Saturday, February 15, 2025




Saturdays are a time we can set a part of it aside for ourselves. For the self, for the soul in many ways. We have to take the time for us. WE have to take that time because we need to claim that energy time.

Now is the time where it is so vitally important for us to top up our personal tank. This week I even saw a prayer put together to help with our viewing news items. It’s not a bad idea at the moment.

Prayer – as many of you know I post a prayer call almost every single night. Stay in a state of prayerful envisaging for the best to come through. Send yourself prayer energy as well as those you love because you have to fill your cup before you can fill everyone else’s! You do not have to take a lot of time for this and you can do so quietly from any where and at any time.

Fill your inner cup.

Feed Your SOUL with good books of your choosing.

Feed your energy (self and soul) with good music.

Fill yourself with Prayer.

Fill yourself with cleaning and clearing things so that feeling of “Crap I’ve got to do this (whatever this is) and I don’t have time to…..” Having that kind of thing drains you.

Take a freaking nap. Too often we work from almost no energy and take awful drinks to coffee mid day only to wonder why we don’t feel sleepy at the right times. Babies nap, little children nap, cats, dogs and most other creatures know a good nap can do wonders. Countries other than the US have nothing against a good kip.

Years ago I had a talk with a friend about our inner beliefs. She, like myself, was brought up on strong New England work ethics. Old fashioned bust your butt until you drop kind of thinking. It’s great until your butt busts and you’re sick from being chronically tired. She’s now crossed over as have her family so I don’t feel anything amiss to relaying parts of our conversations.

We discussed how hard it was as women to make ends meet and that was another inner push for women our age. She remarked on how that inner drive along with the work ethic points felt like something that wasn’t really achievable without a mental meltdown at times. We shared stories of exhaustion and frustrations on the work side of life. We agreed that changes for self and soul were needed. Sadly she didn’t make many changes and passed a few years ago of cancer.

Body and Soul are DEEPLY connected my dears. Take the flippin’ nap! Even Flowers rest and bloom in their own time!

Do things you love to do so that you feed your self and soul. If you love to read, and haven’t in a while, take 30 minutes to read something you like. If you love to paint and haven’t then TAKE the time to paint. Do you dance or sing? Then find time to start up again. Playing instruments are the same, it’s taking you into a more connecting realm when you do! This is soul boosting too.

One BIG point is to really listen and DO what your intuition is telling you. That intuition may help you to recharge faster and better ;)

To summarize:

Rest when you can if you need to rest.

Feed Your SOUL with good books of your choosing.

Feed your energy (self and soul) with good music.

Fill yourself with Prayer.

Fill yourself with cleaning and clearing things.

Do things you LOVE to do

Tonight’s Prayer Call Prayer

The times we’re in now are chaotic at best. What helps to calm the chaos? Prayer, heart felt good old prayer. When Prayer comes from a place of Loving Compassion it is stronger than we at first realize, unless we’ve experience its Miracles. Prayer Power really does exist.  It makes no difference how you do your prayers other than Positive Visualization and Caring Loving Energy.  Prayers to help the mothers and fathers, children and all who are in need now.

Thursday, February 13, 2025




Oh whilst so many focus on their potential or actual sweethearts, many think of their loved ones on the other side. This week’s writings and some really funny events have gotten me from a bit nostalgic to laughing out right.

Here’s one of the laughing ones. I’m writing about all these things of the heart and our loved ones this week. Well, the other day I go to make myself some buttermilk pancakes from scratch. This for me is not an easy task because it is just me. Reducing a recipe meant for a small army can be tricky and there lies my difficulty. How do you get a ¼ or ½ an egg? So I juggled the recipe and voila a pancake. I’m doing all the things I can do while waiting for my first flip of said pancake and doing a tidy up. It’s time to flip the pancake and what do I get? The timing was right so it’s not scrambled pancakes ala Ada! It’s a heart. A heart shaped pancake. I wasn’t trying for this, I wasn’t working to have a bit of fun like this, but it happened!

