HAPPY SOUL-FULL SATURDAY & SUNDAY!!! - Colourful Helping Energies
There is so much around us, regardless of where you life, that can be depressing, upsetting and concerning.
Most people have a touch or more of empath (aka Claire-sentience or clear feeling). This ability makes life wonderful and sometimes energetically difficult for you and me.
Lately I’ve been discussing some of the usual ways of Soul filling and re-energizing. However, today and tomorrow let’s let colour be our topic. How colour can help you and how it helps me to keep my overall energy up a bit more.
The best way I can keep some order to this topic and my thoughts whirling about it are using the rainbow of colours in our energy fields, the Chakras. These miraculous spheres we won’t go into much, but colour and how we might look at it to help our own energy.
Keeping in mind what colours you prefer to wear can tell you a lot about your energy needs. Also what colours are around you in higher or lower quantities can tell you a lot too! I wish I had time to go into the cultural aspects of colours, but you can go there if you are interested.
We all have colours we go to in our lives. When I was working for an establishment a while back, the youngest member of the office said to me “Why do you wear so much blue and green?” To her, I wore an abnormal amount of that part of the colour spectrum. Indeed I do where a lot of blue, green, turquoise and more. Many healers do wear similar, and it’s not always a conscious choice. LOL! She, preferred lots of black because she thought (as we discussed it) it was a “cool” colour to use the slang.
Let’s start with the colour red, the root chakra colour. Do you wear a lot of red? Do you like me, wear it on rare occasions? Do you know the vitality of it when you put it on?
Red is a colour that in our western culture can mean love like in Valentine’s and Christmas seasons. It can mean stop or be a warning colour. It can mean a certain kind of spicy food too because restaurants often use some kind of red symbol for hot foods.
But did you know that putting on some red can invigorate your energy? Have you ever felt the energy from putting on a red blouse or shirt? I have and that’s why I don’t wear that colour often, LOL! The shade of red that I have can actually make a person jittery. If you wear a duller colour red or a different shade of a red hue, it’s not as difficult. The interesting thing is in my younger years I could and did often wear strong bright red. Red high heals, skirts, tops and whatever else adorned my closet. Now, not so much, usually Christmas for short periods and sometimes other times but I do not wear bright red often.
Uses for red:
warmth or safety
You can wear jewelry, put Garnet or other stones in your pocket. You can wear a scarf or handkerchief. A red scarf or tie would work to help with this energy too.
Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Orange. Orange Who? Orange you glad I’m the next colour to talk about? OK, bad joke….
Orange is the same colour of the Sacral Chakra. It can help to give you motivation or courage. It is also a more earthly based colour and wearing it, or any colour you may need more of, can enhance your energy in that zone.
Several years ago I was TERRIFIED of driving my rig (a 36ft motorhome) after 3 tire blowouts. That’s 3 blowouts of the same side rear tires in less than 3 weeks driving this 18,000 behemoth. One morning I had to push myself to drive that rig on part of my journey. I remembered something I was told and wore an orange tank top. That day I was able to shift my being and actually drive, albeit still nervous, but not panicked.
Uses for Orange:
Help your Creativity
Oh yesterday I wrote so much it would bog most folks down. We’ll continue with Orange for this morning just one post and then go onto the other colors as briefly as possible here.
Colours can help your energy my dears. The fact that society has so much in grey, dark grey, charcoal and black at times pisses me off because these are “fashion” colours that don’t contribute to our energy much. Black draws in all sorts of energy we don’t want. Grey makes us dull energetically unless we balance it with brighter colours. And so it goes my dears. Just like sound colour really does affect our whole being.
All colours have a variety of points to them. This is going to be as simple as I can with things. However, we may have a week of colour and sound relief soon!
The second colour is orange, representing emotion both on the plus and minus side of things. Where you feel SAFE being who you really are with family and friends. This colour when I work with helping individuals clear their energy is often dingy and murky. Very rarely is it ever bright orange like a tangerine or true orange fruit.
Wear orange clothing or stones to help you feel better if you need clarity with creativity, emotional points, movement, sensuality and sexuality. In other words this is your feeling colour. Wear orange to help you balance. Also if you feel overwhelmed visualize something like a safe orange scarf hold or closing down this center.
Yellow, unlike Ron Weasley’s “Sunshine Daisies, butter mellow…” incantation, really does work to help us feel our own power and energy. Before I hear someone go “But what if I can’t wear yellow? It doesn’t go with my colours!” A citrine pin or topaz earrings for this colour can do wonders. Your determination is here.
