Thursday, March 6, 2025

HAPPY THANKFUL THURSDAY!!! Being thankful where we are in the now



This morning (and last night I may add) I came across a quote that Spirit must have sent as a reminder. To paraphrase here:

Remember that your work/job is the dream of others.

Remember that your car is the dream for some.

Remember that your home is the dream of many.

Remember that everything from your walking through the door to getting up in the morning is the dream of many…….

My Guides and Angels have been very insistent that I start our day with this as a reminder to be Thankful of the here and now we have .

It’s not always easy to do. Many of you feel/sense what the energies are even if you are not actively aware of it moment to moment. Later this weekend we will go into this more.

This morning I set aside a time to offer my thanks for so much in my life. It may not seem like a lot to many, but to me there are many wonderful points.

Shortly, in a few weeks, I will need to move. Where am I going? I don’t know. Like I said yesterday I have to “keep the faith” but I’m also adding my thanks for my time here. Things haven’t always been easy here, however, I’ve enjoyed the possums, birds and more. My fur babies and I have had shelter here and I’ve been able to turn it into a reasonably comfortable flat/apartment for us. I’m just thankful I’ve had this time here.

Do you remember the card “Accepting What Is?” That card is a very central point to being thankful for what IS in our lives. Not only can we find our direction from where we start, but we can also know how far we have come as we go through our journey!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

HAPPY INTUITIVE TOOLS TUESDAY – Shielding does a whole lot of good!


HAPPY INTUITIVE TOOLS TUESDAY – Shielding does a whole lot of good!

Let’s face it, the energy is difficult, thick, heavy, crazy and what ever other adjectives and adverbs you want to use there.

This weekend I explained just some of how it may be showing up with your intuition. Today is about helping you to remember to shield, as well as making you and your home less receptive. This morning I felt yet another wave of anxiety wafting itself through our ether. I hadn’t done any of my normal work yet and it swooped in for a quick energetic Tango. That was fixed really quickly, LOL!

This time in our history is really going to need strong and proactive methods for protecting your energy and that of your loved ones. Your fur kids are going to feel it as well as yourself. Keeping not just you, but also your family and home protected is very, very important now.

Make your shielding practice some what of a habit. Mornings are the best to start. As you sit with your coffee or tea you can make a mental note to start your shielding practice. You could also start it with your breakfast or even with your awakening routine. I stated some what of a habbit, because you may want to change it up every now and again. This helps you to keep things fresh and less laisseze fair.

Make yourself comfortable with one or more shielding methods. Find a time that is easiest for you regardless of where you are or when. You can do this in the shower, office, with coffee or tea, as you drive to work or any number of times in your day. Just make sure you are comfortable with the method and time of your choosing!

When you are having it especially hard, CALL THE ANGELS! There are times when I use some of my other talents like carpentry, plumbing and electrical work (yes I can and do do repair work). Sometimes the homes I am in need a HUGE clearing because the energy in there is so “fuquetted” up. There is just no other way to say it although the spelling has been changed, LOL. I will have my regular practice that I do and in those circumstances I will call in Angels, The Arch Angels and Even some Ascended Masters. Ask them to help with your shielding. The times I wish I had know to do that when I worked in my earlier years could have samed me so many headaches and so much energy pickup!

Now for those who may ask, “Well HOW DO YOU SHIELD yourself?” There are a lot of different methods for shielding your energy. You can use crystals and stones, visualizations, jewelry with certain stones (ones that feel best for YOU) as well as prayers that you may feel help you shield. This is just a really short list. The most important part is make sure you phrase your intentions for protection the best for you!

This is the time where you stand up and strong on the energy like the light warrior we’re meant to be!

Monday, March 3, 2025



Even with everything going on world wide our Spirit Family and Friends are still there. They are still supporting us as best they can from the other side.

Yesterday I know my Michael was all around me. I kept seeing his numbers on the clock, phone and even in odd places. He even made my clock in my living room align with GMT! LOL!!!! Oh he can be sneaky even in the afterlife.

Pay attention to those little things as signs from them will let you know they are there!

Sunday, March 2, 2025




Yes, for some of you I’m still on this band wagon and I will be for a long while. The energies from this time in our history are exceptionally difficult for most. For those of us who are sensitive, like yourself, they may feel overwhelming and depleting.

This is my weekly reminder for doing just that.

So let’s recharge and let some light in!!!!!!!!

Music today and sounds we might not think of as musical are our focus today.

“Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast” is as true today as when it was stated in “the Morning Bride” over 300 years ago.

Over 40 years ago I did a very short study on how music affects the human body. By taking vitals and playing different tracts of music I put together data that began to show how our bodies react to music of different genres. Others have done similar and more lengthy studies. There is a clear correlation between music that we love as an individual and our body’s health. What you love in music will have a great benefit on your blood pressure, heart rate, central nervous system, and even down to the cellular level.

As I type this I’ve started my Henry Mancini CD. Growing up with my Dad’s knack for buying boxes of records at yard sales gave me a great start for a love of music. Years ago I had original albums from the early years of recordings all the way through at my disposal. I urge you to find music you may not have listened to in a long time or ever before to help you in your every day life.

Last week as I was working on a few things I listened to Frank Sinatra’s music. Some of his older and younger pieces. Frank Sinatra in his prime had an amazing vocal range. His voice was far more than the “crooner” he was pegged as over the years. That music helped my jobs go faster and not this was not readings ;)

This morning I’ve had to deal with a few things that can accelerate anyone’s blood pressure. Humans are the craziest people kind of thing. So I turned on Henry Mancini’s Greatest Hits.

