Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Blessings on this Wonderful Woo-Woo Wednesday - The Energy of Prayer

Blessings on this Wonderful Woo-Woo Wednesday!!!!

Today’s woo-woo is on the power of prayer.

A few days ago I wrote in one of these blog articles that I was here because of prayer. In that statement I don’t mean just being a medium, or at my desk as a person.  I mean I am alive because on a number of occasions PRAYER and its power got me through and to so very much.

The first time I can recall was my Mother praying for me as I’d been so very sick and at 9 years old had had hooping cough and pneumonia. Momma was an 8th or 9th grade dropout. She liked to read in her earlier years but as her illness persisted that stopped. She did have a belief in the Creative Spirit that was closely linked to her evidently Catholic or Episcopal upbringing. That belief directed what I felt pour through my body one morning as she watched her church services on the TV. From that day on I was better each and every day.

Prayer is an amazingly powerful. Did you know that the Power of Prayer is so strong that it can go backward and forward through space and time? Did you know that the power of Prayer has no boundaries? When I learned that it was a huge “Aha” moment for me. Even now when I think about those two concepts it’s massive to contemplate!

Several years ago I had a “case of the stupids” and bought an older RV then packed all of my critters and I in it for a trip to to back to live in NH. On my way up my rig stalled on the side of a mountain. Not the best place in the world for over 18,000 pounds of rig to stall out. The other bad thing was that the emergency brake went out. Yup-a-doodles that baby was going to roll down that mountain if I didn’t hold fast and furious onto that brake pedal. I called for help through emergency services and then called a dear friend whom I asked to contact my fellow “Flowers” for prayers to keep all of us, critters and myself, safe. Safe we were, 30 minutes of holding that brake…. Whew! When I got out after the Virginia State PD chucked my wheels for me, there was 1 solitary feather just outside my rig’s door! Prayers Answered!

These are just 2 examples of many where this amazing, wonderful and compassionate loving energy has saved me and mine.

There are those of you reading this that can probably recall prayerful times and how often even small Magical Miracles happened.

The other day I wrote about how we needed to just pray and I didn’t care “if you dance naked in the moonlight, just don’t get arrested!” and I meant it. Prayers are as diverse as the people of this world. With what records we can find from Roman and Greek times, thousands of years ago, as well as just the sheer volume or place and points where prayer has been done over the centuries, there are many modes of this Magical and Mystical Communication. Think of all the historical prayerful places… amazing over all those centuries and all those people how prayer has been with us for so long. We humans love to make rules about things and prayer isn’t out of the boundaries on this. To me, caring and Loving prayers meant from the heart are all that’s needed.

To me, prayer joins us to that of Creator in such a way that we can help in ways that we may never understand. The first time I remember praying soul hard (yes SOUL HARD- when you ache in your being ) was when I was working on Dad at 14. There have been too many times since to count. I know some of you know that deep ache and what I do is pray, and keep in what I call “Prayer mode” because I may be standing in a grocery store line and praying for someone or many someones right there. Just quiet and no one but me and The Creator knows it. Day or night, there is never a wrong time to send Loving and Compassionate energy out to someone.

This is why I place a “prayer call” out most evenings on my facebook page. Sometimes on other social media, namely Instagram, too. Lately I have added Instagram as the disasters that are happening are monumental and quite frankly we need all the prayers possible to help. This is a time like no other and it’s not just our back yards, it’s all over the world that events are happening, whether the media shows it or not.

Here I’ve only hit the tip of the power and potential of Prayer. This is an Energy of Love and Compassion. That with Creator Energy can do anything.

In times like we are in now, pray how it feels best to you. Also, keep the prayers going whenever you like or feel the need. No one needs to know but you.

We’re all connected and never more so when we join in prayer to help those in need <3


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