Yes, I still believe in Magic and the Mystical World that sits with this world of ours. The Creator of All Things is with us and keeping our hearts open helps in trying times.
This card shows our need for Listening To Our Hearts. Listening not for romantic love so much as a greater and grander Love. The Love that is far more encompassing the Compassionate Love that we could all use a little more of <3 Now, more than ever.
The overall reading looks good from the cards pulled. By the way this is from Denise Linn’s Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards.
The Narrow Pathway…. You must think wisely and weigh your movements as you go forward. Rashness and not thinking things through can be make things more difficult for you. Slow and steady paying attention to everything around you. Focus on what you need to do to make it through. Be very aware of everything around you. Keep focused on what you must do and you will be able to do that and more!
Reaching your Desitnation….. With all the careful considerations and steps, time and more We make it to the destination. This destination may not be a physical place but an emotional and/or mental place within ourselves. Take a rest when you reach that place as well as congratulate and cheer for yourself for what you’ve accomplished. Celebration I’ve had to relearn how to do in the last several years. By the way, if you have incomplete projects, NOW is a great time to get them done! Give yourself joy in accomplishing your dreams!
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