Often I say that you are your best and biggest intuitive tool. Which you are.
Another thing that I often hear in sessions or from friends is “Please tell him/her I love them and miss them.” My reply is usually something along the lines of “You just did.”
YOU can talk to your loved one in Spirit any time and every time you wish. It really is that simple.
They understand the Love you send this way <3
If you feel or think you get a response, trust that feeling. The hard part for us here is believing that this can and does happen.
We think and talk to them and they think of us. The communication doesn’t really stop, it just changes form.
My Dad is great at giving me a tune in my head to cheer me up. He knows what songs and then some.
Did you hear a tune on the radio or web that was from your life with them? That’s them saying hello!
Over the years, several times I’ve been asked “Well why don’t they show up in front of us if they can?” My answer is usually “Do you want to join them?”
It’s a lot easier to just realize you get to keep them around the house and talk to them all you want.
Then there’s the ones who LOVE to play with your stuff. I’ve lived in haunted houses where there were pranks with mine and my girls’ things.
Then again, there are times our own loved ones LOVE to play with our stuff..….
Besides like one friendly fellow said to me and his wife during a reading “It’s so much fun to mess with her stuff from this side than it was in life!” We were on Skype for the session and she put her hand over her face. She did this to hide her irritation and laugh at the same time. All those months he’d been the one hiding her keys, or moving her makeup in the drawer, or putting things in the wrong place. She thought she was going around the bend. No, it was just her hubby playing with her!
She then said to me (and him) “I’d kill him if he weren’t already dead!”
He then asked me to stick my tongue out at her because that was the image of him that he wanted her to remember!
We were all laughing as this reading got funnier and funnier.
Sometimes we don’t get what we think we wanted but we get what we need in a reading. There was a lady I was reading for one day that wanted to speak to only one person. She was certain it was only one and that’s when I came up with the saying “This ain’t 1-800-dialthedead and Grandma’s not on line 423. She laughed and it took her to a relaxing point.
The thing is she was afraid it was her exhusband who would come through and hurt her feelings as he had done in life. Instead of hurting her, he apologized to her. He explained his PTSD and more from his youth she never fully knew. He then went on to making her laugh with all the things he had followed her doing since he’d passed on. He was hoping to get her to someone who could do readings. He then let go of the “stage” as he called it and she was able to hear from a few other folks. She said that wasn’t the way she wanted it at the beginning but she felt better than she thought she would after our session. The lovely thing for me was we ended with smiles and lighter feelings.
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