Tuesday, February 4, 2025




Last night I couldn’t resist showing you all the first card of this week’s cards. MAGIC and hours earlier I’d decided on Magical for our Monday!

You cannot make this stuff up!

This is the set of our regular pull cards. We do have a jumper which I’ll show you later on today.

Cards are just tools. Accordingly WE are also tools in many ways. Our most important tool is our self. Our Body, Mind and Soul working together listening to the hints of that Divine connection, our intuition <3

Let’s go with the cards today for a while <3

These cards are so uplifting to me. Several times over the last couple of weeks I’ve had to put cards down because I was picking up on things shall we say. If you too are agitated and picking up too much of the impending fracas then by all means clear out your energy and make sure you clear your cards before you pull any. RESHUFFLE if you have had any irritation or angst (LOL who hasn’t?????) lately.

The first card – “Believing in Magic” – Oooooh when I read the book I do laugh a little because yesterday when I was looking for some art supplies in a store nearby there were all kinds of reduced from holiday shopping signs of basically “have faith not fear.” That is basically what the book is saying regarding this card. BELIEVE in the magic. Have faith, instead of fear, that the Creator Energies are beyond our wildest dreams. We need to keep aware of the signs and more that the Creator is sending us. Angels are definitely watching over us <3 One of the things we need to ask ourselves is how can we access even more of the magic within??

Have faith and we’re going to hold onto that sentiment. Calling ALL Angels <3

The Second Card – “Embarking on Adventure” - When I first really looked at this I thought kind of sarcastically “Oh are we ever!” Then I got myself a bit more together and turned my sarcasm dial down to about a 1 on the sarcasm-o-matic… This card is reminding us to step out of our comfort zones and look for the positive new things in our lives. Instead of “Same stuff different day” try doing things in a newer way. We can’t see new things and enjoy new things unless we’re getting off of our regular seats and moving forward.

This can be for anything. We don’t have to plan a world vacation to have a little experiential change on the positive sides.

In other words, we need to shake our habits out a bit and get moving into what may be an amazing adventure <3

The last regular pull card for this time – “Healing the Past”- “I step into my future with strength and clarity”

Reading the book this gives me such a profound feeling for healing that it speaks about. To move forward also means to heal, step by step. From this or past lives we heal step by step. I know that we can do so much more easily than we believe at times. Being open and asking ourselves questions such as “How can I allow this to heal more easily?” “What can I do to make this heal easier?” Angels can also do far more given our permission as their chance to help us in clearing and working through our own “stuff” as it were.

We don’t want to take those suitcases filled with yesterday’s aches and agues so healing is our best way to have a lighter and brighter future. <3

Our Jumper Card – “Following Your Bliss” – “My soul sings with Joy” – Although this is a pretty self evident card for meaning, it’s something many of us neglect – following what makes us happy. When my 3 daughters were growing up I didn’t push them into professions or roles that I felt they would be go in. Instead I simply said to them, find what you love to do and don’t worry about the money, it will come to you! This I said as I was busting my backside cleaning swimming pools and repairing the same as well as odd jobs to keep food on the table of four plus. It’s not been until the kids left home that I started thinking of doing things I enjoy. Even now it is sometimes duty over whatever else. Ah those old habits. For you it may well be the same.

This card is reminding us to have fun, enjoy, do things we love. Enjoy them while we are on this side of life.

Ask yourself important questions like “Is this fun for me and my soul?” “Do I really enjoy this?”

Do what you love and love what you do! <3

Monday, February 3, 2025




Remember you still have power and that power is LOVE. This month we’re starting with today discussing Love. Love not necessarily in the coupling and relationship love, but that too.

What does love have to do with it? - Everything, but it’s not the romantic love most of us first think of when the word is mentioned. While that romantic kind of love is important there are other forms of love helping the world go around.

This love, the Compassionate Energy that is without judgment or malice is what really make things tick in our world. Look at all the disasters and how people band together. That kind of love is ever so important. Recently I heard in an interview out in LA fire areas a reporter saying how they didn’t want to go back to the other news to work because the fact that people were helping people was so soothing and refreshing as this is what life really is about.

In many faiths around the world their texts ask the followers to pray for those enemies and more because those faiths ultimately show a way for a higher energy for ourselves and others. Yes, there has been a lot of muddying of the waters, however, those points are there for bringing everyones’ energy up. We’re needing to recognize the massive need for our shifting energies into a higher and brighter mode, for all our sake.

Often I’m asked how do I do Mediumship. The biggest reason how I can do this is because those on the other side still have massive amounts of love for those of us here on this earthly plane. I can make a joke about a lot of thing, but not how their love for those here makes what I and many others do actually happen.

Love is the glue my dears and we need to keep that Love and Loving Compassion going <3

Saturday, February 1, 2025



There are days that I need to take a break from keyboard and more. Today has been one of those days for the most part.

Events are a concern for many of us and I needed the day for recharging my “batteries.” I hope you too have taken or will take time for a bit of a recharge.

Keeping our energy in good shape is going to be paramount over the coming days, weeks and more. Remember as so many have said from Carolyn Myss, Ph.D. to Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., our Biography BECOMES our Biology. In other words our emotional issues get lodged in our tissues IF we aren’t taking good care of ourselves. I feel the freaking frustrations on so many points just as many of you do. However, I too must clear them out of my system as I’m feeling the effects of events and things happening.

Keep your issues out of your tissues by doing other things. Keep clearing your energy. Have fun finding things to laugh and get good feelings from.