Say that 5 times fast!
No I don’t want you to completely ignore what is happening around our world. It is VERY important for you to take a break from the headlines, and more, to take fun time for yourself.
Fun in a way you can enjoy. Maybe I can share a few giggles from my work over the years as well as my life <3 The important part is to take a break and have a giggle or two <3
It wasn’t long into my career when I let a friend know what my new work was entailing. We had had wonderful talks about a great number of things but the result is what surprised me. His grandfather had died when he was very small. His grandfather started making visits to me at times I least expected it. At first I was quite embarrassed. You see, he liked standing outside my shower first thing in the morning! Not something they tell you at classes I’m sure. Since I’m Spirit Trained this was where I learned to set good Spirit Boundaries.
This is where I learned to tell those in Spirit when they could come by and when it wasn’t to my liking. There had been a few “jumpers” before this happened, but no one had been so consistent with something of this nature. Yes, I told my friend about this. He laughed and said he had a wandering eye in life. To me he went by the name “Alejandro” but that isn’t what he was called in life. To me he was the morning Peeper. Oh the interesting points this job can bring about! LOL!
This work is a calling. There are many, many ways to which anyone can use their intuitive abilities. Spirit has a unique and interesting way of calling and teaching though..
Having lived in a few haunted houses there have been a few incidents of Spirit borrowing over the years. We’d recently moved into our downtown Knoxville restored home when jewelry, particularly my jewelry, started disappearing. Then a set of keys disappeared. The rings showed up twice only to go missing again. Initially my girls were questioned whole heartedly because well, borrowing in our family was a frequent thing. However, to no avail, were the rings borrowed. They were found, along with the keys eventually. Where? On top of the refrigerator, where NONE of us were tall enough to reach just a few days before we moved out! None of my daughters or myself could have put the keys to the back of that refrigerator, at the top unless we’d gotten on a step stool! Spirits do have a bit of fun!
When you work in the world of Spirit you do have a chance to stay on your toes more than might be expected. There are times when they so very do like to get my attention.
It’s nothing like the Hollywood versions.
There have been times where signs aren’t something to miss and I mean signs like you find along the street or road. My friend Bonnie passed away suddenly of breast cancer complications. So as I’m crying really well as I drive through town as I’m out for groceries and such. Half way to the shops I see a sign “Moss for…..” that wasn’t there the day before. Then at every light and every stop sign and many yards “Moss for….” was there. I started laughing hysterically at one stop light. Bonnie’s maiden name was “Moss” and as those hadn’t been there the afternoon before when I had gone to town, I knew she had a wonderful time pointing them out to me that morning!
These are just a few of the events in my experience. I hope you've had fun with them <3