Sunday, October 6, 2024




This one is a hard one for me because although I’m safe and dry in my little garage apartment, just a few hundred miles west so very many are what we would call “gone” or “lost.” Never before have I gone to publish something like this but I feel it is so vitally necessary. Not just for what has happened to my west but also all the world events that are currently happening. This little spot on the globe isn’t the only place where horrible difficulties are happening.

Y’all, death happens in our world every single day, but when it happens in such a mass scale as it has last week it is able to felt far and wide. We all have a ticket to that station and we never know when we cash it in (with a rare few exceptions). Many medical professionals as well as clergy can tell you of their experiences with the passing of those they have served. Some of you reading this will also have had experiences with the deaths of closed loved ones.

What I’m about to relay to you is from my personal experiences from my life as well as working as a Medium for nearly 20 years. You can either dismiss it or listen to it, the choice is yours.

Death comes to those we love and know as well as ourselves. The “Great Mystery” I’ve heard it called. It is my understanding that yes, there are sometimes when a choice can be made as to timing. However, many times there is not. Many on hospice and similar situations I feel choose the timing.

My late Michael was on hospice for nearly 3 full months and he waited until he heard something from an Hungarian/Magyar friend on my security as well as AFTER our anniversary to pass. Our chief nurse told me the last few weeks she didn’t know HOW he was holding on. It wasn’t until before Christmas and just after our anniversary his soul left that body. I truly feel and believe he chose that date just like my older brother Moe to some degree chose his time.

Moe’s son, my nephew, relayed to me a couple of months after his father’s passing how my brother and his Angels were arguing on his “leaving time.” I do believe my dear brother held out as long as he could even giving the argument of “I’ve got to cut the grass.” He’d had a lawn mowing business in his earlier years down in Florida. I had to laugh when he told me that. It figures, my brother would argue with Angels!

In November of 1978, my Dad died in my hands. I felt him, his soul, leave and that LOVE, JOY and PEACE I felt in those seconds I have never forgotten. At that time and my tender age of 14, I didn’t know consciously that was the moment his soul left his body, but intuitively I did. It’s because of that memory and experience I understand why Anita Moorjani has said that being on the other side is so peaceful and wonderful.

Those are all individual examples of those who were able to stay in the body long enough to in some way say their good-byes. What about mass casualty events like what has happened the last few years? What about those who crossed over from the earthquake in February of 2023? What about those who crossed over during the Fukushima earthquake? What about the tidal wave of 2004 on Christmas week? What about all those in my region of the country who have died from this mass casualty event?

Obviously I cannot say 100%. There’s no measurement or scientific data for horrendous events on how the soul leaves. There are those like me who felt their leaving this world en masse. To me, it was overwhelming and deep as if the ethers were having their own kind of quaking. This is why I say there are ripples to energy whether it’s emotional energy, physical energy or ethereal energy. There is always a rippling affect coming off an event. Some of them are large enough for many of us to feel, even if we’re not aware of what it is.

There are those that will have had no choice in their passing time. The damages to the body as a whole would not be sustainable to life. Often under these circumstances the soul leaves micro-seconds prior to the physical death.

During readings I’ve often heard a Spirit Person say something to the effects of “I was out of there in a snap!” and often they didn’t know what had fully happened until they floated above the situation and “got their bearings” I remember from a car crash victim.

Also I’ve been told “I was there, watching, but I wasn’t fully there because I was watching.” which means they were already disassociated from their body in a way. It was as if they had some kind of see through partition where they were not fully there/connected at the time of death. Then when the silver cord broke they were free of the body.

Often times a Spirit Person (Soul and Spirit are often interchangeable to me) will stay where they passed to help others find their body. They may also stay there for a short bit because of shock of their being here one minute and on the other side the next as it were.

Also a newly crossed over person will often head to their loved ones to try and tell them they are ok. This is why some folks will just know something isn’t right but can’t understand why. Later they find out that when they felt something was off or wrong was about the time their loved one crossed over. Before my brother Ron was called by the Red Cross about Dad, they knew something was very wrong and it was about Dad. He and his family were in Germany at the time and no where close to NH. He said to me “when we got the call I knew why already in a way, it was something bad and it was about Dad.”

No matter who or how the passing happens, there are those to help those now in Spirit over to fully cross to the other side. Most often these are Loved Ones. It may be their mum or dad, grandparents, aunts or uncles, even close friends are there to help them cross over. As my Michael said to me around a month after he crossed “It was a salubrious occasion.” From what I could sense, he had his mum and dad, older sister and brother there and probably many others from his family too.

The same will have happened for others too. Their Loved Ones in Spirit will be there for them.

It’s hard to think about I know. The situations are so very hard to think about. What we can focus on is that there were loved ones there from the other side to greet them as they crossed over. The vast majority will have crossed over and with Loving family from the other side right there with them by their side.

Copyright all rights reserved, Ada M. Brown

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