Yesterday after finishing writing and going through emails, I did a tidy up on some things that really needed it. As I cleaned off my dresser, two heart earrings in a little clear pouch appeared behind my jewelry box. Heart earrings that I had completely forgotten about.

The other weird part is I cleaned back there and the top of my dresser around Christmas time. No one has been in my place but me and the fur babies. I don’t think they went shopping for me and what did they use for currency? Catnip? Mice? They can’t drive and don’t get out so did they employ Spirit Folks for an assist on this one? May be!

The big reason for cleaning off my dresser was because one of the fur kids jumped up there and my jewelry box landed on the floor. Thankfully it’s a travel kind of case/box but the jewelry in the box needed tidying and the top of the dresser more than needed a tidying. Having fallen off the dresser it needed a lot of TLC to get things sorted again. Inside the jewelry box, silver and diamond earrings – hearts of course – that I had forgotten were in there. LOL!

Interestingly, two pair earrings I know were in there, now only have one of each in the box. Interesting….

Tuesday, February 11, 2025




Often I say that you are your best and biggest intuitive tool. Which you are.

Another thing that I often hear in sessions or from friends is “Please tell him/her I love them and miss them.” My reply is usually something along the lines of “You just did.”

YOU can talk to your loved one in Spirit any time and every time you wish. It really is that simple.

They understand the Love you send this way <3

If you feel or think you get a response, trust that feeling. The hard part for us here is believing that this can and does happen.

We think and talk to them and they think of us. The communication doesn’t really stop, it just changes form.

My Dad is great at giving me a tune in my head to cheer me up. He knows what songs and then some.

Did you hear a tune on the radio or web that was from your life with them? That’s them saying hello!

Over the years, several times I’ve been asked “Well why don’t they show up in front of us if they can?” My answer is usually “Do you want to join them?”

It’s a lot easier to just realize you get to keep them around the house and talk to them all you want.

Then there’s the ones who LOVE to play with your stuff. I’ve lived in haunted houses where there were pranks with mine and my girls’ things.

Then again, there are times our own loved ones LOVE to play with our stuff..….

Besides like one friendly fellow said to me and his wife during a reading “It’s so much fun to mess with her stuff from this side than it was in life!” We were on Skype for the session and she put her hand over her face. She did this to hide her irritation and laugh at the same time. All those months he’d been the one hiding her keys, or moving her makeup in the drawer, or putting things in the wrong place. She thought she was going around the bend. No, it was just her hubby playing with her!

She then said to me (and him) “I’d kill him if he weren’t already dead!”

He then asked me to stick my tongue out at her because that was the image of him that he wanted her to remember!

We were all laughing as this reading got funnier and funnier.

Sometimes we don’t get what we think we wanted but we get what we need in a reading. There was a lady I was reading for one day that wanted to speak to only one person. She was certain it was only one and that’s when I came up with the saying “This ain’t 1-800-dialthedead and Grandma’s not on line 423. She laughed and it took her to a relaxing point.

The thing is she was afraid it was her exhusband who would come through and hurt her feelings as he had done in life. Instead of hurting her, he apologized to her. He explained his PTSD and more from his youth she never fully knew. He then went on to making her laugh with all the things he had followed her doing since he’d passed on. He was hoping to get her to someone who could do readings. He then let go of the “stage” as he called it and she was able to hear from a few other folks. She said that wasn’t the way she wanted it at the beginning but she felt better than she thought she would after our session. The lovely thing for me was we ended with smiles and lighter feelings.

Monday, February 10, 2025




Say that 3 times fast! LOL!

This time of year is often on my mind because of how simple yet grand love and loving connections can be. Without Love ADC connections would really be made.

This week is often thought of as the week of “Love” of the romantic kind with all its trappings in any store. Unfortunately, for many it’s a reminder of a dear one on the other side.

Watch for extra signs this time of the year. Holidays- any holiday- our Spirit Folks look out for us a bit more with signs and synchronicities to help us through.

