HAPPY INTUITIVE TOOLS TUESDAY – Shielding does a whole lot of good!
Let’s face it, the energy is difficult, thick, heavy, crazy and what ever other adjectives and adverbs you want to use there.
This weekend I explained just some of how it may be showing up with your intuition. Today is about helping you to remember to shield, as well as making you and your home less receptive. This morning I felt yet another wave of anxiety wafting itself through our ether. I hadn’t done any of my normal work yet and it swooped in for a quick energetic Tango. That was fixed really quickly, LOL!
This time in our history is really going to need strong and proactive methods for protecting your energy and that of your loved ones. Your fur kids are going to feel it as well as yourself. Keeping not just you, but also your family and home protected is very, very important now.
Make your shielding practice some what of a habit. Mornings are the best to start. As you sit with your coffee or tea you can make a mental note to start your shielding practice. You could also start it with your breakfast or even with your awakening routine. I stated some what of a habbit, because you may want to change it up every now and again. This helps you to keep things fresh and less laisseze fair.
Make yourself comfortable with one or more shielding methods. Find a time that is easiest for you regardless of where you are or when. You can do this in the shower, office, with coffee or tea, as you drive to work or any number of times in your day. Just make sure you are comfortable with the method and time of your choosing!
When you are having it especially hard, CALL THE ANGELS! There are times when I use some of my other talents like carpentry, plumbing and electrical work (yes I can and do do repair work). Sometimes the homes I am in need a HUGE clearing because the energy in there is so “fuquetted” up. There is just no other way to say it although the spelling has been changed, LOL. I will have my regular practice that I do and in those circumstances I will call in Angels, The Arch Angels and Even some Ascended Masters. Ask them to help with your shielding. The times I wish I had know to do that when I worked in my earlier years could have samed me so many headaches and so much energy pickup!
Now for those who may ask, “Well HOW DO YOU SHIELD yourself?” There are a lot of different methods for shielding your energy. You can use crystals and stones, visualizations, jewelry with certain stones (ones that feel best for YOU) as well as prayers that you may feel help you shield. This is just a really short list. The most important part is make sure you phrase your intentions for protection the best for you!
This is the time where you stand up and strong on the energy like the light warrior we’re meant to be!
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