momma had her problems in life. Her mental illness – was it nutrient insufficiency or more? Momma didn’t walk well until she was nearly 3 years old. Then again, the family was impoverished and it was the Depression. Ready food, milk and more were hard to come by for ones that had little available money. Thankfully there were farms a plenty around and they worked their own bottom land for food.

Had anything not happened well, I wouldn’t be here today. Thankfully what they needed they were able to come by.

Ah the meanderings of my mind as I think about it and honour these many women today <3

Wednesday, December 11, 2024




Justice Archangel Raguel – Card 8 – Interesting we start with card 8 as this is the last few weeks of this 8 year…….

Making the right decision that is perhaps troubling you is also a great reason to call on Archangel Raguel. In reading the book (Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine) it reminds us to double check legal documents. A perfect reminder for Mercury Rx! Standing up for yourself BUT also taking responsibility for your actions is important for this time.

When in doubt, always choose what is right…… ask your Angels if you’re having trouble with this <3

Five of Water or cups as it may be known in other decks. Water always has the emotional connection. This is a great Mercury Rx reminder card because we need to let go and it’s OK that it didn’t turn out as expected. Look for the silver lining the positives in how it did work. Don’t cry over spilled milk is the same don’t fret the past and keep moving into the future. It’s a great LET GO card and again, perfect for Mercury Rx!

Strength Archangel Ariel – Card 11 – Oh this is interesting.… Instead of as the book says “Powering through” the situation(s) bring Compassion of Spirit and let go of judgments. Another LET GO card and great for a week of FULL MOON and Mercury Rx to go direct in a few days. Archangel Ariel also helps with the more earthly needs from food and shelter to meds and more of this earth plane. Use your Loving Compassionate Spiritual side for any decisions and work with AA Ariel for anything you or loved ones need <3 PS Use some Patience and Forgiveness in situations ;) <3

Knight of Water Card – Keep your level head and emotional balance. Yes love can be part of this but also LOVING THE YOU in the situations. Several years ago I came to myself with a phrase I use “I love me enough to___” because I had been trying for a couple of decades to be loved enough by the man I was with. It didn’t work and gave me the old pattern my teenage years had grown up in. Not a good fit but to break the cycle I love me enough to break the cycle. I love my kids more than enough to break the cycle so they don’t get concerned. It’s wonderful to have our romantic sides but we have to keep our heads and hearts together. Just be aware of the emotions and keep a balance on things <3 Full Moon ahead ;)

The Two and Ace of air together….in a really well shuffled deck… oh my I do feel that once go back to our first card you can resolve to as it says, do the right thing. You’re not stuck, you just don’t want to do what you know needs to be done perhaps arguing with yourself (or others on this) REMEMBER no active decision is STILL a decision. Once you make the decision card one shows us the wonderful flow of things! If you and someone else has to compromise good, do it! The flow afterwards is very positive! Make the plan and move forward. OK there’s emotions but USE YOUR HEAD on these matters and it will be a great move once you get going!

Remember always ask those Archangels that show up in these readings and they don’t have a limit on energy (unlike us) to help anyone who calls on them! <3

Monday, December 9, 2024

HAPPY MAGICAL MONDAY!!! Mercury Rx and more



Please note that we might be saging the shit out of things later or as the week goes on.

We're headed for a full moon on the 14/15th, the last week of Mercury Rx AND we're winding up for the Winter Solstice. ☎ 🎁 🤣 🤣 🤣

This in addition to the hyped up energy of the Holidays.

Buckle your Seat Belt and Put some Magic in MONDAY!!!!!!!!!!

What I posted earlier does NOT mean this is time for the “Chicken Little Syndrome!” The sky is NOT falling because of these events. We are going to be FINE, Good, Great. It’s just that stuff does happen during these times.

This is where we start and move in our week. I really feel we need to keep our sense of humour on high these next few weeks. Laughing can bring in better energy when the hiccups of life happen.

Where I am today we’ve had just over and inch of much needed rain. It’s a great way to watch birds and critters outside. For me it’s also an opportunity to finish a few projects. Write down the last of Christmas cards. All sorts of good things.

Just like today’s rain has its good points for my area, the events for these next several days are going to have their good points. What we can do to usher those good points is laughter, keeping our sense of humour and a more positive spin when things do happen. You may even notice the next few days my sense of humour is out a bit more.

