Saturday, September 21, 2024



Celebrating our Loved Ones today….. Energy of the Soul is truly amazing.

Our loved ones’ willingness to communicate after crossing over still surprises me. As the late and wonderful Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Ph.D., used to say “Have a mind that is open to everything and closed to nothing.” Being open to the thought they will get through is the best opening intention we can give.

When Michael crossed over it was about 6 weeks or a bit more before I really heard from him. That was nearly 14 years ago now. However, I remember the very first communication almost like it was yesterday. It was bed time and as I was getting into bed, I chatted to him about no communication and a few other things. I then said “I know you can hear me! Was it as wonderful a time as I’ve read and felt from others?” Without missing a beat his reply that I heard in my head was “It was a Salubrious occasion.”

Only Michael would have used a $50 word when a $1.00 one would have worked. From that simple statement I knew it was him beyond a doubt. It wasn’t me making it up because I would NEVER have thought of the work Salubrious.

Starting with Our Salubrious Soul Saturday :D

That communication I doubted for a while as I was still in active grieving and until that point had not had any signs I could say definitely were from him. We’re all going to doubt some of the things that come to us. It’s a built in reaction from our exterior world. Let’s face it, this hasn’t been taught in any typical westernized educational system. I know I’ve doubted quite a bit over the years only to have most – the vast majority – later confirmed by another intuitive or by repetition.

So I’m not going to tell you not to doubt. That’s what we do. It’s just best to know that the doubting is part of it.

The biggest reason they use signs more than anything else is because it is easier energetically for them to do so. I don’t know why it’s easier. I’ve heard explanations but none of them totally hit my inner “ding” as being 100% true. What I do feel is true is that somehow orchestrating some signs is much easier on their energy and ours.

I can understand how it’s easier on ours. When I do readings, I raise my energy up and they lower theirs. I like to think of them lowering theirs almost like us bending down for a very long time. Those things take energy and I usually only read for an hour or thereabouts. Usually I don’t read more than twice a day. I have to let my energy readjust. It’s funny but one of the after affects of doing readings is everything feels like it’s a little off. That’s because my energy is on a different level.

Even after almost 20 years. It still takes me a while to calm and ground my energy so that I’m good for driving or something else.

Just a little while ago I received a lovely sign from Momma, my natural mother. She passed over 21 years ago. She passed very young at 69 because of second hand cigarette smoke all her life. She showed me her birthday on the clock of the stove as I started warming my lunch.

That’s a favorite for some Spirit People. Special dates on clocks. Once you get the 11:11 acknowledged as signs, you can more easily understand other signs that way too. Was your anniversary April 22nd? Look for them to give you 4:22 some times. They might give you your birthday or a special day only you and a few close loved ones would know. That’s another way of going about it.

Well I’d best stop for today or else you’ll have a book to read before I’m done. Remember their energy is always around and they are just a thought away <3

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