Friday, January 17, 2025

HAPPY THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS FRIDAY!! - On keeping our ideas and dreams going in the early days



Today I’m having a restart because well, yesterday’s plans were not going to plan, LOL!

Whereas yesterday had a few opportunities for the Universe to show me what I was writing about so today we’re doing a redraft.

This may sound a bit rough and not all “love and light” but it’s part of what we are now facing. As you know I’m not a fu-fu kind of gal. While I see wonderful positive and prosperous potentials in what we are being taught, I also know that many cannot grasp what you envisage for yourself. This is why I am bringing this modality to the fore. It’s so we can move forward with as little interference as possible.

Here I’m going to mention something to which I’ve been saying for at least a month. Please keep your dreams/ideas thoughts & feelings about how or what you want to achieve to yourself for a good long while. You will have very well meaning loved ones of all sorts with their own ideas and opinions. While they may not voice them, the energy of their ideas and thoughts can and will interfere with your outcomes. Their upbringing and personal history gives them their energy field just like you have yours. Sometimes you do not want to mingle those in certain areas.

There are a rare few times to break this rule. One of them is in a sharing circle with very like minded people who are working on/with creating better lives. Another can be very intimate and evolved prayer circles too.

Let me explain why this is.

Most if not all of your circle of friends and loved ones really do want the best for you. However, they will have their own ideas as to what those are based on their thoughts and feelings/ideas. Those thoughts and feelings can interfere with yours because your field and theirs will overlap and pick up from each other. This can down your whole process without your knowing why. They will not mean to have this happen but it can.

Now I had a good few paragraphs in all of this that I’m redoing for another day. I just wanted you to get the idea that when it comes to your intentions, dreams and more to protect them.
Keep focusing on them. Keep going.

Put energy into your ideas, dreams, thoughts and feelings with good positive energy.

You can do that by everything from vision boards to fist bumping your Angels as you wish.

Pray over those ideas, thoughts and feelings.

Drink your coffee or tea in the mornings envisioning them.

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