Friday, January 31, 2025




Say that 5 times fast!

No I don’t want you to completely ignore what is happening around our world. It is VERY important for you to take a break from the headlines, and more, to take fun time for yourself.

Fun in a way you can enjoy. Maybe I can share a few giggles from my work over the years as well as my life <3 The important part is to take a break and have a giggle or two <3

It wasn’t long into my career when I let a friend know what my new work was entailing. We had had wonderful talks about a great number of things but the result is what surprised me. His grandfather had died when he was very small. His grandfather started making visits to me at times I least expected it. At first I was quite embarrassed. You see, he liked standing outside my shower first thing in the morning! Not something they tell you at classes I’m sure. Since I’m Spirit Trained this was where I learned to set good Spirit Boundaries.

This is where I learned to tell those in Spirit when they could come by and when it wasn’t to my liking. There had been a few “jumpers” before this happened, but no one had been so consistent with something of this nature. Yes, I told my friend about this. He laughed and said he had a wandering eye in life. To me he went by the name “Alejandro” but that isn’t what he was called in life. To me he was the morning Peeper. Oh the interesting points this job can bring about! LOL!

This work is a calling. There are many, many ways to which anyone can use their intuitive abilities. Spirit has a unique and interesting way of calling and teaching though..

Having lived in a few haunted houses there have been a few incidents of Spirit borrowing over the years. We’d recently moved into our downtown Knoxville restored home when jewelry, particularly my jewelry, started disappearing. Then a set of keys disappeared. The rings showed up twice only to go missing again. Initially my girls were questioned whole heartedly because well, borrowing in our family was a frequent thing. However, to no avail, were the rings borrowed. They were found, along with the keys eventually. Where? On top of the refrigerator, where NONE of us were tall enough to reach just a few days before we moved out! None of my daughters or myself could have put the keys to the back of that refrigerator, at the top unless we’d gotten on a step stool! Spirits do have a bit of fun!

When you work in the world of Spirit you do have a chance to stay on your toes more than might be expected. There are times when they so very do like to get my attention.

It’s nothing like the Hollywood versions.

There have been times where signs aren’t something to miss and I mean signs like you find along the street or road. My friend Bonnie passed away suddenly of breast cancer complications. So as I’m crying really well as I drive through town as I’m out for groceries and such. Half way to the shops I see a sign “Moss for…..” that wasn’t there the day before. Then at every light and every stop sign and many yards “Moss for….” was there. I started laughing hysterically at one stop light. Bonnie’s maiden name was “Moss” and as those hadn’t been there the afternoon before when I had gone to town, I knew she had a wonderful time pointing them out to me that morning!

These are just a few of the events in my experience.  I hope you've had fun with them <3 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

HAPPY THOUGHT-FULL THURSDAY!!!! - Realizing and Releasing the Unneeded Energies



One of the most interesting things I’ve learned in my 30 years as a Medium is that our sense of rushing and time are ours. This pace we have now would have horrified my grandparents just a century ago.

Take time to send out some good energy today. Take time to enjoy where you can. The pushing energy is strong, take a step back and realize you can do this <3

Being a Psychic Medium has advantages that aren’t just what the populace might think or believe. My abilities enable me to sense energy a bit differently. Impressions of energy flow far earlier than one might believe. One of the biggest reasons I come on this platform is to help you and others to work through and mitigate some of the energies that are hard for us all.

While readings of a more personal nature are important for a good number of reasons, it is just as important to understand and work with energies in many of their formats. Just to be clear I’m not talking about a light bulb kind of energy or a power plant kind of energy. I’m not even talking solar energy here, LOL…. This is more ethereal and not covered in Physical Science 101.

You’re not just a bundle of cells that get along reasonably well. You and every thing around you is a Divine Creation. This means that energy is always in flow and moving.

Whether you realize it or not, you will be able to pick up some energy from sources other than yourself. Why do you think that commercials have music, drama, and more? It’s to get you involved emotionally and responding emotionally. Emotion is a very strong energy force.

