Thursday, January 2, 2025

HAPPY NEW YEAR THURSDAY!!!!!! First Cards of the Year!!!!!


 This year, for some reason it’s making look at things and go “Wow” more than most year changes. To be honest, I’m not fully understanding why. Now that it’s a quarter of a century past the Y2K panic I’m laughing at some things. The fact we panicked then. We’re good at that we humans we can admit!

That 25 years we’ve seen so many changes. In 2000 I had to pay a fair phone bill if I were to call family in another state. The phone was attached to the house in one way or another. Now, I just have one bill for my phone, can call across country or even another country AND it follows me. We can’t leave our phones at home now when years ago our answering machines were on 24/7 just in case.

For many of these changes, I’m thankful. (I still leave my phone at home some times ;) )

Being thankful raises our energy. It helps to keep us lighter and brighter inward and later outward. That’s something I have to always keep in mind now.

My Dad knew that after his heart attacks. Dad got upset yes, but he shifted things after those. He was a young many with a family when the first one hit after WWII. He’d not been out of the service long and was working for the government when the first one hit. From what I was told by my brothers and my mom it was a profound shift. This was way before the self help and new age movements!

Dad did his utmost to keep his calm when I was growing up. Even when I upset him by doing something, he’d just look at me in his way and tell me “I know you can do better.” There was something in the way he said it that was NOT AN OPTION. Taken to mean “You WILL do better!”

Those memories now well over 40 years old (nearly 50 yikes!) still make me smile.

One of our cards this week is “Accepting What Is” and perhaps that’s where I’m going with all of this. Looking back is OK, staying there is not. Moving forward in life is necessary as is not repeating our mistakes. Accepting things helps us to come to understanding and moving on.

Here we are a quarter of a century into the 2000’s. Wow!

This is our first card pull of the year! These cards are from Denise Linn's "Gateway" oracle cards. For the start of the new year I felt strongly these were just right for this time!

The top one is our Jumper Card! For me these are for us to pay special attention to for all of the reading as well as individually.

This first card is "Trusting Your Intuition - My life is truly guided" which pretty much speaks for itself. I'll add here that when we second guess our intuition we often go around in circles because we did. I know this from personal experience, LOL! Right now, to me, it is vital we listen to our intuition and this card surprised me a bit coming out I will admit.

You can't make this stuff up though!

Our Second Card - "Accepting What Is - I accept and embrace my inner majesty" Embrace all of it, even if you don't like it or love it. There's a reason or reasons for it all. The Rose on this card is a huge sign from Spirit. Some, like the late Dr. Dyer, mention the smell of roses with some of their experiences. The sign of the Divine near by at times. When we "Accept what is" we can move forward more fluidly at times because we're no longer fighting or resisting those energies. 

Third Card for today - "Awakening Ancient Wisdom - Deep inner knowing is emerging within me." - Yes another listening to your intuition card! You may notice more signs and synchronicities as well as signs and more. Pay attention because those ways of wisdom are there to help you and possibly others.  Wisdom is coming to you and you need to hear it.  

Jumper Card Time - "Standing Firm - I am noble, brave, and strong." - This really does mean stand your ground. You've dealt with so much and become more than you were. Don't back down now, Keep going!  That mound the person is standing on can mean all that you have come through.  You have learned from it and feel the honour of that.  Feel the Grace of that.  Stand tall and firm where you need to this week! 

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