Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Blessings on this Intuitive Tools Tuesday - Working through the difficult energies


Blessings everyone on this Intuitive Tools Tuesday <3

This whole month I had planned something entirely different. However, with due consideration, I find that plan at least half scrapped.

Last month was a covering of a more metaphysical kind of energy. It wasn’t on how to connect your lamp to a socket. You cannot cover everything OR take everything in with one go. I’ll go back to it soon, probably sooner than later and over again ;)

Etheric energy flows like water in many ways. Emotional energy is often symbolized as water. If we go to the energy centers, we see that the second of our lower energy centers is water. Oh my I just caught the irony of my talking about water right now. There’s always a reason though.

These last few days have been hard to wrap our heads around. Those of us that feel emotions and events strongly, like us, it’s even more complicated. Add to that this new again war brewing in the Middle East, and all the battles and skirmishes that aren’t covered in our daily news – it’s a soup of energy that is hard to take for long.

Therefore, we need to protect our own energy first and foremost.

Here are some ways that will help – this is only a starter list! <3

  • Limit what we take in for news and information. This will keep from overloading our sensory systems

  • Prayer – Prayer raises both our energies AND the energies of the prayer subjects and much of the energy around both

  • Meditate – Even just a few minutes of clearing one’s mind can help mitigate what is coming to and through you

  • Turn on your heart energy kind of like the old song said “Turn on your heart light. Send Loving Caring Compassionate Energy. You can do this with prayer or just thoughts of people getting the supplies and things they need and being so relieved and happy.

  • Use discernment that I’ve talked about in the past. Is it you or is it coming to you? IF to you (and so much of it will be) honour it and acknowledge it but do not keep it. Empaths are emotional energy clearing houses naturally. We however cannot keep everything and make everything better by ourselves.

  • Do things that help you feel better. I relax when I’m doing needle work or sewing. I can get lost in the Creative Flow when I draw, paint or write. Do something you can get lost in too. Something active and not the television.

  • Go into what I call gratitude mode by finding anything and everything you can to be thankful for as it comes to you. It can be anything, even silly things like pink straws or something vital like shoes and a roof over your head. Again, like I said last month, this goes into a higher vibration both within ourselves as well as our surroundings.

  • Do something positive. Today I’m making a list for donation as well for both the humans and the fur people involved. If you cannot physically do something, as I’ve been saying, Pray. Pray as often as you think of doing so. You don’t have to do something like this out loud. Prayer too is doing something <3

  • Put good music on for your soul. “Music hath charms to sooth the savage breast” in this case breast equals heart and pained heart energy.

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