These aren’t necessarily the “lovey dovey” kinds of signs. These can be just more of your usual signs or even something different.

It was almost Valentine’s day 15 years ago after Michael passed. I was going through the office papers (boxes, and boxes and boxes of papers) from all over the world he’d left stuff. I was keeping myself busy tidying up the house and changing things from “ours” to “mine” as it were. I was moving the downstairs office things around. His desk was now gone and mine remained placed almost in the center of the room. There was a box things left from years of having children in the house. It contained all sorts of glue, pencils, crayons, colored paper and more. That’s when I came across a series of stickers from ages back with kids stuff that said “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” I just stared at it for the longest time.

Michael rarely said I was lovely, looked beautiful or any kind of compliment. He was English to the hilt and had been raised by older Edwardian parents. Therefore he was usually very reserved. His usual saying was just what those stickers said!

These stickers and things were in the middle of the kids stuff. He never would have gone in there in life for something like that. But there it was, in my hands, from the middle of the pile and it was my first real sign of him after his passing.  It took me so much by surprise that I actually framed it with an old frame that was in the closet!  It sat on my desk for quite a while. 

It was the most robust sign I received I will say that. It is to this day. Now I receive things like his birthday or a funny saying I’m familiar with him saying. They are there though you just have to be aware of them.

My Dad and Mom give me signs too. Roses most especially. There have been carnations and other flowers too but usually it’s roses. I hope they send me something like that this year in pictures or similar. I do miss them. There’s another point.

They miss us too. Although they can see and hear us through the years, for both sides of this it’s not the same as when we’re all here on the earth plane. Know that they love you and that is how all of the communication is done, through love.

Signs from our loved ones can be just about anything. Just be open to receive them.

Sunday, February 9, 2025



We’re living in times that are more difficult for those of us who are intuitively sensitive. They’re difficult on most, but for those of us sensitives it’s on the rough side. We CANNOT climb into a limbo or go into our caves for long. WE do have to recharge and renew for ourselves and those we love.

This isn’t time for airy fairy puffle fluff, no, it’s time for self care. It’s time for us being present in prayer, in action and with gonadal fortitude.

This is part of what Light workers are being called to do.

None the less it is also time for self care on high. It’s also time to take time to forgive yourself when you need an extra break. We need to make sure we charge our batteries and keep ourselves on the lighter side.

I know because I’ve been crankier this last week more than I have been since ESP+PMS was a monthly thing. It’s the energies for the most part.

Most of us won’t have a lot of extra to give unless we take time to recharge.

Unfortunately the weather in much of us in the northern hemisphere isn’t conducive to a lovely walk about at the moment. There are other things we can do to allow ourselves that feeling. One of them is visualization and we can add music to that with bird and animal background sounds.

Rest your body and mind as much as possible when you can. Believe me I understand that there are times it’s not easy to do this. Children, family and work can all play a roll in this. Most of all our beliefs that we don’t deserve a rest or we have to push through. Good grief the crap we’re taught to believe as we grow.

Yes, there are times you have to work through things.

There are however times when you can just let yourself rest too!

This is not the time for ignoring your aches and agues to keep pouring from an emptying vessel. You need to be recharging and often in this world as it is now. You are needed for prayers and more during difficult times. Others may need help in any number of ways and we each have our specialty for helping. Some of us can work in the area, others can fund projects, some of us can spend more time in prayer or meditation to listen and guide. We each have our own ways and we need to charge up in order to help in the ways we can help.

In addition to resting we need to think about what DRAWS our energy from us. Did you know that items in our homes or offices can drain us? Did you know it can keep us from recharging ourselves?

Is there an area of your home or office that drains you? Does it need something done, cleaning, fixed or energy cleared out? Or all of the above?

Start with a small plan and start on it, even if it’s just an hour whenever you can. There will be areas (if the energy is left undisturbed for long) that can make you feel so very tired once you finally do tackle that space!

Do you have something that you don’t like but feel guilty for removing it from your space?

Give it to someone you know that could use it OR a charity you know it will find a good home.

