Monday, October 7, 2024

Blessings on This Mediumship Monday - Mediumship is a tool but not a replacement for grief


BLESSINGS on this Mediumship Monday!!!!! <3

This month of October I had originally setup and designed for having a little kind of fun with my work. Now, after the severe devastation, Last week and this one will be my endeavors are just to help. This is why today is Mediumship Monday.

It’s almost 20 years ago that I became a professional Medium. At every single step I was so very, very nervous. One friend, who is now on the other side, kept prodding me to do this work. I’ll do this work and other things as well as long as I can.

A Psychic Medium is a link, kind of like a telephone, to communicate between worlds. We relay messages from the world of Spirit to this world. We open our energy up, they lower theirs and and then we relay their messages to the best of our abilities.

This world we have is going through a lot of grief and in a lot of places. What you will passively see on your screen is only a fraction of what is happening. Thankfully, none of us can see it all. I don’t want to myself. The years of wars, battles and disasters seem never ending.

So far I’ve had a few calls from folks wanting to know about their loved ones. There will be calls shortly for readings but this grief is far, far too soon to have a session. The grief is to strong and raw and quite simply too complicated with everything going on for a session for anyone going through this series of disasters.

Unless my team of Angels and Guides says otherwise, usually it’s best to wait 6 months for any reading. Grief isn’t a 1 size fits all thing and you cannot rush it. There’s not “EASY” button for grief. In my own life as well as reading for others, I so wish at times there was something of that nature, however, there simply isn’t.

Many years ago I was learning to read professionally. This was also a time for gaining understanding on how exactly my abilities worked. There were a few folks I read for early on as a test for myself. One lady had had her husband of several years to cross over just a few months before. My Angelic Crew gave me the green light for reading for her. I wasn’t charging at the time as this was also a learning experience for me too. It was an exchange as should be the case. Unfortunately, she wouldn’t stop calling me every few days for a session. This happened a few times until she was absolutely livid one time that I wasn’t available for her right then and there, it was nearly midnight! Later the next day she called to apologize for her behaviour as she as just so lonely without him. Whilst I accepted her apology, I realized she was using our little sessions as a crutch and not going through the process she needed. This I told her and I also said that no matter what, she would not have another session from me for over a year. To say she wasn’t pleasant was an understatement. I hung up and said a prayer for her after she started her rant, which I would not allow to finish.

Mediumship is a wonderful aid in helping in the grief process. It can be heart breaking as well as full of laughter and “Aha” moments. Times in readings are filled with moments that bring back happy and fun memories or ones that are needed to help the hurt. There are times when everything goes out the window and that Spirit Person has us as an audience – usually the family fun folks. You know the ones.

Readings can and do differ from person to person and from one time to another with the same person or people as the sitter. Mediumship readings can help on so many fronts but they cannot be used as a crutch or to try to keep from going through the actual grief process.

All too well I know that it is HARD to grieve for those you love who have crossed over. Sudden passings are especially difficult I feel. No one’s crossing is easy for us to bear and deal with regardless of distance and more. All of my older relations are on the other side now. I have no aunts, uncles, cousins to my knowledge, or brothers nor mom or dad on this side of life. My Michael crossed over 14 years ago this December… And then there are fur babies who have crossed over. All too well I too know loss and grieving. It’s never easy but then again, the love doesn’t stop either. We grieve because we love. Love keeps going and so must we….. I guess that’s why God created Mediums so we could hear from our Loved Ones and let the Love Flow <3

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