So let’s stretch this just a little bit and instead of picking up so much, you let go of what isn’t working for you. If you understand the energy of something can “sensed” then you can understand it is necessary to keep it from bothering you too much in the first place. Now, going back to the rush energy.

During chaotic times, regardless of their causation point, those energies you will sense and it can be anything from a funny feeling in your abdomen to a freaking awful headache and even other things like tightening shoulders or the feeling of pushing and rushing.

Take a bit of your precious time and slow that feeling down. Visualize it, feel it, however you need but know that you can keep it from over stressing your day. You can do it with just a little extra self and soul centering <3

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

HAPPY INTUITIVE TOOLS TUESDAY!!! - Tidy ups and New Starts!



As many of you know, tomorrow is the Lunar New Year. For millennia people from all parts of our world followed the moon’s cycles for their new year beginnings.

In two days we also have the first Spring Festival of Imbolc also known as St. Brigid’s Day. This is a time of rejoicing too for the spring planting is on the way.

Today is a great day to start (if you haven’t thus far) or finish getting things sorted and organized. Lunar New Year means a great deal With as much time as I can, I’m going to be catching up and finishing up the tidying and organizing for my home and life today.

Interestingly, this could be looked upon as our “Cultivating Prosperity” portion from our cards. These are for the week I shared yesterday. Prosperity on its larger meaning is “good flow” and we could all use some of that now!

Also, if you are not already doing so, now is a great time to start a practice of keeping your energy clear in addition keep your home and office space clear as possible. This helps to make sure you do things to enhance your own energy. During times of chaos like this it’s very easy to get derailed and keeping your home energy clear and grounded helps minimize this!

For many of us we don’t have the luxury of taking all day to clear and clean our homes before the Lunar New Year of tomorrow. Do what you can though. Again hidden pockets of energy can be cleared with a little work and some solid intention.

Ask your soul self where you need to focus and go to wherever that is in your home. There are simple things we can do in most situations to give ourselves a fresher space to start this new cycle! Do a little at a time if you need to so that you don’t overwhelm yourself and quit putting everything in the “fuquette bucket” category. The overwhelm isn’t something to hold to so clear that out with a little self and soul time.

Which reminds me...find a little time for some self and soul time too. Make yourself a pocket of time even if it’s in the car waiting on spouse or kiddos to clear your mental clutter. All the worry energy is as contagious as the common cold and less helpful. Take a few minutes to get your own energy protected and cleared if you haven’t done so firth thing. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes.

Today is a great day to sage/smudge or burn incense. Clear on physical and energetic levels.

Play some music (I’ve gone from Slovak melodies to hits from the ‘70’s!) and dance or move with the music.

Monday, January 27, 2025




Oh this is going to be a busy, busy week! Lunar New Year is Wednesday!!! Imbolc or St. Brigid’s day is Friday.

We’re working through the celestial alignment……..

We’re going to be working through a lot of energy patterns over the coming time. The surface is only the starters and energetically some of us are going to be taking deeper looks in self and soul <3

Before you do any card work, rune work or any tool of divination, PLEASE clear it (them) well! The frenetic and fearful energy that can be felt, may interfere with your readings. I don’t care if you do this professionally or for yourself and your friends. Clear those tools every single time!

My reasoning is because earlier today I couldn’t get clear messages. The energy was spiked, crazy and difficult. It took me time to clear me and my cards. It’s usually NOT a bigger task but today it was.

Today’s reading is from Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle Deck. I love those soothing colours and how wonderfully calming it is to work with this deck. The cards are Cultivating Prosperity, Dwelling in Truth, Opening to Love, and Receiving from Angels.

There are only 4 cards in our reading this week and to me, they are all action cards. By action cards I mean that these are cards calling us to do instead of be. What we need to do in other words. Gone are the times where we can be sofa surfing singletons.

“Cultivating Prosperity” to me has its face meaning but also much more. The card shows the seeds have been planted but they need TLC and action to come about. Morning Glories on the side and a budding branch are around the garden. Prosperity does NOT necessarily mean big money. It can mean many things including a great new raise, job, a home that is less than it could have been, a great deal on something. The most interesting part of this is the action of “Cultivation.” You must get going and DO what is necessary.

