Yesterday for me was a great example of a strong need for us to protect our energy.
Whether you are proactively keeping a check on your energy or passively notice your moods and more, it’s time to batten down the ‘hatches’ as my Dad would say. Those “hatches” are your energy field.
Your body is your biggest intuitive tool. I don’t care if you’re 5’0” or 6’9” tall, your body picks up energy from people, news casts, magazine articles, pets and fur friends, and more. Just think of it as you are a statically charged coat and all the energy is like stuff that coat would pick up. Right now it’s apt to pick up a lot.
One of the biggest keys for you to remove/leave any kind of upsetting energy is discernment. Empaths (clairsentient folks) are apt to pick up emotional energy without even recognizing they’ve done so.
Years ago my neighbors who had great tempers, were fighting. The windows were closed. I could not see their argument. They were good at it too!
I was in a really crappy mood all of a sudden. My youngest daughter who was very vision oriented saw me and said “Momma why are you all spiky all of a sudden?” That brought me around all of a sudden because I hadn’t yelled or anything other than done laundry. I realized I was picking up something. I checked my kids for it (teenagers are fun in these circumstances, not them. Not Michael as he was watching footie at his place.
My youngest said is it the neighbors? We talked about it and the minute I located the irksome energy I cut it loose!
Simple discernment is the following “Is it mine or is it coming from somewhere or someone?”
Grounded, shielded and cleared ready to go…. Then you go out and come home feeling like you’re in need of a long nap and a hot bath, possibly together. It’s not uncommon for empaths to be longer in the tub or shower. I know I’m guilty of this too!
When Michael was dying of colon cancer, I remember getting in the shower after I knew he was safe in the hospital bed with everything he needed for a half hour. The water so very hot collected in the tub and I cried so often because I felt so overwhelmed being his single care giver. I was everything from cook and cleaner to PT and OT, nutritionist and bed cleaner, colostomy bags and all.
It wasn’t just the shower or bath action but the water, as I learned later, cleared my aura and renewed my energy. Water is a Sacred Thing. Water clears us, cleans us and protects us. It is a force by which all life on this planet lives in one form or another.
Clearing our energy or if you like resetting our energy is needed any time. In times of personal stress it’s vital. In times like this it is almost critical as we can overload far too easily.
Make sure that you add salt to your bath (and it really doesn’t matter a whole lot at this point!) because a few teaspoons of salt can do wonders for your energy.
We are souls in bodies that have overall needs for care. When our energy is down, we can have more things happen to us and also it can take more time for recovery. Sometimes we need a bit more clearing time.
Nature when conditions allow is great for clearing our energy. Whatever climate suits you. There are times when I crave the mountains and other times when I crave the ocean. Whatever you like you can also take time to go their in your mind from your own couch. Play music or sounds of nature and go there for a little while. It can do wonders!
We can have more on this another day!
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