This is last week's set of cards and what my area of the country looks like this morning. I'm giggling because in the Southern US this is definitely "Accepting what is" kind of card! :D
If you like please share photos of your surroundings this morning. In my little valley area we're magical, but, stuck due to no plowing or sanding actions on side streets.
One little side note on the "sensing" part is that earlier in the week my "Psychic Antennae" said that it was going to be different from most of the models (it was in some areas) and that I needed to get a few extras (I did). Just an example of what Listening can do for you <3
This week’s cards are 5 on a regular pull and 1 jumping card, which literally fell in my lap. For me it’s always amazing to see how the cards flow together.
It wasn’t until just now I realized the reasons as to needing to wait for the cards this week. Things work out and not always quite as expected because today is 11th January or 11/1 or 1/11 depending on where you live. This 111 is, as far as I know, a gateway for better things as we keep ourselves in a more positive state.
These cards are from Denise Linn’s Gateway Oracle Card Deck.
This time around I’m going to give our Jumper card first. Usually I put it toward the end of the cards, however, you will soon see the reasons as to why it gets to go first. It just had to jump out first and foremost be seen. This one is “Launching Your Journey.” Along with 1/11 which is align positively and doors open, we have this for starting our journey. It can be inner or outer. It can be we work through our inner wilderness of the mind or take a trip in the physical OR start something we need to begin. The huge key is to PLAN, look at the steps you need to take. Is there an energy pattern you want to let go of? Pray about it, Listen to Spirit Side and follow suite. Is there a new way you want to live, where are you now and where do you need to change/alter what you do? “What is the plan?” you can ask your Angels and Guides for them to give you clarity.
“Flying Free” is the second card and what I started with the feeling of the cards. These two go hand in hand I feel. We start the journey and we fly free but of what? Two action cards to get going kind energy cards. What is it you need to shed? What do you need to embrace? We cannot do our world work and keep our bums or brains in the same place, so what do you have to move or shift? I’ll be asking myself this as there is a huge energy of moving, not in a rush, but moving is literally in the cards.
“Looking Deeper” is our third card on this occasion. This is a really interesting design to me. Looking deeply into your life. Look for harder to see mirrors from the principle of the Essene Mirrors. What is it you need to connect the dots to or from and find the wisdom from these hidden points or gems of your life. In my own life I’ve found that going way past what’s on the surface and looking for the similarities in energy patterns so very beneficial. It takes some inner work and intuitive leads/directions but it is so very much worth it. It’s 3:33 as I write that, there’s a lead for us ;) Find ways that work for you. To me, journaling by hand writing is the absolute best way but you might prefer painting or making yourself audio blogs. Heavens they have it now where you can just talk and the computer writes so use that if it helps. The important things is find your way and keep at it.
Card number 4 is “Opening to Love” and I’ll admit this is one I need too as I work through the difficult energies of the last 20 plus years. There are strings and things to be finished and worked out as with all of us. If we don’t do the work the issues lodge in our tissues. Yet another way it shows up is being cranky and angry a lot. I’ve seen this so many times. IT’s not necessarily in public, although it can be, but it can be in private or alone. An open heart doesn’t do the things one hurt and hardened is apt to do. Sometimes I wonder if these awful things in our world are a sign of our world needing to open hearts and let go more with some of the things we know are happening across our globe. What the song says “What the World needs now, Is Love sweet Love, it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of…..”
Open yourself to Love. Love isn’t something you can earn, or buy, but freely given from Creator and to one another.
Card number 5 is another heart based card and really number 6 is too. Number 5 “Listening with Your Heart” oh my! This one also shows the Heart Chakra as well as our symbol for the heart. This is listening to your Guides, your Angels and your Heart’s desire. There are many times where we need to listen to that deep inner calling so make plans and do it. Follow the nudges the whispers of Spirit.
We so want to follow that logical mindful side of life and sometimes the things is our intuition, our heart, is calling us for something more. Something to do with the heart and heart ways of life.
Card number 6 is “Mending Bridges” again I feel this is a card of the heart. It must be a really important week for letting go and moving on far more that we would think on the surface of things. Heart issues can come from not letting go and mending. So we pay attention to these cards, all of them, so that we can move forward in our lives.
Sometimes we’ve been waiting to hear those magical words from someone who has hurt us “I’m sorry or I apologize” and often they cross over without our ever hearing them. I know because I have lived this with a few folks. Let it go by finding a way to meditate or talk to them in the spirit realm to go beyond. Ask your Angels and Guides to help you on this. Mend where you can here on earth but also just let go where you need to let go. The first mending is for yourself, after that it’s how Spirit Leads <3
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