For so many who are feeling the angst of these last few weeks and the outcomes of the elections here in the US I understand. I'm feeling a LOT of diverse energies coming through.
top cards starting with "The Moon" Arch Angel Haniel, Which
is associated with Intuition, metaphysical and psychic understanding
- Pay attention to your intuition
and know there is much more going on
behind the scenes. That was really strong when I read it and keep
reading it. Also, we have to let fear GO and ASAP!
of Air" is showing us with all those beautiful Unicorns all is
not lost. Again, we're seeing to let go and embrace something new,
potentially what may be behind those scenes. In the book this states
"No where to go but UP!" so we're going to hold onto this
feeling. Let go what is needed to be let go.... endings mean new
beginnings. We know we've got wobbles in some changes so perhaps our
need to recover from the Drama of the last several months is also in
the cards for us
"Release" AA Azrael - RELEASE the end of a phase......again telling us to let go and move forward With new changes, we have to be kind to ourselves. When we let go we can go through a mourning or grieving period, it's OK to feel that . Interesting that on all of the first 4 cards there's a note of releasing and old/new coming in.........
"Eight of Cups" you can see the person is moving away! Changes, water is always emotions so be aware of how you emotionally and psychically feel on things. It's OK to "dive" into your own feelings and beliefs. Working on filling those cups the soulwise you want to fill them!
of Air" is our Jumper for today. I hadn't started praying and
shuffling long before this card popped out. Again, working on our
taking care of ourselves, meditation, and listening to our intuition.
Working through things before making choices. It's strong on us
taking care of our energy
Lastly, "Ten of Earth" Lovely this of finding our magic in the little things of life. It's green and green means healing and healed often times. Things will work out I'm literally hearing we just have to "keep the faith.
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