Saturday, August 31, 2024

What I Learned from My Angels as a Little One (more than the church service ;) )

 (This is my first blog entry in a long, long while.  Following along with my facebook post on signs, I felt this was a good "re-start" as we're still under Mercury Rx shadow.  Restarts are great starts!)


When did you first start seeing signs? Was there someone that passed who gave you a desire for signs? Did you have an experience that left you more open to signs?

When I was little my mother insisted on our going to church for midnight services that Christmas. I was a sick kiddo, again. New Hampshire isn’t a warm place in winter to say the least so my Dad was reluctant. He warmed the car (this is before car seats y’all!) and wrapped me up in an old woolen blanket, put me in the back seat...and off we went to our little Methodist church.

I will admit to being very tired and sick with tired equaled a very tired little me. I remember our greeting everyone in the foyer of the church. The pastor’s wife was playing the organ up front already. Dad found us a pew away from windows and doors and we sat down. I went to sleep….and more.

The next thing I know, I saw myself in Dad’s arms as I walked up the isle. The pastor was talking and music had stopped. Prayers were being said I guess. But I walked up and no one noticed me. Even at just 8 years old I knew that was weird. I kept feeling drawn to the foyer, now closed by the big double doors. I walked through them, pushing them open with ease it felt like. There were very bright people there in brilliantly white robes. I remember clearly to this day, over 50 years later, saying to me “Everything is going to be all right...” Their energy was so calm and loving. It was a similar loving feeling that I would have just 6 years later when Dad crossed over.

Naturally I told my parents and they didn’t believe me. My fever broke within hours and the illness was gone and I was up and playing not even a full day later.

When my mother told the pastor what had happened when I saw the Angels that night. He told her to tell me that I was hallucinating and not to tell other people. Basically the feelings I had from my Mom were to be quiet and be a good girl by doing so.

I write this because signs are something we are taught NOT to see in our culture. My story is a very happy one because well, I keep seeing and believing in signs. I’ve always paid attention even when adults didn’t want me to.

Copyright Ada M. Brown 2022 All rights reserved. 

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