This morning (and last night I may add) I came across a quote that Spirit must have sent as a reminder. To paraphrase here:
Remember that your work/job is the dream of others.
Remember that your car is the dream for some.
Remember that your home is the dream of many.
Remember that everything from your walking through the door to getting up in the morning is the dream of many…….
My Guides and Angels have been very insistent that I start our day with this as a reminder to be Thankful of the here and now we have .
It’s not always easy to do. Many of you feel/sense what the energies are even if you are not actively aware of it moment to moment. Later this weekend we will go into this more.
This morning I set aside a time to offer my thanks for so much in my life. It may not seem like a lot to many, but to me there are many wonderful points.
Shortly, in a few weeks, I will need to move. Where am I going? I don’t know. Like I said yesterday I have to “keep the faith” but I’m also adding my thanks for my time here. Things haven’t always been easy here, however, I’ve enjoyed the possums, birds and more. My fur babies and I have had shelter here and I’ve been able to turn it into a reasonably comfortable flat/apartment for us. I’m just thankful I’ve had this time here.
Do you remember the card “Accepting What Is?” That card is a very central point to being thankful for what IS in our lives. Not only can we find our direction from where we start, but we can also know how far we have come as we go through our journey!
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