Journaling, this card literally jumped out of the deck as I was shuffling this evening. For me it feels like it’s late but it’s not. This was far from the card I expected when I said my prayer for a card for us. Then again, I’m not sure what I was expecting. It’s always good to leave expectations at the door with any form of reading.
Journaling is something I’ve been doing for well over a decade now and closer to two decades. This is where my introspection, emotions, concerns and more have been placed on pages galore. These tomes lay hidden in a drawer and on cupboard spaces. I’ve worked through so many blockages and anxious moments, painful realities and more on pages.
Here I’ll give you fair warning, they are all in CURSIVE! LOL!!!!
Even just this
weekend I had small epiphanies and jotted them down for my own
healing to continue.
Journaling has helped me pull my head out
of my backside at times. It’s also helped me to realize that there
are indeed things that just have to be let go of and the sooner the
better. Journaling has been a key part of my inner growth for a
number of years as has writing in general.
Literally as I write this, I realize that it’s over thirty years now that I’ve been journaling off and on. The last almost two decades it has been a daily journey with pad or notebook and pen. Sometimes pencils were used.
Journaling the lovely things such as one Holiday time I was so poor it hurt as I couldn’t do anything for my kids, miles away. My friends from near and far sent me things to give me hope through that cold and difficult time. I remember being so shocked to have those things arrive. In one package from a dear lady was a blue journal as well as other things. Oh I felt like the luckiest lady then!
My journaling I remember, took a turn in a difficult and abusive marriage well over 20 years ago. We’d gotten a computer and I hid my writing in a script that was one of those oddball ones. Then saved it in an area of the computer under a name that sounded like one of the drive controls. Anything I did he would normally route out and then all you know what could break loose. Hours of toxic bullying behaviour could be expected. That walking on eggshells that we (my daughters and I) did until 24 years ago. One of my joys and highlights was writing on that hidden file and turning it into gibberish once I was done for the day.
Journaling, it helped me gain courage in difficult times more than once.
Suggestions for going about good daily journaling. Pick a time of day that works for you so that you have few (if any) interruptions. Next, pick a spot where you are comfortable and can relax. Relax because you don’t need to be Shakespeare. No one but you will ever see this unless YOU want them to see it. (this is something strongly suggest you keep to yourself because so often even our closest ones don’t know quite what to make of journaling or our thoughts!) Write about how you feel, what your day was like, the joys of your loved ones or anything that comes to you! It’s yours so do as you like.
You can work your heart and soul aches through in your journaling. You can write dreams down there too! Wondering why thing keep happening over again? Journal it, when was the first time? How did you feel? How often does this happen? Sit with questions you wouldn’t normally dream of asking anyone and ask them of yourself! Only you can explore you so keenly and completely!
Journaling and writing things down physically are powerful tools to help us and our energy move forward. It can help those who we love too. As we have learned, when we raise our energy, we help raise the energy of those around us just a bit too <3 Grab that paper and start!
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