We’re living in times that are more difficult for those of us who are intuitively sensitive. They’re difficult on most, but for those of us sensitives it’s on the rough side. We CANNOT climb into a limbo or go into our caves for long. WE do have to recharge and renew for ourselves and those we love.
This isn’t time for airy fairy puffle fluff, no, it’s time for self care. It’s time for us being present in prayer, in action and with gonadal fortitude.
This is part of what Light workers are being called to do.
None the less it is also time for self care on high. It’s also time to take time to forgive yourself when you need an extra break. We need to make sure we charge our batteries and keep ourselves on the lighter side.
I know because I’ve been crankier this last week more than I have been since ESP+PMS was a monthly thing. It’s the energies for the most part.
Most of us won’t have a lot of extra to give unless we take time to recharge.
Unfortunately the weather in much of us in the northern hemisphere isn’t conducive to a lovely walk about at the moment. There are other things we can do to allow ourselves that feeling. One of them is visualization and we can add music to that with bird and animal background sounds.
Rest your body and mind as much as possible when you can. Believe me I understand that there are times it’s not easy to do this. Children, family and work can all play a roll in this. Most of all our beliefs that we don’t deserve a rest or we have to push through. Good grief the crap we’re taught to believe as we grow.
Yes, there are times you have to work through things.
There are however times when you can just let yourself rest too!
This is not the time for ignoring your aches and agues to keep pouring from an emptying vessel. You need to be recharging and often in this world as it is now. You are needed for prayers and more during difficult times. Others may need help in any number of ways and we each have our specialty for helping. Some of us can work in the area, others can fund projects, some of us can spend more time in prayer or meditation to listen and guide. We each have our own ways and we need to charge up in order to help in the ways we can help.
In addition to resting we need to think about what DRAWS our energy from us. Did you know that items in our homes or offices can drain us? Did you know it can keep us from recharging ourselves?
Is there an area of your home or office that drains you? Does it need something done, cleaning, fixed or energy cleared out? Or all of the above?
Start with a small plan and start on it, even if it’s just an hour whenever you can. There will be areas (if the energy is left undisturbed for long) that can make you feel so very tired once you finally do tackle that space!
Do you have something that you don’t like but feel guilty for removing it from your space?
Give it to someone you know that could use it OR a charity you know it will find a good home.
Ok so I know a few ladies in particular, but there’s a couple of men too of my acquaintance that are keeping things just because it was their grandparents’ or it was a relation and the energy from the items literally SUCK energy.
There is a couple I know with something of this nature. One picture (it measures 4 feet by 3 ½ feet – over a meter in size!) visible from most of the main living area of the house that shows all the follies of literally for going to hell. Even the title is something along the lines of “The Railroad of choices from Earth to Hell” --- Old time puritanical religious fear mongering shite. For my European and other followers, yes, this stuff can still be found in some homes. It was his grandparents’ picture and he never liked them! They keep it up because of this belief that they have to keep for “sentimental reasons.” They wonder why they’re always tired and that room is a disaster zone mess.
The negative connotations of that picture – and it lists things A to Zed on it! - is enough to drain someone. The junk of the room is a subconscious (soul attempt) to keep a distance from that image.
Get rid of things that drain your energy!
Listen to pleasant fun things. If you like a certain kind of music and haven’t had a chance to listen to it, do it! A little while ago I realized it was a long time, years, since I listened to some of the music genres and artists I love listening to and now have music on more often. If you don’t own the music, it’s probably on the internet for free somewhere. Just yesterday I found an old Pearl Bailey song that still makes me laugh!
The main goal is raising our energy. In times like this it is VITAL that we do some things to help us be able to work with what is coming to and through us. Remember the card the other day of “Follow your Bliss?” Keeping our energy up, as that jumper card suggests is vital for us. I’m not surprised it showed up when it did with all things concerned. Start putting more bliss in your day and week <3 We need it now more than ever <3
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