Monday, September 30, 2024

Magical Miracle Monday and an experience almost 20 years ago now


I mean than whole-heartedly because there is help trickling into the devastated areas. There’s some relief going on in the areas hit hard here stateside.

Earlier today I asked my Guides and Angels what to write about. I was feeling so deeply what’s been happening. They said “Write about Little Jacob and Miracles.” Jacob, by the way, isn’t his real name.

They told me that we just haven’t heard about the miracles yet. That we’re going to hear from folks who have survived and more through Magical Miracles. One I’ve already read about today. How folks made it up the mountain with the roads crumbling under them, kids on hips and in tow. They made it. If they’d waited just 5 more minutes they wouldn’t have made it. That’s how close it was.

We’ll hear more as time goes on I’m sure.


Things happen for a reason or reasons often times. It was just under 20 years ago and I was reading Carol Bowman’s book “Children’s Past Lives” (oddly enough she was living in Asheville when these events occurred in her life). It was a book I felt I needed to read and had picked it up at a used book store sale or similar. Anyway I had started reading it and was amazed by how things unfolded for her and her family.

About that time I started helping my neighbor, Jenny, with her 3 of her 5 kiddos. She was just over 26 and they had 5 kids in tow. She was so overwhelmed with the baby being only a few months old and they stair stepped on up from there.

So I’d take the older ones over to the park across the street, or my place to play ball or pick berries and play for an hour or so. This way she had a chance to tidy up or just get a shower and wash her hair! Letting the baby nap as she did. I remembered having 3 little girls all stair step age and I knew she was so overwhelmed. She and her husband were of very simple means and let’s just say there are times you can give a hand without being pushy or too overt.

It had rained a couple of days before. The kids were happy to see me at their door as was Jenny. The baby was fussy that day. I asked her if she wouldn’t mind my taking the kids to the park for an hour so that we could get some energy out. She said that was fine but the look on her face was one I’ll always remember, it was relief.

We walked down at the park. The swings were free of anyone else so the kids had a few minutes of getting me to workout my arms, LOL. After a while we walked down by the creek. That’s one of the first times Jacob said to me, “Granny and I drownded in the creek!” Now this little guy was not very old as he wasn’t even in kinder-garden yet. I asked him if it was that creek and he said “No, it was behind our farm house. The waters came up real fast and I tried to help Granny cross the creek and we drownded.”

At first I just thought it was kiddo stories. Then after a few times of him saying this I asked his mom if he’d ever said anything about it. She said he had been saying that since he was really small. OK, I thought to myself there’s two signs – always the same story and starts almost when he started talking.

Months went by and we had our visits from time to time. The oldest ones started elementary school all day, so their schedule didn’t always line up with mine. One day I dropped by and the mom and I talked a bit more before the kids and I went off to the park.

She told me that the weekend before they had gone driving around the countryside that Sunday. It had been a great day and all the kids had been so good that morning for church and everything. That’s what had made them want to take a drive out more in the country. Then after about half an hour or so Jacob started yelling “that’s our house, that’s our house!!!!!” It was an old farm house that someone had just started renovating.

They pulled into the long driveway because Jacob wouldn’t sit still or be quiet and they wanted to prove to him it wasn’t their house. Boy did they get the surprise.

The door was open and the house was almost as it had been left however long ago. They didn’t go in but looked inside. The parents didn’t want anyone trespassing in case the owners were close by.

Jacob insisted they go for a walk to the back of the farm house. The house didn’t line up so much with the road but the long driveway which was more dirt than anything. You couldn’t see it from the road, but behind that house was a small creek. There was a little bridge that at one time had crossed that creek. It had wrought iron and wood rails and a wooden plank floor to it. Even then it was impressive for its day.

All of a sudden Jacob got excited and sad too saying loudly “That’s where Granny and me drownded! We drownded here in the creek! The water was high and we drownded!”

Since that Sunday he was quieter and calmer. Jacob was smart, extremely smart for a little one his age. But even he couldn’t make up a stream that you couldn’t see from the road with its banks covered in tall grasses.

None of this I can ‘scientifically prove’ for those who would be critical. Sometimes, many times, faith has to walk and cross that line where science cannot tread.

This memory I’ve thought a lot about this past weekend. I thought about it when I saw the major flooding in various parts of the world this year.

Maybe Jacob’s story can help. I don’t know. What I do feel is we will hear of more miracles and more…..

Please keep the prayers going my dears. They will be needed for a very long time!


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