Saturday, September 7, 2024

Soul Care AFTER an Energy Vampire Visits!


Happy SOUL Care Saturday!!!!!!!!

Wonderful Listening Souls, be careful around other people. This week I had a really great reminder of how people to people energy can work in the positive for everyone as well as a “take and no give” scenario. Empaths and Sensitives are more keenly susceptible to this and since most of us have a degree of empathy in us (Clairsentience it’s also called), we’re going to get hit with it from time to time.

It can happen any where and almost any time.

This week I was ‘hit with it’ by someone and because they carry a rage and are almost always low on energy I got zapped before I realized what was happening. They even texted me on other things to lay the “trap” to have me there to go over and over again their plight. I did the “I have to go to an event tonight” thing and left after about 9 minutes which was 8 minutes too long. This was the grab and go form (this person’s usual way) of entwining me or someone else to here their outrage, hurt, or anything else from their point of reference. If not careful I could have been entwined for well over 30 minutes. I lucked out with a go strategy. Something we all need practice in!

Energy Suckers, Psychic Vampires, Energy Vampires are all names for individuals that on a regular basis pull energy from individuals in order to sustain themselves. Most people don’t go out and think, “Hey, I’m going to suck Genie’s energy dry today because I’m feeling upset or scared about work today.” No, they don’t actively think about it at all. It’s actually a learned habit of behaviour.

To be fair we can all be Energy Vampires at our low points. It’s that most of us only have this happen at rare times that there is a significant difference. True Energy Vampires suck your energy dry all the time.

Again I will state we can all give and take energy at times. It is just a matter of how well we are caring about and for our energy that is often the key!

How do you protect yourself? --- Shield yourself the minute you know it’s happening. IF you don’t feel strong enough for shielding, then call in your Angels and they can greatly help. The ArchAngels’s can also help just call them!

The next thing to do is to get out of close proximity of this person. If you are on the phone, get off the phone as soon as possible. In other words “Run, Forest, RUN!!! from whomever this is if at all possible! You can even ask for help on a way to get away as soon as possible if it’s a difficult situation.

How do you keep it from happening?---- If it’s a family member this is REALLY hard to do at times. The best thing you can do is try to limit your exposure. As adults we can have it a bit easier with relations but when gatherings happen and you feel like a limp and wet dishcloth after 15 minutes with “Aunt Jackie” you can remember to get out of there asap due to bathroom or walking the dog for Gennie, anything just scoot. Keep your time with anyone like this to a minimum. No you cannot go to Aunt Mattie’s get together you have things to do is just an example. You can stand up for your right not to attend even if relations will be a bit irritated by that.

Clear your energy in some way. If you need to smudge yourself or work with a form of clearing prayer. Just make sure you ask for Divine Energy to fill you up again so that you don’t feel drained again too early!

How can you recharge after an event like that? ---- Get in Nature as much and often as possible. Find things you LOVE to do. Nap as soon as you get the chance. Find ways to laugh even if it’s finding a funny film to watch by yourself or with others. Draw, paint or whatever creative act you love. You can also call on your Guides and Angels for helping you recharge.

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