Yesterday it was a personal acquaintance’s album from France. He plays a great blues and boogie woogie piano! Phillipe an amazing musician. Yesterday, that was what hit the spot for my cleaning up and more energy detoxing. Yes, music can help you energetically detox.

Just as yoga is marvelous for moving your energy and body, so is musical movement. Movement helps our whole being. If I could find a good single man that loved to dance a waltz, foxtrot or tango we would have a great start! LOL!

Other music/sounds that can help are singing bowls. I remember picking one up yeaers ago, playing it to test the sound and my whole energy vibrated and I became dizzy for a moment. That was an awesome experience! That experience also encouraged me to reflect more about sound and research which needs to continue. You can find sound healing from bowls or other instruments like the Digeridoo just about anywhere now.

Nature sounds for me are some of the best “music” to have. I’ve lived out in the country/rural areas most of my life. Birdsong helps me in the morning and comforts me at night as they sing their sleepy end of day melodies. My middle daughter, and this is almost 40 years ago now, sang to the whales in the movie “Star Trek – The Voyage Home” and, walking over in her walker, patted the screen whenever she heard whale song. She would sing to that film every time we played it! I still smile thinking of that!

Years ago when I was in England, I enjoyed listening to the rooks in the trees start their daily fussing. I used to love feeding the robins and listening to the other birds. Some of the tunes they sang were similar to here stateside and others were quite a change. The nature around us can be a wonderful choice of music for our self and soul.

Regardless of what you personally choose, whether it be The Beatles, Beethoven, or Bonjovi let yourself enjoy. It will lift and refresh your energy as many studies have shown. Try it yourself to find out!

* William Congreve, 1697, from the play The Morning Bride”

Saturday, March 1, 2025

HAPPY PSYCHIC SATURDAY!!! How You May Feel These Energies



Being psychic/intuitive is to me just a natural part of any of our lives. We all have a hint or more of it.

This intuition is a tool. It is not a way to grade ourselves or as we used to say “putting on airs.” In no way is it a measure of someone’s grandeur. It is a tool, just like some people can play a great piano, some of us, like me, have a little more and different antennae.

Today I so want to help you understand what you may be picking up. And before you say “a lot of shite…,” we know that already. The energy has been so heavy and dense that I couldn’t easily finish yesterday’s posts as what was coming energetically was difficult.

I still haven’t really watched any of what I learned late yesterday will have repercussions none of us want for decades to come.

We’re talking ENERGY and nothing else.

How will this ENERGY storm be affecting you? Moodiness and mood-swings are just the tip of the iceberg here. Today I’m going to share what’s past that tip for many of us!

We all have a touch of empathy. The emotional energy from so many of us world wide just going “WTF?” is enough to set us off. This doesn’t include the other emotions going around hard and fast.

SO what can happen?

You can feel more worried about money overall. For some it might be slipping into old habits you thought you were past. I’ve had this myself recently. With all the job layoffs, farming issues, and more, this fear is going to radiate and it will affect us if we don’t keep it in check to the best of our ability.

It could be you are experiencing a need to move because you don’t feel safe.

You might be feeling more tired, sluggish and unable to complete things like usual. Motivation from your side of things could be lacking more than usual. In other words you could feel drained more than you might expect. It might come across as if you are doing your every day things as if you are treading through molasses at different points.

Remember you do not have JUST one ability. ALL of the abilities come in different strengths in different people. You may have one strong ability and the rest are latent.

This is why I’ve been shouting from my tiny little soap box for years now!

For those of you with a bit more of a Clairvoyant (clear seeing) sense.

If that is the case, you may see whisps of things that are just on the edge of the solid world. You might think your vision is “going” because for a moment or two it’s more clouded then everything is all right again. You may have the sense you “missed something” too.

You may be seeing more from the corner of your eyes.

Doing simple mundane things, like dishes or vacuuming, you may see bits of things happening even miles away.

In prayer and mediation you may see more orbs and lights. Things may also seem to shine more in those circumstances of prayer or mediation.

For those of you who have a bit stronger Clear hearing or Clairaudience you may be having trouble with hearing words that are untrue. In other words, if you hear a false statement you may do what I call a “full body shiver” or similar. The energies are so dense that some things you may hear make you angry upon hearing them.

You may hear things from far away. You may hear the truth as someone is saying something.


Your Guides and Angels are going to talk to you a LOT stronger and louder than they have before. They are going to show up a lot stronger if your vision is the strongest sense for you. They will be giving you feelings of what you need to do as well.

Claircognizance is the ability to sense things in the future. Most of last year I had one heck of a knot in my stomach because of November 2024, the month of my 60th birthday. My ego side said it was to do with my birthday and I was concerned as I’ve already had 3 brothers pass from heart related issues. As I thought of November 2024 off and on for over a year, that knot in my chest and abdomen would be there. Around and on Election Day it was to the point where I felt a shortness of breath at times. Over this time I double checked my vitals, all were good overall. Twice Election night I awoke and knew…. The next day the chest lump was gone and we know the rest of the story.

The energy shifts and changes are real. How they affect you are real. This isn’t woo-woo play time folks. This IS the real deal. We need to act for our own personal energy as well as helping to mitigate the situations at hand.