Yes, there are going to be rapid changes. Usually the only change anyone likes is the kind you put in your pocket, but, this may not be that kind of change. Again, it’s not a “sky is falling scenario” we don’t need “Chicken Little Syndrome” popping all over.

Now we have to keep our shielding good, our energy clearer, our self care on and our sense of humour topped up.

Thursday, December 5, 2024

HAPPY THANKFUL THURSDAY - Sweet & Wonderful Thankful Signs and Things



Keeping your energy in a thankful zone helps your heart, mind, body and all the energy around you. Just like giving off peaceful vibes helps the energy around us, finding things for us to be thankful for does similar <3

If you saw the cards yesterday or read my blog, you’ll see that there are 4 green cards and one Archangel (Haniel showed up!) card. You know from what I wrote I was having worries about food costs. I’m single, me and the fur kids, and I’m also picking up others emotions about grocery costs. It’s part of the whole “Stong Empath thing.” ;) because empaths pick up emotional energy like fur gets on a wool coat.

To turn things around yesterday, I felt a bit of joy with the song I mentioned, “Calling All Angels” and the refrain I heard was not to give up btw! To help mute the fears I went into a mode of Thankfulness today. This helps to move the fear off our face and self and move into a brighter and easier energy. It shifts it well when we can do this.

We all know that the last month has been a bit on the rough side energetically. Falling into a more thankful state of self helps us, our loved ones and those around us too. IT also helps our Spirit people communicate with us. They don’t get through easily if we’re a case of cranky pants.

Yesterday I moved my change from my dresser and put it on my desk. As I looked at the pennies I realized I had a couple of wheat Pennies.

To give you a little background the year 1937 was a very important year for my late Michael and his family.

As I looked at these pennies, which had been on my desk for several days, on one I easily saw 1937. Then without initially looking at the other, I knew the other would be 1937 too! I pulled out my magnifying glass and sure enough 1937….. Hello Michael I thought. As I write about them I realize he’s signaling me about the two anniversaries. The first for us was important as coming into each other’s life. The second was the day he left this mortal sod as he would call it.

The better our energy, the more likely we will be to see their signs every time.

As I’ve written this and then go to look at my clock, Momma’s main sign for me showed up <3 She’s been on the other side for (my natural mother) 21 years. We had a difficult relationship and then no relationship the last 20 years of her life. Her choice mostly, not mine. She still sends me signs for which I’m very thankful for at this point in my life.

Hoping and wishing you find the thankful for things in your life <3

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Happy Woo-Woo Wednesday - Signs, Cards & Calling All Angels


Today was one of those days where you just have to take a deep breath, clear your head and keep going.

Earlier I was at one of the local grocery stores/supermarkets and just stood there staring at the prices. Now granted this is one of the more expensive stores in town but still, $7.99 for a box of Oatmeal! This would have been $2.89 just 4 years ago. I know because I’ve bought it frequently over the years. It hit me hard these prices. It’s not the first time either. Thankfully up the road there is a more economic (aka cheaper) option.

Anyway I called out to my Dad for just a moment. I was close to welling up with tears for myself and for so many others, those retired and those who don’t make much per hour. My heart went out…. Then I heard the song “Calling All Angels…” by the group Train. Oh my eyes got wet for a few minutes and as I walked to the checkout line, I heard the part about not giving up. Oh my talk about signs……

Earlier I promised cards for the week and here we are at that point as I go I look up and it’s 3:33 pm EST. <3

Oh my word, you cannot make this stuff up! FOUR Earth Cards and the wonderful Archangel Haniel for this week’s reading.

We have a lot of patience being called for in some ways. We have “Beginner’s Mind” and learning for our first card. The Eight of Earth, our first card, was a jumper… Still, there’s more to learn and even if one is an expert in their career or work choice, now is the time to start studying again, refresh your knowledge and things are working in your favour <3

Archangel Haniel – “The High Priestess” – Pay attention to how you feel because there lies the answers. It’s time to learn again and before going into motion with things, talk to your Guides and Angels at every point.

Five of Earth – Kick pessimism and focusing on lack to the curb! Move into a better mindset so that the energies are more able to come forward quicker. Things are working out but turn your focus on what you DO want and not what you fear you don’t have!

Knight of Earth – I’m going to go with as it says, getting things done. Renew your motivation and get moving on things. Talk to your Guardian Angels more. Allow for the Increase on financial and other points to happen.

Ace of Earth – Oh wow, prosperity’s foundations are laid out and set. It’s possible you will receive important documents or contracts, or paperwork for good moves. Keep flowing with improving health, other wonderful improvements too!