Please note, I find it fascinating that this card is here because when I first looked at it I felt the connection for the many things occurring now in our farming industry. Food is a vital part of any basic prosperity measurement. Pay attention as often cards have more than just their face and book meanings!

“Dwelling in Truth” – Starting with one of my favourite sayings from Denise Linn “The Soul Loves the Truth.” Where and what is the truth for you? You need to live in the parameters of your true being. This is a strong card albeit it looks calm and passive, it is not. She’s listening to her self and soul. She’s in her truth and isn’t fluffing about. She’s herself and listening to her intuition and internal guidance. This can be a hard card because so many of us have been trained to make everyone else happy by following the crowd, doing what ‘everyone’ is doing and so forth. This is needing to listen to that internal “ding” as Louise Hay used to call it. This being true to you will actually also improve your energy. When we live for and with our truth, our energy and those around us benefit too.

“Opening to Love” – I’m laughing because this card pull came in alphabetical order – laughter is good medicine for the heart <3 Where does your heart and everything that goes with it need to open? This isn’t necessarily romantic love. This is more love of self and soul which can open to the other kind at some point if desired. What is keeping you from loving you? Again, that go deeper card I posted earlier today on FB means getting below the surface to find the true gems! Work in eliminating the blockages you have to love in any of its forms. It’s not something we have to deserve by good deeds or other, it’s open to us for just being <3

“Receiving from Angels” Oh my two heart cards again and in two different ways. Last reading was two heart cards as well as now. PAY ATTENTION because we need to work on that heart light! The biggest thing we need to do isn’t a “deserving thing” but an “opening thing.” Open yourself to ask for them to show or tell you what you need or want to know. Ask them to follow you on your day. Talk to them OFTEN as well as being in a state of Prayer as much as you can. What is Their Loving message for you? They often speak to us through our Hearts with little whispers and sweet signs like feathers or little flowers in our path.

OH my word, we had a jumper that clung to the “Receiving from Angels” card! It is “Emerging into Grace!” It is a surprise to me because I didn’t even feel it when I drew them!  I'll post more on that tomorrow!!!!!!!

Friday, January 17, 2025

HAPPY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS FRIDAY!! - On keeping our ideas and dreams going in the early days



Today I’m having a restart because well, yesterday’s plans were not going to plan, LOL!

Whereas yesterday had a few opportunities for the Universe to show me what I was writing about so today we’re doing a redraft.

This may sound a bit rough and not all “love and light” but it’s part of what we are now facing. As you know I’m not a fu-fu kind of gal. While I see wonderful positive and prosperous potentials in what we are being taught, I also know that many cannot grasp what you envisage for yourself. This is why I am bringing this modality to the fore. It’s so we can move forward with as little interference as possible.

Here I’m going to mention something to which I’ve been saying for at least a month. Please keep your dreams/ideas thoughts & feelings about how or what you want to achieve to yourself for a good long while. You will have very well meaning loved ones of all sorts with their own ideas and opinions. While they may not voice them, the energy of their ideas and thoughts can and will interfere with your outcomes. Their upbringing and personal history gives them their energy field just like you have yours. Sometimes you do not want to mingle those in certain areas.

There are a rare few times to break this rule. One of them is in a sharing circle with very like minded people who are working on/with creating better lives. Another can be very intimate and evolved prayer circles too.

Let me explain why this is.

Most if not all of your circle of friends and loved ones really do want the best for you. However, they will have their own ideas as to what those are based on their thoughts and feelings/ideas. Those thoughts and feelings can interfere with yours because your field and theirs will overlap and pick up from each other. This can down your whole process without your knowing why. They will not mean to have this happen but it can.

Now I had a good few paragraphs in all of this that I’m redoing for another day. I just wanted you to get the idea that when it comes to your intentions, dreams and more to protect them.
Keep focusing on them. Keep going.

Put energy into your ideas, dreams, thoughts and feelings with good positive energy.

You can do that by everything from vision boards to fist bumping your Angels as you wish.

Pray over those ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Drink your coffee or tea in the mornings envisioning them.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025




Running more than a bit late today!!!!!  Be opening to the wonders that happen after clearing out on a deeper level. Magic can happen…. This morning it sure did.