Ok so I know a few ladies in particular, but there’s a couple of men too of my acquaintance that are keeping things just because it was their grandparents’ or it was a relation and the energy from the items literally SUCK energy.

There is a couple I know with something of this nature. One picture (it measures 4 feet by 3 ½ feet – over a meter in size!) visible from most of the main living area of the house that shows all the follies of literally for going to hell. Even the title is something along the lines of “The Railroad of choices from Earth to Hell” --- Old time puritanical religious fear mongering shite. For my European and other followers, yes, this stuff can still be found in some homes. It was his grandparents’ picture and he never liked them! They keep it up because of this belief that they have to keep for “sentimental reasons.” They wonder why they’re always tired and that room is a disaster zone mess.

The negative connotations of that picture – and it lists things A to Zed on it! - is enough to drain someone. The junk of the room is a subconscious (soul attempt) to keep a distance from that image.

Get rid of things that drain your energy!

Listen to pleasant fun things. If you like a certain kind of music and haven’t had a chance to listen to it, do it! A little while ago I realized it was a long time, years, since I listened to some of the music genres and artists I love listening to and now have music on more often. If you don’t own the music, it’s probably on the internet for free somewhere. Just yesterday I found an old Pearl Bailey song that still makes me laugh!

The main goal is raising our energy. In times like this it is VITAL that we do some things to help us be able to work with what is coming to and through us. Remember the card the other day of “Follow your Bliss?” Keeping our energy up, as that jumper card suggests is vital for us. I’m not surprised it showed up when it did with all things concerned. Start putting more bliss in your day and week <3 We need it now more than ever <3  


Friday, February 7, 2025



Let’s start this morning with a couple of cards. As I was praying and shuffling (hey I CAN do two things at a time ;) ) These two dropped out and onto my desktop. We’ll go over their meanings this morning but for now, think & feel what these two mean for you personally! Make some notes for yourself as to your first impressions. Help YOUR intuition this way <3

The Magic of the Phenomenon with cards and all intuitive tools is beyond one simple day to learn and work with, let alone explain.

One of my favourite sayings is “God Works in some weird and wonderful ways!” Granted, this is a modernization of the saying “God Works in strange and mysterious ways!” Never the less, for me and many others, it’s true. Pulling what seems to be the right cards is just one itty bitty tiny example of the Magical Phenomenons around our world.

These two cards “Stepping into Silence” and “Flying Free” are here to help us on several points.

For many of us, “Stepping into Silence” and staying there is what we feel we want to do so desperately. In reality, this is a place for us to listen, gain wisdom then being able to act in positive manners. We can go into the depths of stillness by walking, sitting with our breath as our guide, watching the sun or moon rising or with a recording and Guidance to the quiet space we all can go.

This is the time to do just this. Go into that blissful solitude, turn everything off and just be. From there we will know what is needed.

How wonderful for this card to follow our first. “Flying Free” if we have followed the first card, will allow us to ‘dance free’ where we need to release the inner limitations we’ve been given. Go onto the adventure in life your heart and soul has been calling for you to do. Dance, Sing, Paint, or whatever your soul has been nagging and calling you to do.

You have found the points in your silent retreats, now go through and to them with joy Moving forward. You release yourself to fly free <3  


Wednesday, February 5, 2025



This month is the month of Love. The Love we’re talking about most is the kind that makes what Mediums around the world able to do what we do. It is the caring compassionate love in those that have crossed over or will some day. That is truly the Magic to discuss today.

This is the kind of Magic that inspires Prayer (another form of Magic if you will) that helps to do so many things. There isn’t enough space on this, or any format, to write on how prayer encompasses facets of our lives here. Prayer IS a form of Love <3

This is something I know from personal experiences as well as listening to others over the decades.

This year is 15 years since my days of waiting in the ICU for word of what was then befalling my late Michael. Everything with his illness had come on so very quickly. He had always prided himself on his health and indeed until the last few months before that December day he looked and acted so healthy. Unfortunately there was a true monster waiting in the works as they say.

