Monday, February 10, 2025




Say that 3 times fast! LOL!

This time of year is often on my mind because of how simple yet grand love and loving connections can be. Without Love ADC connections would really be made.

This week is often thought of as the week of “Love” of the romantic kind with all its trappings in any store. Unfortunately, for many it’s a reminder of a dear one on the other side.

Watch for extra signs this time of the year. Holidays- any holiday- our Spirit Folks look out for us a bit more with signs and synchronicities to help us through.

These aren’t necessarily the “lovey dovey” kinds of signs. These can be just more of your usual signs or even something different.

It was almost Valentine’s day 15 years ago after Michael passed. I was going through the office papers (boxes, and boxes and boxes of papers) from all over the world he’d left stuff. I was keeping myself busy tidying up the house and changing things from “ours” to “mine” as it were. I was moving the downstairs office things around. His desk was now gone and mine remained placed almost in the center of the room. There was a box things left from years of having children in the house. It contained all sorts of glue, pencils, crayons, colored paper and more. That’s when I came across a series of stickers from ages back with kids stuff that said “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” I just stared at it for the longest time.

Michael rarely said I was lovely, looked beautiful or any kind of compliment. He was English to the hilt and had been raised by older Edwardian parents. Therefore he was usually very reserved. His usual saying was just what those stickers said!

These stickers and things were in the middle of the kids stuff. He never would have gone in there in life for something like that. But there it was, in my hands, from the middle of the pile and it was my first real sign of him after his passing.  It took me so much by surprise that I actually framed it with an old frame that was in the closet!  It sat on my desk for quite a while. 

It was the most robust sign I received I will say that. It is to this day. Now I receive things like his birthday or a funny saying I’m familiar with him saying. They are there though you just have to be aware of them.

My Dad and Mom give me signs too. Roses most especially. There have been carnations and other flowers too but usually it’s roses. I hope they send me something like that this year in pictures or similar. I do miss them. There’s another point.

They miss us too. Although they can see and hear us through the years, for both sides of this it’s not the same as when we’re all here on the earth plane. Know that they love you and that is how all of the communication is done, through love.

Signs from our loved ones can be just about anything. Just be open to receive them.

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