Sunday, March 9, 2025

HAPPY SOUL CARE SUNDAY!!!! Help with this week's energy and you!



Today we’re going to ease into the day. Stateside this is the first of the F’ing “Spring Ahead” and some of us our springs don’t jump that fast any more!

Fortunately I still have the good old fashioned clocks that don’t just pickup the time like a giant hiccup! My old fashioned apple clock above my desk let’s me know this is really an hour earlier. I’m remembering that older tune “Time keeps on slippin’….” by the Steve Miller Band. We get to ride with it …. fly like that eagle…

Relax we’re going to take it good and slow today.

We’re going to ease into today, and as much as we can the rest of this week. The reason is really clear, there’s a LOT of harsh, heavy and difficult energy that we are dealing with currently. It truly IS a global phenomenon. The dominoes are in action and falling as I type this.

Add to that energy a Lunar Eclipse, Mercury Rx, Venus Rx, a truly beautiful Full Moon on March 14th. The energy uptick is happening even now. We’re going to face this well.

Some of the interesting points for me so far have been:

Vivid dreaming, in colour, full on and very much a review of things to let go of in life!

Organization for the day going out the f’ing window, LOL,

A few glitches in documents being saved

Emotional Energy waves better than surfing at Maui waves...oy

Having to redo important work things over, and over, and over (it was water related too!)

Take things slowly for the next week is the best I can tell you. It’s going to be out of sorts at times. What we’re feeling and seeing on a global level is an upheaval of exceptional proportions. It is NOT magically going to go away. We have to work with our own personal energy to help ourselves through it. Things are changing intensely and we’re going to have to ride most of this out.

****Just as a note to everyone. There are events in our lives that are so strongly imprinted on the fabric of space and time that to me it’s like the print of an old fashioned book, you can feel the typeset in the pages from its pressing. These times are like that. Had they not been I and many others wouldn’t have been able to sense their intensity albeit not the events themselves.

Please keep from berating yourself (known as beating yourself up!) over matters that are currently out of your control. Self care means care and talking badly to yourself helps no one.

Remember this is probably going to be an intense week and fast moving so please, please, please do take care of you from all facets. You will be grateful you did!

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