If it’s not active we can’t make decisions easily. We have trouble setting boundaries with this and our orange center too low. With this we also take in TOO MUCH emotional energy and cause ourselves to feel pulled “every which way but loose.” Most often when I work with individuals in session this can be a dark brown/yellow mustard colour. It can be a deep saffron. Rarely is it the lively “sunshine yellow” we see in nature’s flowers. Wearing yellow can help energize you a bit too.
Our next colour is Green. As Kermit the Frog said “It ain’t easy being Green!” He was so right. Green in your energy field is like a forest or grass green. Working with individuals now for nearly 15 years regarding their energy, green this energy/heart center usually is not! Heart of Loving Green is wonderful. When it is hurting and energetically down it’s dark and dull. This is of course where our grief and joy can be. When emotional energy comes into us it can go up or down our field. We’ve all experienced a hurting heart.
Stones that can help are any green stone you may have. Jade, jadite, emerald (rough are inexpensive) tourmaline etc. Clothing that is or has green in it can be a touch or a top, scarf, pin or anything. Use this colour to help brighten you heart. This is a very healing colour if you have need for accepting yourself and soul as is. It’s also a great colour to help you with your grief, painful breakups and more.
Oh this next one is Blue like the sky when it is healthy and working well. It’s job is both to listen and speak with LOVE. This is where we get a lot of things fuque’d (fu Kaid) because this nonsense of “I can say anything I want!” is rarely ever said with an all loving energy. It’s usually said with a spiteful angry (see lower energies) point. That’s not listening, caring or speaking so.
Usually this colour I see as grey when I work with individuals. It can often be cloudy, grey and dull. Often thyroid issues go along with this being off in vibration. Why? Because your thyroid talks to all of your body and being. Your VOICE is here and again, is it from/with love you are speaking or listening?
Wearing blue of the right hue is what you can do to make this radiate and transmit better in all. Stones like blue turquoise or blue topaz, aquamarine can be your jewelry choice here. Hats and gloves of blue can be helpful just as much as a blouse, shirt or jacket.
As we work our way through and up our next colour is Indigo which is a vibrant blue/purple colour. If we’re out of alignment/sorts/etc this area between and just above our brows will affect us. You may have sinus issues or headaches (or both) as well as vision issues. Your imagination or even intuition might have issues. This is the area where a lot of self reflection and higher thought comes through and to us.
With this center I often joke with my clients we need to make sure it’s closed down a bit so you don’t walk into walls. In other words, this point needs to be calibrated well for balance overall. You can have bad dreams from this point or you can feel little imagination on the other side of the spectrum. This is a place that often appears murky and dark to completely off colour in sessions. I’ve even seen where negative religious beliefs and upbringing can put an added lens over it to keep information away! This is one point where being uncomfortable with your intuition can play out significantly too.
Wearing deep purples and indigos helps here. This point has Lapis as a stone, as well as, tourmaline or sapphire. You don’t have to wear too much here but enough to help you navigate here with Love.
The last one at the top of our heads is lavender to white in colour. This is a point of higher understanding where our world we can see through the archetypes and patterns more than what the image portrays. It’s also where we can feel a connectedness. It’s how well you know yourself and soul too. Where your connection with the Divine and all that Is can connect with you.
When we’re off kilter here, we don’t think well. We feel confused and agitated more than we might think ourselves to be. We can also feel alienated and depressed. When we don’t feel connected in work or life in general we can bring this energy more open. Our Divine connection, in other words, is not focused as well as it could be.
Interestingly there’s usually not much I see wrong with this energy as a whole. Usually in sessions this center people don’t have open much or in a few cases hardly at all! Our energy from red to white is meant to flow back and forth as if we’re a human circuit and usually this center people want open very, very little. It’s almost like we’re afraid to “go there.” Often I have to encourage the individual to open this center wider!
This is part of where Inspired (In Spirit as Dr. Wayne Dyer said) connects with us! Inspired is In Spirit and we connect with the Divine here!
In wearing white to violet, amethyst or purples you can help this center. Wearing diamonds, quartz, amethyst and purple stones helps calibrate and strengthen our connections.
Making little ceremonies can help you here too as you put on your jewelry or clothing. These little things can help to remind us that we are one big inner rainbow of light endeavoring to shine!
Addendum to all of the above:
These are only the broadest and general points for using colours to help your energy. You may find that you can only wear a colour for a short period of time at first. You may also shed or remove memories, fears, ideas/beliefs that aren’t suited for you to hold any longer. This can cause emotional outlet as well as well as even some physical sensations. These are all to the good.
Please understand that wearing a certain colour at first it is best to make it in small time slots and a little bit at a time can do a lot of good but don’t overdo.
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