Wednesday, February 19, 2025




Be careful of your words. There are wordsmiths who are most acutely aware of the feeling and sense of words when we read them. That is because we know their power.

A song by the singer and actress Cher has a set of lyrics that state “Words are like weapons they wound you sometimes.…….”

With the words we use and the thoughts and feelings we create a great deal. Singing and humming words Create.….

Words can be Magical in their own way!   So often lyrics of a song or poetry can uplift us. Even at memorials there are those whose words can help us remember the funniest of times with that loved one now on the other side.

I’m going to make a sincere suggestion. Reflect on your favourite affirmations. They can be ones you’ve made up or copied from someone like Louise Hay.

Years ago I gave a friend of mine the choice from Louise Hay’s affirmation cards. He was suffering from several health issues. One night I had an idea while at their restaurant. The next time I was over, I brought my cards with me and asked him to choose which ones he wanted and I would copy those for his affirmations to help. He said he was willing to give it a shot and on we went.

His wife was happy about the affirmation cards. These were words that were music to both of them!

Somethings we can do for ourselves is to create wonderful affirmations. The other side of this coin is to remover as many rough and ugly sayings we’ve learned or been raised with. I’ve seen the results of some of these more negative focal points.

Almost half a century ago I fell in love with a young man. Unfortunately it didn’t last because I could not tolerate the negatives of behaviour, character and manner for long. We had just a few short years. His life went on to be one of drug and alcohol addition and was horribly difficult in many ways as I found out years later. Even though he had a good university education and even higher education he spiraled awfully in life. He died youngish, just over 50 in tragic circumstances.

When we were younger he had a saying. A very negative affirmation as I know it to be now. It was even on one of his T-shirts in high school and college. It was this “Life sucks and then you die.” As I reflect on the teachings of Wayne Dyer, Ph.D., Louise Hay and others, I see it as a very negative affirmation and how his life fulfilled that saying well.

Words do indeed matter as does the meaning and emotional energy we put behind them.

Your whole being, can attune to truthful words and phrases. Sometimes when we feel a resistance it is because of how we’ve been raised or what we’ve been exposed to over the years. We can clear it and move forward in more positive lighter and better ways.

PAY ATTENTION NOW more than ever and focus on the outcome we desire most with words carrying the tune from our hearts and souls.

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