Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Intuitive Tools Tuesday and Clearing out that Energy!



What is your favourite energy clearing tool???

There are all sorts of ways for us to clear not only our energy but the energy in our homes, offices, vehicles and surroundings. Personally I LOVE the smell of sage! Some folks though cannot use this method due to health concerns or allergies. Bells and sounds like clapping or drums are great too!

There are ways to make our clearing time more effective too!

Thirty years ago I had NO idea about energy clearing, smudging, bell ringing, remote clearings and more. The reality of things is that it feels like from my 36th year onward I was put on a crash course in all things metaphysical. Spirit knows fully the whys of it.

Early on I began learning about energy clearing. Oh my word, I needed it too! The very first time I cleared my energy I physically wobbled! I was using sage and clearing me and my home before my exhusband and kiddos arrived home. The wood stove smells I was hoping would hide the smell of the sage! My ex was definitely against anything “different!” As I think back to this it’s a wonder on all points of that relationship! LOL! But I digress….

Clearing energy is like an energetic shower. Regardless of your method (sage, drums, bells or asking Archangels!) it can help you to focus, remove stuck spots and even clear out ugly buildup in spaces of your home or office.

Regarding the office space you work…..”No” - you cannot smudge your boss. That’s a fun idea but for the office that’s a “NO” right out of the starting gate. Our own personal office space is fine to energetically clear. I would strongly recommend essential oils or feathers to keep you from being noticed. You can play singing bowls down low too! That can work!

Do you know what is far more important than the method?

There really is something far more important than any method you use. What is it?

YOUR intentions!

Be CLEAR and make sure to ask for LOVING, POSITIVE AND GOOD energy take the place of the crapola you clear out! Yes, you need to be clear and focus for just a few moments on what kind of energy you want to clear. NO clearing “ALL OF IT” is a sure way of ordering a “Fukakta shakeup” from the Universe! We don’t want that even on a great day!

Just take it slow….

  • Make a mental list or even a real one for the energy you want out of your space or you!

  • Take time to figure out how you want to word it…..

  • Make sure to ask for the Divine to fill the space with wonderful energy once the space is clear of crapola!

  • Sealing the energy is a choice but one that is only your choice….

Please note this isn’t going to give you an “Easy Button” for “Life, The Universe and Everything…” It may cause fecal matter to hit rotating blades so that things clear as requested….for a while…. Don’t be surprised if after the stuff clears things move better… That’s the way it’s supposed to work ;)

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