During the Holidays it’s often difficult for sensitives and especially empaths. Why is it that way? Well have you ever been to an area and felt Love, Joy, Peace or an area that feels heavy, rough, sad? That’s your clairsentience or empathy working for you!
Let's add people worried on more levels than we want to think about but need to perk our cranial cavities on for a bit.
The overwhelm many empaths feel during the holidays is NOT theirs, but every point of surroundings. Stores are loaded. Parents in disaster zones feel bereft because they are surviving day to day let alone for High Holy Days. People are upset by prices. There's more too and we know it.
Just like a wool coat picks up fur through static electricity, so does and unprepared intuitive person pick up others emotional stuff. Even from far away if it is a loved one.
How do you plan to take care of your own energy this year? Perk on that for a while and then make your Energy Plan for the Season!
I have a little secret to share with you........
You know it but maybe you haven't really thought about it.......
You send energy as well as receive it.....
Let one of those points be to radiate good vibes instead of taking up so much from others. The more we radiate the good, loving and happy energy, the more we can shift the energy around us. So why not use this super wonderful part to send more PEACE as often as we can….
starting now
Let's keep that going for a while
hurt, It WILL help
Believe me, I know how hard it can be to do this. I’ve had very rough years whereby I was alone, cold, internally lost and more. Just start a little bit at a time. No one is asking you to be “The Great Christmas Glow Worm” (yes you read that right because for some reason my daughters’ glow worms from Christmas years ago popped into my head!). Find a little way to start, push yourself a little bit.
We all have had difficulties in this life.
One of the points that can help you with your daily feelings and more is shielding or energy self care. You do yourself the best of favours in finding yourself a few different ways that work for you. This way you can change them up if you feel the desire for change in a consistent practice.
There’s not time like the present to start because the presence of some of the energies are a bit much right about now. It will become more so as the Holidays come together this year. This year the height of the holidays come together and therefore the energies will be more. We also have two new moons in December and as Mercury Rx goes direct on the same day as the Full Moon. Wonderful but intense energies as we go through the month you see.
Keep the shielding up. Research what works for you. Shine with a big of peaceful cheer whenever you can and things can work a bit more Magic <3
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