There I stood at the foot of his bed watching the monitor to the right of the bed. The tubes and IV’s with small bags of 3 very potent anti-biotics dripping from each one. He had a Catheter in his bladder but there was no fluid coming trough….his kidneys had shut down.

His energy was still with his body but the colour I could see was grey. His skin colour was pale, but my intuitive sight saw grey. Not a good sign by anyone’s definition.

This was a time where I called in ALL Angels of God as well as a few Arch Angels. That’s when I saw two Arch Angels behind his bed. There was no space really between the wall and bed. Those big hulking Arch Angels were there though and Michael made it through surgery and post op. He had all total 355 more days to added to his calendar from ER to crossing over.

When I was very small I contracted whooping cough which later led to what I suspect (I was never told officially by parents or our doctor) was pneumonia. One day while watching church on the TV because the weather that January was horribly bitter in our New Hampshire town, Momma sat next to my chair and started praying. In those brief moments, a loving charge of energy I felt cross from my mother’s hands to my arm and through my body. The very next day I started feeling much better. That energy was so strong and so loving and I can remember it to this day over 50 years later.

My Daddy died in my hands nearly 50 years ago. For many minutes I worked (CPR) to keep him alive. Long story very short….Even though that morning was cold and almost 2 feet of fresh snow lay on the ground under us as I worked, it was not until his soul left his body I felt a “wind” go through me that was not wind. The love I felt as he left this world for the next was beyond our one word for love. This is another “love” I was blessed to feel as I felt him go.

We are blessed in this world/dimension with many forms of Love. Love from Romantic all the way through to eventually, I feel and believe, the wonderful love I’ve felt from Dad’s passing and a few others. Looking at each of my wonderful children was a form of love, keeping them after their teen years is definitely a form of LOVE, LOL!   

There are times when I feel flowers about to bloom and how beautiful that feeling is too. Feeling plants as they leaf has a joy beyond words.

Fur and Feathered people (I feel they are soulful intelligent beings) give such amazing love too. There are times looking into the eyes of one of my fur kids or feeling them is amazing. The love is so true and flows so wonderfully.

Love is the Magic that holds all this together. Loving Compassion brings us together when hurricanes happen as well as earthquakes, typhoons, floods, fires and more. Ultimately it’s what saved hundreds of thousands of people in WWII with people hiding Jews, Romani, and striving to make the world better again through the underground.

Love is the Magical Binding Force….


Tuesday, February 4, 2025




Last night I couldn’t resist showing you all the first card of this week’s cards. MAGIC and hours earlier I’d decided on Magical for our Monday!

You cannot make this stuff up!

This is the set of our regular pull cards. We do have a jumper which I’ll show you later on today.

Cards are just tools. Accordingly WE are also tools in many ways. Our most important tool is our self. Our Body, Mind and Soul working together listening to the hints of that Divine connection, our intuition <3

Let’s go with the cards today for a while <3

These cards are so uplifting to me. Several times over the last couple of weeks I’ve had to put cards down because I was picking up on things shall we say. If you too are agitated and picking up too much of the impending fracas then by all means clear out your energy and make sure you clear your cards before you pull any. RESHUFFLE if you have had any irritation or angst (LOL who hasn’t?????) lately.

The first card – “Believing in Magic” – Oooooh when I read the book I do laugh a little because yesterday when I was looking for some art supplies in a store nearby there were all kinds of reduced from holiday shopping signs of basically “have faith not fear.” That is basically what the book is saying regarding this card. BELIEVE in the magic. Have faith, instead of fear, that the Creator Energies are beyond our wildest dreams. We need to keep aware of the signs and more that the Creator is sending us. Angels are definitely watching over us <3 One of the things we need to ask ourselves is how can we access even more of the magic within??

