This month is the month of Love. The Love we’re talking about most is the kind that makes what Mediums around the world able to do what we do. It is the caring compassionate love in those that have crossed over or will some day. That is truly the Magic to discuss today.
This is the kind of Magic that inspires Prayer (another form of Magic if you will) that helps to do so many things. There isn’t enough space on this, or any format, to write on how prayer encompasses facets of our lives here. Prayer IS a form of Love <3
This is something I know from personal experiences as well as listening to others over the decades.
This year is 15 years since my days of waiting in the ICU for word of what was then befalling my late Michael. Everything with his illness had come on so very quickly. He had always prided himself on his health and indeed until the last few months before that December day he looked and acted so healthy. Unfortunately there was a true monster waiting in the works as they say.
There I stood at the foot of his bed watching the monitor to the right of the bed. The tubes and IV’s with small bags of 3 very potent anti-biotics dripping from each one. He had a Catheter in his bladder but there was no fluid coming trough….his kidneys had shut down.
His energy was still with his body but the colour I could see was grey. His skin colour was pale, but my intuitive sight saw grey. Not a good sign by anyone’s definition.
This was a time where I called in ALL Angels of God as well as a few Arch Angels. That’s when I saw two Arch Angels behind his bed. There was no space really between the wall and bed. Those big hulking Arch Angels were there though and Michael made it through surgery and post op. He had all total 355 more days to added to his calendar from ER to crossing over.
When I was very small I contracted whooping cough which later led to what I suspect (I was never told officially by parents or our doctor) was pneumonia. One day while watching church on the TV because the weather that January was horribly bitter in our New Hampshire town, Momma sat next to my chair and started praying. In those brief moments, a loving charge of energy I felt cross from my mother’s hands to my arm and through my body. The very next day I started feeling much better. That energy was so strong and so loving and I can remember it to this day over 50 years later.
My Daddy died in my hands nearly 50 years ago. For many minutes I worked (CPR) to keep him alive. Long story very short….Even though that morning was cold and almost 2 feet of fresh snow lay on the ground under us as I worked, it was not until his soul left his body I felt a “wind” go through me that was not wind. The love I felt as he left this world for the next was beyond our one word for love. This is another “love” I was blessed to feel as I felt him go.
We are blessed in this world/dimension with many forms of Love. Love from Romantic all the way through to eventually, I feel and believe, the wonderful love I’ve felt from Dad’s passing and a few others. Looking at each of my wonderful children was a form of love, keeping them after their teen years is definitely a form of LOVE, LOL!
There are times when I feel flowers about to bloom and how beautiful that feeling is too. Feeling plants as they leaf has a joy beyond words.
Fur and Feathered people (I feel they are soulful intelligent beings) give such amazing love too. There are times looking into the eyes of one of my fur kids or feeling them is amazing. The love is so true and flows so wonderfully.
Love is the Magic that holds all this together. Loving Compassion brings us together when hurricanes happen as well as earthquakes, typhoons, floods, fires and more. Ultimately it’s what saved hundreds of thousands of people in WWII with people hiding Jews, Romani, and striving to make the world better again through the underground.
Love is the Magical Binding Force….
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