Oh you cannot make this stuff up with the cards flowing out like this.

Calling all Angels indeed.

I needed a sign in the store. There are times my heart needs a boost too. I’m human we all could use a boost from time to time.

The Angels really came through with one here, talk about Calling All Angels <3

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Happy Intuitive Tools Tuesday - Shield (your energy) and Shine (some good energy) for the Holidays



During the Holidays it’s often difficult for sensitives and especially empaths. Why is it that way? Well have you ever been to an area and felt Love, Joy, Peace or an area that feels heavy, rough, sad? That’s your clairsentience or empathy working for you!

Let's add people worried on more levels than we want to think about but need to perk our cranial cavities on for a bit.

The overwhelm many empaths feel during the holidays is NOT theirs, but every point of surroundings. Stores are loaded. Parents in disaster zones feel bereft because they are surviving day to day let alone for High Holy Days. People are upset by prices. There's more too and we know it.

Just like a wool coat picks up fur through static electricity, so does and unprepared intuitive person pick up others emotional stuff. Even from far away if it is a loved one.

How do you plan to take care of your own energy this year? Perk on that for a while and then make your Energy Plan for the Season!

I have a little secret to share with you........

You know it but maybe you haven't really thought about it.......

You send energy as well as receive it.....

Let one of those points be to radiate good vibes instead of taking up so much from others. The more we radiate the good, loving and happy energy, the more we can shift the energy around us. So why not use this super wonderful part to send more PEACE as often as we can….

starting now

Let's keep that going for a while

Can't hurt, It WILL help ❤

Believe me, I know how hard it can be to do this. I’ve had very rough years whereby I was alone, cold, internally lost and more. Just start a little bit at a time. No one is asking you to be “The Great Christmas Glow Worm” (yes you read that right because for some reason my daughters’ glow worms from Christmas years ago popped into my head!). Find a little way to start, push yourself a little bit.

We all have had difficulties in this life.

One of the points that can help you with your daily feelings and more is shielding or energy self care. You do yourself the best of favours in finding yourself a few different ways that work for you. This way you can change them up if you feel the desire for change in a consistent practice.

There’s not time like the present to start because the presence of some of the energies are a bit much right about now. It will become more so as the Holidays come together this year. This year the height of the holidays come together and therefore the energies will be more. We also have two new moons in December and as Mercury Rx goes direct on the same day as the Full Moon. Wonderful but intense energies as we go through the month you see.

Keep the shielding up. Research what works for you. Shine with a big of peaceful cheer whenever you can and things can work a bit more Magic <3

Monday, December 2, 2024

HAPPY MAGICAL Monday and More



Sometimes life knocks us more than a few times. We start to close ourselves off to the wonders of life. I know that I personally have done this. The survival mode after going through a lot of rough stuff. Many of us have this happen.

This time of year is truly Magical. The High Holy Days are upon us and this Magic we can invite into our lives and join with the ribbons of Joy.

Time to Be Open to the Good and Wonderful Magic around <3 <3

Just as a quick caveat, please be careful with whom you share your magic. Scrooge and Grinch can be hiding out in the most unlikely of people. Just be aware that it IS NOT YOU, but the Cranky Twins that may be visiting those whom you care for. It is Mercury after all and communications can go snafu really quickly.

That being said literally open yourself to the Wonderful Magic of The Season.

You can stand in your bedroom and spread out your arms with a Magical Affirmation. You can take a moment as you leave for work and do the same thing. You can sit at a stop light and let the red and green remind you of Christmas Magic lurking in the most interesting places, including yourself.

One of my favourite Christmas songs is “Santa Baby” by the late and wonderful, Eartha Kitt. It was one of the first Christmas songs I sang along with when Michael and I met. One year I said to him (after he’d crossed) “You know I’ve not heard that song all season!” as I was about to drive home. Not two minutes later, ‘Santa Baby’ by Eartha Kitt was playing on my radio. Oh my!

Magical things can happen this time of year just as much at other times. This time of year though, with the condensing of so many High Holy Days (what we call holidays now) where so many hearts are a bit more open usually, we feel it more. As a collective, we tend to feel it a bit more.