Have faith and we’re going to hold onto that sentiment. Calling ALL Angels <3

The Second Card – “Embarking on Adventure” - When I first really looked at this I thought kind of sarcastically “Oh are we ever!” Then I got myself a bit more together and turned my sarcasm dial down to about a 1 on the sarcasm-o-matic… This card is reminding us to step out of our comfort zones and look for the positive new things in our lives. Instead of “Same stuff different day” try doing things in a newer way. We can’t see new things and enjoy new things unless we’re getting off of our regular seats and moving forward.

This can be for anything. We don’t have to plan a world vacation to have a little experiential change on the positive sides.

In other words, we need to shake our habits out a bit and get moving into what may be an amazing adventure <3

The last regular pull card for this time – “Healing the Past”- “I step into my future with strength and clarity”

Reading the book this gives me such a profound feeling for healing that it speaks about. To move forward also means to heal, step by step. From this or past lives we heal step by step. I know that we can do so much more easily than we believe at times. Being open and asking ourselves questions such as “How can I allow this to heal more easily?” “What can I do to make this heal easier?” Angels can also do far more given our permission as their chance to help us in clearing and working through our own “stuff” as it were.

We don’t want to take those suitcases filled with yesterday’s aches and agues so healing is our best way to have a lighter and brighter future. <3

Our Jumper Card – “Following Your Bliss” – “My soul sings with Joy” – Although this is a pretty self evident card for meaning, it’s something many of us neglect – following what makes us happy. When my 3 daughters were growing up I didn’t push them into professions or roles that I felt they would be go in. Instead I simply said to them, find what you love to do and don’t worry about the money, it will come to you! This I said as I was busting my backside cleaning swimming pools and repairing the same as well as odd jobs to keep food on the table of four plus. It’s not been until the kids left home that I started thinking of doing things I enjoy. Even now it is sometimes duty over whatever else. Ah those old habits. For you it may well be the same.

This card is reminding us to have fun, enjoy, do things we love. Enjoy them while we are on this side of life.

Ask yourself important questions like “Is this fun for me and my soul?” “Do I really enjoy this?”

Do what you love and love what you do! <3

Monday, February 3, 2025




Remember you still have power and that power is LOVE. This month we’re starting with today discussing Love. Love not necessarily in the coupling and relationship love, but that too.

What does love have to do with it? - Everything, but it’s not the romantic love most of us first think of when the word is mentioned. While that romantic kind of love is important there are other forms of love helping the world go around.

This love, the Compassionate Energy that is without judgment or malice is what really make things tick in our world. Look at all the disasters and how people band together. That kind of love is ever so important. Recently I heard in an interview out in LA fire areas a reporter saying how they didn’t want to go back to the other news to work because the fact that people were helping people was so soothing and refreshing as this is what life really is about.

In many faiths around the world their texts ask the followers to pray for those enemies and more because those faiths ultimately show a way for a higher energy for ourselves and others. Yes, there has been a lot of muddying of the waters, however, those points are there for bringing everyones’ energy up. We’re needing to recognize the massive need for our shifting energies into a higher and brighter mode, for all our sake.

Often I’m asked how do I do Mediumship. The biggest reason how I can do this is because those on the other side still have massive amounts of love for those of us here on this earthly plane. I can make a joke about a lot of thing, but not how their love for those here makes what I and many others do actually happen.

Love is the glue my dears and we need to keep that Love and Loving Compassion going <3

Saturday, February 1, 2025



There are days that I need to take a break from keyboard and more. Today has been one of those days for the most part.

Events are a concern for many of us and I needed the day for recharging my “batteries.” I hope you too have taken or will take time for a bit of a recharge.

Keeping our energy in good shape is going to be paramount over the coming days, weeks and more. Remember as so many have said from Carolyn Myss, Ph.D. to Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., our Biography BECOMES our Biology. In other words our emotional issues get lodged in our tissues IF we aren’t taking good care of ourselves. I feel the freaking frustrations on so many points just as many of you do. However, I too must clear them out of my system as I’m feeling the effects of events and things happening.

Keep your issues out of your tissues by doing other things. Keep clearing your energy. Have fun finding things to laugh and get good feelings from.