Just before Christmas, Solstice Day it was, my “stray” fur friend disappeared. It’s not uncommon for this area of the country to have folks let their cats out to “be cats” as they call it. Living in NC and knowing that there are so many things that could have happened I didn’t want to “go there” and just prayed he was safe. Putting out my senses I felt he was alive and penned up, but thought that meant his humans had put him in before heading out for the holidays. Today, at just before dawn, he was in his “usual place” and wanting to say “HELLO!” to my Kennykins, his good fur friend. These two had formed a bond of friendship over the last several months.

Now I’m not a great animal communicator. Yes, I have a touch of that ability, however, it’s not as strong as I could wish for really good animal communication. After a bit of feeding and talking to Mr. Whiskers, as best as I could, he told me about his ear and showed me his bum. His spark plugs had been pulled (aka he’s been neutered) When I asked him how this had happened and where had he been, he gave me the sense that he’d wandered off for a new area for a bit of feline fornication. There or close to where he wanted to go, someone trapped him. He was upset and gave me the feeling he felt odd, not himself and woozy. His ear wound was not very old, so where ever he’d been dropped he found his way home to Kennykins and my kitty crew.

Why didn’t I do it? I couldn’t get him that’s why, we’d just started building a trust and that was on the itinerary for the beginning of this year.

Well the intentions were set and Creator followed through in a different way than I had planned!

So this morning I’ve been in a state of shock. Not often have I seen a cat be gone for weeks in winter only to show up again nearly a month later. That is the jumbled but happy state I’m in currently.

Yes, I thought he might have his own humans, but I also knew that it was possible he didn’t. It was also highly possible he had humans that left and didn’t take him with them or worse. That’s why I kept praying.

This wasn’t why I had set up for the Magic today, but it came to me as I scheduled my week and it wasn’t wrong. It also wasn’t wrong when I sensed something was going to happen on Wednesday. I don’t try to dive into things and just like having the heads up. 

up. This is one of the things of my training, I don’t always want to know the “what” of things until they happen.

Opening to Magical experiences isn’t necessarily the same for each of us. When I take my camera out and photograph water droplets on little flowers that is magical. Flowers themselves to me are magical as are their pollinating helpers, bees, birds and more. I remember how I feel the wonderful feeling of Love just before the plants burst into bloom.

Magical happenings can be at any time just be open <3

PS - A little about myself.  You might be able to tell I'm an animal lover.  It's not just cats but all creatures.  I wish I could work at a zoo!  
Over the last 30 or more years I've done a lot of cat and dog rescues, some birds and other animals too.  My former 14 room home once had a litter in most of the spare rooms....I firmly believe in rescuing those fur and feathered people that are out there.  It takes some love to reassure them and that is something most of us can give if we choose.  

Sunday, January 12, 2025





Last night this yard enhanced the glow of the coming full moon. It was lit by the magical light of that almost full moon.

It made me think of how the moon enhances our own sensitivity to things. Many of us could be called "Full Moon" sensitive or "Moon Sensitive" because of how we feel during a full moon phase. It's not just PMS you know ;)

One of the biggest signs for me personally is waking up to the Moons energy and it's even stronger during a super full moon. Dreams too go off into more interesting territory.

Oh there’s always more with moon energies.

For some of us a full moon can bring about more angst and agitation. Today they call it being anxious. It can be called that but we can also look at it as being more energized. Having more energy for the things we need to do. It depends on how we channel that energy into our day and night routines and self. There are some people that become more moon sensitive over time.

Full Moon Sensitivity Can be: (this is just for starters)

* Difficulty Sleeping - You wake up and stay charged and awake!

* Dreams are different than usual, more vivid, sometimes about things you need to let go or dismiss in your life

* You can have more energy than usual and feel much more ungrounded and fidgety

* You can feel more anxious or agitated for no reason it feels like (and it's not just PMS! ;) )

Saturday, January 11, 2025

HAPPY SENSING AND PSYCHIC SATURDAY! Cards for this January 11 or 111 day!