I’ll tell you a little something. A couple of years ago my dear friends gifted me with a phonograph player. I’ve not really used it much in the three years I’ve had it. The pain I’d had from years of losses was not letting me listen to my records. A while back I decided that it’s time to celebrate more and honour that way. This year I’ve put my phonograph player in pride of place rather than on the shelf. I’ve made sure to place the speakers more prominently too. The Christmas records are about to come out for the first time in a decade. I’m so, so happy I can play these now.

The other things about the Magic are do what wonderful things make you happy. If you love playing your guitar, piano or even tuba with Christmas songs, as long as you’re not disturbing others, play on! If you want to hear something repeatedly, well, that’s what the web can do. If you want to donate an hour or two somewhere in a hospital or nursing home, Do that.

Remember the Magic can start with us <3

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Happy Soulful and Selfcare Sunday!!!



This is a big priority for us during the holidays and especially after a tumultuous November. Not just here in the states but world wide there has been much afoot.

This is a huge reason for starting with this New Moon Sunday a bit more self care.

Most of us have some sort of family things happening. That can and usually does bring us some kind of stresses. Then there’s the Holidays and their preparations. Kids in school, Finals, parties, Christmas holidays off, and even potential graduations. That’s just to name a few. I didn’t even get into the foods. OMGosh the foods.

So we can see where a bit of personal TLC is the highlight for today.

This is the time that could really help you into the new year because with work and family gatherings, clearing your energy is paramount. Think about it this way. What would happen if everyone at a family gathering didn’t take off their coat but ADDED extra coats, scarves and hats. It would be pretty weird and overwhelming right? Well, that’s kind of what we more sensitive folks do when we are at gatherings this time of year. We take a little of Dad’s and Uncle Joe’s stuff, then Mom, Sis and Aunt Marge’s cray cray energies…. And we go home feeling like we need a 3 month nap…. I don’t wonder why because I know it’s the energies around you.

Anyone out there who is a bit empathic (clairsentient) is going to pick up stuff and we empaths are the mediators of that stuff. BUT we are not supposed to keep it. It’s not ours, we can shed it and off it can go. Here’s what I mean.

Let’s just say your brother and you aren’t seeing things on the same page. You both get irritated, but YOU feel like it’s something you’re holding onto even after apologies are made. Empaths will hold onto that shit like it’s a prize at the lotto. We’re built in cleaners even if we don’t know why, how or what about it. It’s how we are built.

So we CLEAR our energy and our homes energy often this time of year. Sometimes emotional residue persists like critter fur on a wool coat. You get a lovely black or grey coat wool coat out and what do you find 30 minutes later. The critter fur has basted itself to your coat as if you have gone through a furry dust storm without even leaving the house. Of course in my home fur is called Critter Glitter. However you want to get rid of that emotional residue so find ways that are easy and simple for you to do it before you get in the car, on the train or whatever before you get home.

This is something I need to remind myself of and as I type I’m REALLY grateful I’m not working retail this year! The last couple of years I’ve worked retail in an art center mostly on weekends. Now, no need to come home on Saturday afternoons feeling like I need a 3 hour nap! THAT TIRED FEELING is other people’s “emotional fluff” attaching to your aura!

No matter what parties, work situations or familial gatherings, your energy picks up other energies and needs a good cleaning. It can be great fun and you still need a bit of TLC for yourself in clearing your energy.

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Grief, Signs and Holiday Celebrations Just a Few Notes


As you go about your holidays here in the states, remember they are going to be with you. Signs can be everywhere and any thing!!!!!

The very first year without my Dad there, the year after he passed, was very tumultuous. If there were signs (other than his wonderful dream visitation) I cannot remember. The rawness of someone’s passing can keep us from being able to see, feel, sense, or hear their signs to us.

Thanksgiving Day here in the states and for those expats who celebrate abroad may be a difficult holiday for you. It may also be a way to celebrate the Loving Person no longer able to be at anyone’s talbe. We do our best to face it during the holidays, but it's never ever easy.

If you are facing grief from the loss of a loved one, the loss of home or job, it's OK to feel how you are feeling at any given moment.

Sometimes we find the ways to remember them with jokes and laughter. Sometimes it’s fond memories of the silly and hilarious times.

From readings I’ve heard Other Side Members tell me of many things. One lady told me of her forgetting to turn on the oven for their dinner. She said “The Bird was Late that year!” with laughter. Then there was the time an aunt told of how she showed up unexpectedly and being a bit on the cranky side was amazed at how good the food was. That’s when she apologized to her nephew’s wife, the sitter. Then there was the time that this lady’s dad was the joker of the family and especially at the table!
There are a lot of ways we can remember our friends, family and furry loved ones – most especially at the holidays.

