Wednesday, October 16, 2024


BLESSINGS On this Woo-Woo Energy Wednesday!!!!

Oh it’s cool and windy for October here in NC. This is a part of the year I love because of the colours in the trees, the oppressive heat of summer has left us (usually, hopefully, maybe and if you live in the south you understand!) and it’s when the BIG spider webs are created by our Orb Weaver spiders. Their ability to design and make these intricate webs over and over have enthralled me for decades. In many places over many years I’ve watched these amazing beings weave.

They make their home and yet they have their plans not on paper or computer screen but within them. They trust that inner knowing and time after time they design beauty and their homes safety.

Years ago I read Robert Fulgrum’s “Everything I Needed to Know I learned in Kindergarden” and in there was a story of a woman beautifully dressed and coiffed for the day walking straight into this beautful spider’s web. All you know what broke loose for the poor spider and the poor human having a ballistic reaction. Have you ever read that book and story? How we look at things and view things is very clear in that story if you go beyond the surface.

We perceive something but is it just how we’re trained to think? Where do we look usually? Material things or money and yet, we’re ignoring what peace, real Peace would bring if we were to weave it with our co-creative abilities. Since I was tiny I’ve seen and heard the effects of war. So many in my family have carried the scars of war from WWII and onward. When I was little we had a Vietnamese family living with us for several months because they had to leave their home due to war.

So often I’ve heard all these things we’re being taught in the metaphysical community going for “abundance” – that key word. Yes, we need prosperity and abundance in our world but we also need peace far more. What would that look like for you? What would it feel like for you? How would your family and friend be in a more peaceful state? Can you imagine their happy and calm natures? How hard would it be for you to work within the parameters of that? Would you be able to imagine it for yourself?

My thoughts of peacefulness years ago were just to have 15-20 minutes in the tub where my girls were not needing me to talk, listen or other things moms do so that I could unwind. What you imagine today will change over time. Peacefulness has changed for me over the years. It’s part of what we envisage for ourselves that is the key. It’s also good to release what isn’t feasible, such as if you live in a big city a quite night of no traffic sound probably isn’t going to easily happen. If you live out in the wilderness it probably is a pretty sure bet. There are some factors we have to account for in this.

We need to take time, perhaps even multiple times a day, and send out Peace Filled Loving and Compassionate energy to help achieve in some small way more peacefulness in our own lives. The more we can envisage it for ourselves and those we care about the more we can help bring it about.

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