This is last week's set of cards and what my area of the country looks like this morning. I'm giggling because in the Southern US this is definitely "Accepting what is" kind of card! :D

If you like please share photos of your surroundings this morning. In my little valley area we're magical, but, stuck due to no plowing or sanding actions on side streets.

One little side note on the "sensing" part is that earlier in the week my "Psychic Antennae" said that it was going to be different from most of the models (it was in some areas) and that I needed to get a few extras (I did). Just an example of what Listening can do for you <3

This week’s cards are 5 on a regular pull and 1 jumping card, which literally fell in my lap. For me it’s always amazing to see how the cards flow together.

It wasn’t until just now I realized the reasons as to needing to wait for the cards this week. Things work out and not always quite as expected because today is 11th January or 11/1 or 1/11 depending on where you live. This 111 is, as far as I know, a gateway for better things as we keep ourselves in a more positive state.

These cards are from Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle Card Deck.

This time around I’m going to give our Jumper card first. Usually I put it toward the end of the cards, however, you will soon see the reasons as to why it gets to go first. It just had to jump out first and foremost be seen. This one is “Launching Your Journey.” Along with 1/11 which is align positively and doors open, we have this for starting our journey. It can be inner or outer. It can be we work through our inner wilderness of the mind or take a trip in the physical OR start something we need to begin. The huge key is to PLAN, look at the steps you need to take. Is there an energy pattern you want to let go of? Pray about it, Listen to Spirit Side and follow suite. Is there a new way you want to live, where are you now and where do you need to change/alter what you do? “What is the plan?” you can ask your Angels and Guides for them to give you clarity.

Flying Free” is the second card and what I started with the feeling of the cards. These two go hand in hand I feel. We start the journey and we fly free but of what? Two action cards to get going kind energy cards. What is it you need to shed? What do you need to embrace? We cannot do our world work and keep our bums or brains in the same place, so what do you have to move or shift? I’ll be asking myself this as there is a huge energy of moving, not in a rush, but moving is literally in the cards.

Looking Deeper” is our third card on this occasion. This is a really interesting design to me. Looking deeply into your life. Look for harder to see mirrors from the principle of the Essene Mirrors. What is it you need to connect the dots to or from and find the wisdom from these hidden points or gems of your life. In my own life I’ve found that going way past what’s on the surface and looking for the similarities in energy patterns so very beneficial. It takes some inner work and intuitive leads/directions but it is so very much worth it. It’s 3:33 as I write that, there’s a lead for us ;) Find ways that work for you. To me, journaling by hand writing is the absolute best way but you might prefer painting or making yourself audio blogs. Heavens they have it now where you can just talk and the computer writes so use that if it helps. The important things is find your way and keep at it.

Card number 4 is “Opening to Love” and I’ll admit this is one I need too as I work through the difficult energies of the last 20 plus years. There are strings and things to be finished and worked out as with all of us. If we don’t do the work the issues lodge in our tissues. Yet another way it shows up is being cranky and angry a lot. I’ve seen this so many times. IT’s not necessarily in public, although it can be, but it can be in private or alone. An open heart doesn’t do the things one hurt and hardened is apt to do. Sometimes I wonder if these awful things in our world are a sign of our world needing to open hearts and let go more with some of the things we know are happening across our globe. What the song says “What the World needs now, Is Love sweet Love, it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of…..”

Open yourself to Love. Love isn’t something you can earn, or buy, but freely given from Creator and to one another.

Card number 5 is another heart based card and really number 6 is too. Number 5 “Listening with Your Heart” oh my! This one also shows the Heart Chakra as well as our symbol for the heart. This is listening to your Guides, your Angels and your Heart’s desire. There are many times where we need to listen to that deep inner calling so make plans and do it. Follow the nudges the whispers of Spirit.

We so want to follow that logical mindful side of life and sometimes the things is our intuition, our heart, is calling us for something more. Something to do with the heart and heart ways of life.

Card number 6 is “Mending Bridges” again I feel this is a card of the heart. It must be a really important week for letting go and moving on far more that we would think on the surface of things. Heart issues can come from not letting go and mending. So we pay attention to these cards, all of them, so that we can move forward in our lives.

