Let’s start this morning with a couple of cards. As I was praying and shuffling (hey I CAN do two things at a time ;) ) These two dropped out and onto my desktop. We’ll go over their meanings this morning but for now, think & feel what these two mean for you personally! Make some notes for yourself as to your first impressions. Help YOUR intuition this way <3
The Magic of the Phenomenon with cards and all intuitive tools is beyond one simple day to learn and work with, let alone explain.
One of my favourite sayings is “God Works in some weird and wonderful ways!” Granted, this is a modernization of the saying “God Works in strange and mysterious ways!” Never the less, for me and many others, it’s true. Pulling what seems to be the right cards is just one itty bitty tiny example of the Magical Phenomenons around our world.
These two cards “Stepping into Silence” and “Flying Free” are here to help us on several points.
For many of us, “Stepping into Silence” and staying there is what we feel we want to do so desperately. In reality, this is a place for us to listen, gain wisdom then being able to act in positive manners. We can go into the depths of stillness by walking, sitting with our breath as our guide, watching the sun or moon rising or with a recording and Guidance to the quiet space we all can go.
This is the time to do just this. Go into that blissful solitude, turn everything off and just be. From there we will know what is needed.
How wonderful for this card to follow our first. “Flying Free” if we have followed the first card, will allow us to ‘dance free’ where we need to release the inner limitations we’ve been given. Go onto the adventure in life your heart and soul has been calling for you to do. Dance, Sing, Paint, or whatever your soul has been nagging and calling you to do.
You have found the points in your silent retreats, now go through and to them with joy Moving forward. You release yourself to fly free <3
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