Wednesday, December 11, 2024




Justice Archangel Raguel – Card 8 – Interesting we start with card 8 as this is the last few weeks of this 8 year…….

Making the right decision that is perhaps troubling you is also a great reason to call on Archangel Raguel. In reading the book (Angel Tarot by Radleigh Valentine) it reminds us to double check legal documents. A perfect reminder for Mercury Rx! Standing up for yourself BUT also taking responsibility for your actions is important for this time.

When in doubt, always choose what is right…… ask your Angels if you’re having trouble with this <3

Five of Water or cups as it may be known in other decks. Water always has the emotional connection. This is a great Mercury Rx reminder card because we need to let go and it’s OK that it didn’t turn out as expected. Look for the silver lining the positives in how it did work. Don’t cry over spilled milk is the same don’t fret the past and keep moving into the future. It’s a great LET GO card and again, perfect for Mercury Rx!

Strength Archangel Ariel – Card 11 – Oh this is interesting.… Instead of as the book says “Powering through” the situation(s) bring Compassion of Spirit and let go of judgments. Another LET GO card and great for a week of FULL MOON and Mercury Rx to go direct in a few days. Archangel Ariel also helps with the more earthly needs from food and shelter to meds and more of this earth plane. Use your Loving Compassionate Spiritual side for any decisions and work with AA Ariel for anything you or loved ones need <3 PS Use some Patience and Forgiveness in situations ;) <3

Knight of Water Card – Keep your level head and emotional balance. Yes love can be part of this but also LOVING THE YOU in the situations. Several years ago I came to myself with a phrase I use “I love me enough to___” because I had been trying for a couple of decades to be loved enough by the man I was with. It didn’t work and gave me the old pattern my teenage years had grown up in. Not a good fit but to break the cycle I love me enough to break the cycle. I love my kids more than enough to break the cycle so they don’t get concerned. It’s wonderful to have our romantic sides but we have to keep our heads and hearts together. Just be aware of the emotions and keep a balance on things <3 Full Moon ahead ;)

The Two and Ace of air together….in a really well shuffled deck… oh my I do feel that once go back to our first card you can resolve to as it says, do the right thing. You’re not stuck, you just don’t want to do what you know needs to be done perhaps arguing with yourself (or others on this) REMEMBER no active decision is STILL a decision. Once you make the decision card one shows us the wonderful flow of things! If you and someone else has to compromise good, do it! The flow afterwards is very positive! Make the plan and move forward. OK there’s emotions but USE YOUR HEAD on these matters and it will be a great move once you get going!

Remember always ask those Archangels that show up in these readings and they don’t have a limit on energy (unlike us) to help anyone who calls on them! <3

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