It’s also time where we could use a little extra patience. Not everyone grieves the same way and it can be hard on us if it appears others aren't feeling the loss too. One key is to acknowledge that you're going to feel and grieve your way and someone else will do the same their way.

I remember after Daddy died my mother’s relations, especially the female ones took to getting things decorated and more for the Christmas time. While I was so surprised, it also made me a little mad too. Uncle, I’m sure by direction of Aunt Eva, gave us a huge tree for the living room. Dad’s had been a smaller tree for a table so that we had more room. Little finishing touches women in that part of the family did and I felt so out of sorts. I know they did it largely for me, however, I was mostly feeling so blank and just going through the motions of things.

It’s OK if you feel that way too.

When my Michael died, I had decorated the tree and put it in the lounge area of our home. He’d crossed over roughly a week before Christmas. The almost 12 months of anticipatory grief had helped me with working through much that came to pass. The snows were heavier that year (and in East Tennessee snow means no go) so my daughters and I talked on the phone and stayed snugged at our respective homes. I made myself and my fur babies a wonderful meal and rested. After nearly a year of being a sole care giver, I needed it too!

It's OK to accept an invitation for a meal and if you don't feel like it, that's OK too. If you need space to work with or not work with things, that’s fine.

Know that you need to take care of you mind, body and spirit if you are going through this most difficult of times in your life

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Holiday Signs from our Loved ones!



Weirding is an old world term for Magical and I wanted the alliteration for today, Wednesday. Sadly the Thesaurus I use had weirding and magical almost at the very end under the term Religious. How quickly things have changed as this book was printed before zip codes were in line, I will give it its due for the era it was printed.

Magical – Weirding Wednesday it is <3

The Magical Wonderful ways our Loved Ones in Spirit communicate to us during Holidays <3

They can and do try to get through so often during our earthly celebrations. During readings I’ve often heard of their antics to get your attention.

Things like:

Having their favourite song(s) play on every station you tune to…

Little things of theirs showing up in drawers you open for holiday times….

One of my favourites was a lady on the other side upset they wouldn’t use her good china bowl so she made sure the other one was dirty for the table “somehow” it wouldn’t come out!

The thing to remember with signs is they are there most of the time as just a little "Hello from Heaven." They aren't meant to scare you or concern you on anything.

They just want let you know they are celebrating TOO!

Our Loved Ones on the other side really do just want to say “I love you too!” as the holidays come around!
If you have a sign that is a little surprising or even upsetting, just take a moment and BREATHE.

A really good example of this kind of sign is someone knowing that they put a particular family holiday piece in one drawer and without anyone else being around subsequently found it when they were trying to set the table. That’s a little freaky I will admit. But you can have things pop up from time to time with their help.

That would and has made me feel like I was kind of on a “Candid Camera” episode but hey, they do make things interesting.

Monday, November 25, 2024




Today and this week will be starters for how our loved ones who have crossed over are during the holidays.

First however I would like to say that today starts the fullness of Mercury Rx. For those of you on this page, look for family issues to be coming on full tilt. Just in time for those here in the states to have Thanksgiving! You can’t make this stuff up folks!

Thankfully just ten days before Christmas Mercury goes direct. We just have a little shadow energy to deal with from there. That will last until almost the new year.

This morning early on I had a bit of a weepy icky time because of holidays, family and my feelings on a few matters. You may experience some things like this too. Again, you can’t make this stuff up. Thankfully Mercury shows us what we need to work on and clear as best we can each and every time.

One of the wonderful things about those Holiday Times is that although we feel the loss of their physical being so very much, often they are being hilarious from the other side.

A few examples are:

Making all the lights on just one side of the tree not light up

hiding their favourite recipe just after you've found it (had that happen!)

Their photo keeps tilting one way or the other no matter how many times you tilt it back

Their favourite song plays over, and over, and over again no matter what station you go to!

Today and these coming weeks I too will be focusing on signs from my loved ones. Even though I’m a medium that doesn’t mean I’m having a conversation with my family as if they were here right with me still. It’s easier for them in signs and synchronicities I know. This is often how it works for me too.

Recently I turned 60 and as the baby of the family, having all my sibs on the other side makes things a bit more interesting and difficult at times. We weren’t close knit, however those calls every few months were a wonderful staple for me the years that I had them. One brother and I had recently been reunited before his passing. To this day I’m so very grateful for that.