Sometimes we’ve been waiting to hear those magical words from someone who has hurt us “I’m sorry or I apologize” and often they cross over without our ever hearing them. I know because I have lived this with a few folks. Let it go by finding a way to meditate or talk to them in the spirit realm to go beyond. Ask your Angels and Guides to help you on this. Mend where you can here on earth but also just let go where you need to let go. The first mending is for yourself, after that it’s how Spirit Leads <3

Monday, January 6, 2025

HAPPY MAGICAL MONDAY!!!!! - starting with psychic abilities.......



Oh my this morning I’m starting our day with flowers because it’s cold, wet, freezing rain and ick where I live today. If they could, I think even the birds and squirrels would be using umbrellas and galoshes!

This past November I was fortunate enough to reach my 60th year. There are many in my family that didn’t get that privilege. It’s helped me to think and given me a desire to move in more ways than one. Talk about Magic…..

Twenty plus years ago I started avidly studying what psychic abilities and much more really. If I was to use these abilities to help, I was going to research a lot of it. I still am albeit not as fast as I’d like.

We’re going to start diving in places I’ve previously only scratched the surface of in many ways.

So let’s start now.

What do you get when you start working with your intuition? More of it and sometimes weirder things that you thought you would get.

Let’s start with Clairvoyance or “Clear seeing” as it’s called. You want to improve it right? OK, great.

A lot of the books, videos and more that I’ve looked into will not tell you some of this, and I want you to see the reality of it. Not to frighten but to prepare you as you go on your journey. In most of the materials I’ve read or listened to over the years, there is little to nothing on the side of what you may really have happen.

Many, many people – even acquaintances – with my first reading had a huge misconception of what clear vision really is. Once I let my secret out (yes I kept my abilities a secret for decades) and gave them a reading the two of them said “I bet all this time you’ve been seeing everybody around us!” That wasn’t the case and still won’t be today, for me at least. Yes I do see things, something our culture still makes fun of, but I usually see more in my mind’s eye.

The common concept is that those with clairvoyance literally SEE things and spirits like a Hollywood Movie. Think of it like Scrooge seeing his spirit visitors. That’s not usually the case though.

A friend of mine’s father crossed over. Her mom/his widow kept seeing him sitting in his chair in their living room starting about two weeks after he’d crossed over. She was worried for she thought her mind was going.

When my friend Sheryl asked me about this, I told it was actually perfectly normal and her mother wasn’t going off the deep end. We had a good conversation about it. She was worried about contacting someone because she thought all people like me were making it up until her mom started seeing her dad. Had not our daughters been good friends too, she wouldn’t have contacted me.

Seeing loved ones or even events that happen in an old building can happen. It can be just like I would see someone in a store. However, that usually isn’t the case. For most people we see things out of the corner of our eye. At times we can see someone in Spirit one second and they are gone the next.

My mom died in the early 2000’s. She is one of the few spirit people I’ve seen person to person in years. By person to person I mean that I’m seeing someone as if they were a person in life. Momma came to me not long after she passed over.

 For some seeing a person’s energy field around them, auras is the usual. I sense the colours but do not see them. Others can see colours, see and then sense life happenings for a person. The first psychic I ever met looked at my aura (I didn’t know it until she explained moments later) to have her tell me “Oh Honey, your family put the ‘Fun’ in dysfunctional!

I will say she nailed it right there and then LOL!  Bless their hearts!!!   

Well, more on this another day or I'll be typing a book or may be ......... ;) 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Happy Slow It Down Sunday


A chilly day that's good for Chilly and resting....

Earlier today I posted just pictures that have highlighted the last week. (This was on FB and Instagram)

There's been so much going on of late, that a day off felt like the right thing for today.

Here we were expecting rain only to have it snowing.

An errand pre snow hours came to naught as things got a bit fouled up on the other end. Errands to be done later - another day at this point.

A good do nothing day is sometimes what we can use the most.

When I think of our world, of how it has changed so very much in the last 30 years, I often feel we've forgotten to slow down and just watch our world.

