Saturday, February 15, 2025




Saturdays are a time we can set a part of it aside for ourselves. For the self, for the soul in many ways. We have to take the time for us. WE have to take that time because we need to claim that energy time.

Now is the time where it is so vitally important for us to top up our personal tank. This week I even saw a prayer put together to help with our viewing news items. It’s not a bad idea at the moment.

Prayer – as many of you know I post a prayer call almost every single night. Stay in a state of prayerful envisaging for the best to come through. Send yourself prayer energy as well as those you love because you have to fill your cup before you can fill everyone else’s! You do not have to take a lot of time for this and you can do so quietly from any where and at any time.

Fill your inner cup.

Feed Your SOUL with good books of your choosing.

Feed your energy (self and soul) with good music.

Fill yourself with Prayer.

Fill yourself with cleaning and clearing things so that feeling of “Crap I’ve got to do this (whatever this is) and I don’t have time to…..” Having that kind of thing drains you.

Take a freaking nap. Too often we work from almost no energy and take awful drinks to coffee mid day only to wonder why we don’t feel sleepy at the right times. Babies nap, little children nap, cats, dogs and most other creatures know a good nap can do wonders. Countries other than the US have nothing against a good kip.

Years ago I had a talk with a friend about our inner beliefs. She, like myself, was brought up on strong New England work ethics. Old fashioned bust your butt until you drop kind of thinking. It’s great until your butt busts and you’re sick from being chronically tired. She’s now crossed over as have her family so I don’t feel anything amiss to relaying parts of our conversations.

We discussed how hard it was as women to make ends meet and that was another inner push for women our age. She remarked on how that inner drive along with the work ethic points felt like something that wasn’t really achievable without a mental meltdown at times. We shared stories of exhaustion and frustrations on the work side of life. We agreed that changes for self and soul were needed. Sadly she didn’t make many changes and passed a few years ago of cancer.

Body and Soul are DEEPLY connected my dears. Take the flippin’ nap! Even Flowers rest and bloom in their own time!

Do things you love to do so that you feed your self and soul. If you love to read, and haven’t in a while, take 30 minutes to read something you like. If you love to paint and haven’t then TAKE the time to paint. Do you dance or sing? Then find time to start up again. Playing instruments are the same, it’s taking you into a more connecting realm when you do! This is soul boosting too.

One BIG point is to really listen and DO what your intuition is telling you. That intuition may help you to recharge faster and better ;)

To summarize:

Rest when you can if you need to rest.

Feed Your SOUL with good books of your choosing.

Feed your energy (self and soul) with good music.

Fill yourself with Prayer.

Fill yourself with cleaning and clearing things.

Do things you LOVE to do

Tonight’s Prayer Call Prayer

The times we’re in now are chaotic at best. What helps to calm the chaos? Prayer, heart felt good old prayer. When Prayer comes from a place of Loving Compassion it is stronger than we at first realize, unless we’ve experience its Miracles. Prayer Power really does exist.  It makes no difference how you do your prayers other than Positive Visualization and Caring Loving Energy.  Prayers to help the mothers and fathers, children and all who are in need now.

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