Sunday, September 1, 2024

My Guides, Angels and the Snake in the Road....

 (Today on my FB page is Soul Care Sunday.  Many Sundays or weekend days I put reminders out for us to take care of ourselves.  As Spiritual people we often don't take care of ourselves nearly enough. ) 😜😇

Oh I hope you are doing at least a little SOUL Care today.

Last night I didn’t sleep well.

First, as I dozed off, there were two motorcyclists who’d probably by mistake came down my dead end road. The bikes and their riding outfits were definitely on the upper market range of things. As I looked out the window, they made me think of a movie scene with some sort of professional bikers from James Bond fame or similar. However, to me, at 10PM it’s not time fore a chat on “where do you want to go Charlie?” The revving made me get up turn on the side light outside and the front door light. I guess they got the hint because they bu….ered off.

Second, heavy storms from about 1 AM through to about 3 AM. Tiny cat Scamper needed extra cuddles and was protesting the storms fairly loudly. The big boys were cuddled with me or on their favourite spots. Tiny and I however hunkered down because that thunder did a lot of window rattling and floor trembling!

In the southern US heat brings storms to cool things down. Sometimes they rattle windows and trembling the ground a bit. It’s Nature’s way of a little clearing out and self care. I know sometimes we humans and animals too get caught in the bad storms. I’m not saying difficult stuff doesn’t happen, it’s just Nature’s way of balancing weather.

So for us (me and the fur kids) not the most peaceful of night’s sleeps.

Therefore, we’re having a bit more of a restful day than I’d planned. All too well I remember times where I’d just kept pushing myself only to having it not end as well as I’d hoped.

I’ve also had the Spirit World send me “red flags” when I was pushing myself too far. One time I remember vividly They used a bit of Nature and then some.

It was a super hot day and I was working my pool business near the year 2002. I had 2 business clients up near the mountains. That was a long trek AND I needed to get to my girls at school to pick them up on time. I was running late and just “pushing through it.”

Well, My Guides and Angels had me take a break I had NOT anticipated.

I finished in almost record time, but I was having to drive with the heat taking too much of a toll on me. My water cooler was way down to about a third and I just kept pushing...….. until. Until my Guides and Angels answered my prayer to get there “OK” in a whole different way than what I’d meant.

Not long after that prayer I saw the biggest black snake in the road about 20 feet in front of me. IT WAS THE LENGTH OF THE WIDTH OF THE ROAD! On some mountain roads they have little pull over/up areas and I took that one just to my right as fast as I could. Someone came zipping past me honking at me loudly. When I looked out for the snake fearing she’d be hit, she was gone! It had to have been 4 inches in diameter at least and a good 12 plus feet long! It was there one minute and gone the next. I stayed stopped for a long while, well over 20 minutes for me and the truck to cool off in the shade. I kept looking for that big King Snake the whole time. In this area of the country King snakes are usually black with white or green tummies. They are gorgeous creatures and so intelligent. I just wanted to see her… never did see her again. But she and my Angels and Guides DID get me to stop and do a bit of self care in those 25-30 minutes to cool down!

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