Sitting on my sofa at the moment I am watching one of my fur friends watching birds avidly, another is snoozing under the warming rays of the desk lamp, one grooming and another playing and kind of pacing around waiting for dinners. It's 3:33 as I type this. :D

Watching my fur friends in today's world is such a blessing.

There's hot ginger tea in my mug. I've "engineered" a top to keep it warm by using an old lid from another (now broken) piece of crockery.

I wonder if the dove in the tree is watching me and mine through the window as I see her.

We sometimes have to hold our energy in a loving quiet and do nothing point. We are all too often spinning our wheels in busy mode but getting very little done. Standing or sitting and being in watching and quiet mode can be such a blessing if we just take the time for it.  Remember taking care of our energy as well as our body is good for the soul...

Thursday, January 2, 2025

HAPPY NEW YEAR THURSDAY!!!!!! First Cards of the Year!!!!!


 This year, for some reason it’s making look at things and go “Wow” more than most year changes. To be honest, I’m not fully understanding why. Now that it’s a quarter of a century past the Y2K panic I’m laughing at some things. The fact we panicked then. We’re good at that we humans we can admit!

That 25 years we’ve seen so many changes. In 2000 I had to pay a fair phone bill if I were to call family in another state. The phone was attached to the house in one way or another. Now, I just have one bill for my phone, can call across country or even another country AND it follows me. We can’t leave our phones at home now when years ago our answering machines were on 24/7 just in case.

For many of these changes, I’m thankful. (I still leave my phone at home some times ;) )

Being thankful raises our energy. It helps to keep us lighter and brighter inward and later outward. That’s something I have to always keep in mind now.

My Dad knew that after his heart attacks. Dad got upset yes, but he shifted things after those. He was a young many with a family when the first one hit after WWII. He’d not been out of the service long and was working for the government when the first one hit. From what I was told by my brothers and my mom it was a profound shift. This was way before the self help and new age movements!

Dad did his utmost to keep his calm when I was growing up. Even when I upset him by doing something, he’d just look at me in his way and tell me “I know you can do better.” There was something in the way he said it that was NOT AN OPTION. Taken to mean “You WILL do better!”

Those memories now well over 40 years old (nearly 50 yikes!) still make me smile.

One of our cards this week is “Accepting What Is” and perhaps that’s where I’m going with all of this. Looking back is OK, staying there is not. Moving forward in life is necessary as is not repeating our mistakes. Accepting things helps us to come to understanding and moving on.

Here we are a quarter of a century into the 2000’s. Wow!

This is our first card pull of the year! These cards are from Denise Linn's "Gateway" oracle cards. For the start of the new year I felt strongly these were just right for this time!

The top one is our Jumper Card! For me these are for us to pay special attention to for all of the reading as well as individually.

This first card is "Trusting Your Intuition - My life is truly guided" which pretty much speaks for itself. I'll add here that when we second guess our intuition we often go around in circles because we did. I know this from personal experience, LOL! Right now, to me, it is vital we listen to our intuition and this card surprised me a bit coming out I will admit.

You can't make this stuff up though!

Our Second Card - "Accepting What Is - I accept and embrace my inner majesty" Embrace all of it, even if you don't like it or love it. There's a reason or reasons for it all. The Rose on this card is a huge sign from Spirit. Some, like the late Dr. Dyer, mention the smell of roses with some of their experiences. The sign of the Divine near by at times. When we "Accept what is" we can move forward more fluidly at times because we're no longer fighting or resisting those energies. 

Third Card for today - "Awakening Ancient Wisdom - Deep inner knowing is emerging within me." - Yes another listening to your intuition card! You may notice more signs and synchronicities as well as signs and more. Pay attention because those ways of wisdom are there to help you and possibly others.  Wisdom is coming to you and you need to hear it.  

Jumper Card Time - "Standing Firm - I am noble, brave, and strong." - This really does mean stand your ground. You've dealt with so much and become more than you were. Don't back down now, Keep going!  That mound the person is standing on can mean all that you have come through.  You have learned from it and feel the honour of that.  Feel the Grace of that.  Stand tall and firm where you need to this week!