Wednesday, September 4, 2024

My Guides and Angels asked me to pull cards for the day.... It's a Woo-Woo kind of Wednesday!!!!



Oh I am LOVING the cooler weather we’re having! This makes things quieter and so much easier for me noise wise. Being clairaudient things like a little (or a lot) of extra noise can really be challenging at times. Because of this, having extra fans on really makes a huge difference for me!

Just like we’re having a little change of weather, I’m doing something I don’t usually do and that is pull cards for the day. All morning long my Guides and Angels have been telling me to pull cards. They even showed me the deck to use.

As you can see in the picture, the first card is a winter wonderland with the gent looking around. Notice the birds and how he’s fully dressed complete with staff for this picture. We have what we need and this is where we need to accept and acknowledge right now. (BTW these are from Denise Linn’s Sacred Traveler Deck) This has happened for a reason or reasons…..

With the second card…. We may feel left out in the cold with things but there is about to be a breakthrough. It’s going to take a bit of work a you can see by the card, a scythe and a grainfield, the person is harvesting. You don’t get this equipment out for just anything, that is a harvesting tool. Harvesting is “GOOD CHANGES” or good breakthroughs.

So we’ve seen the winter card where we have felt lost and wondering. Owl and Chickadee bringing us wisdom.. Berries still visible... Add to that a bit of work and a wonderful harvest in about to see the breakthrough in or with the harvesting.

Now the next one…… Looking at a bigger picture of things. How we look at things matters! She’s in a white dress and in a balloon getting a fuller picture there! Take a step back in your life and see what the bigger picture may well be for things in the now! Going up means also hope! Keeping a higher and more hope filled outlook! …….I’ll interject something now that may help you understand this a little better.

Years ago my sister in law, who didn’t like me from square one, was in hospital with an abscess on her brain. Her right front temporal lobe was severely affected for weeks. She’d been so bad off that she’d had seizures and had to be rushed to the emergency room. That’s how we all found out about her illness. One interesting side affect was she lost her memory. She had no clue who her relations were, who I was, or even her husband my brother. She also had NO CLUE how she usually was. She was actually a delight to be around, which she normally was not. She had a very, very poor self image and it was usually very difficult to be around her. She in essence didn’t know who she was in this life. She had to take another and fresh viewpoint. Eventually she did get her memory back in full, but I will always remember the person she was without all the hurting baggage.

That’s kind of what this card is relaying, we could use a bit of time getting a higher and better perspective on things. Sometimes I think about that gift she had of having a new perspective. How she worked it out in the end I don’t know. It’s just an amazing experience and a tool we can use in taking the “us” out of the equation a little bit.

“If I wasn’t me, if I had another perspective what might it be?”

“If I could get past _______ what might I sense or feel about this?”

“How can I look at this situation in an easier and better viewpoint?”

Those are just a few things that came to me as I write this.


The next two cards are for finishing up this group of cards for the day.

I SO LOVE the “You can overcome anything.” with this card of Overcoming Obstacles. Again, it might mean we go from that newer perspective to this point in the road where we may find ourselves. The sword in the stone blocks our path, pshhhhhhh, we know it can be pulled out and the stone kicked down the drop on the other side. The bird is singing our triumph before we even get there! There are a few more stones that we can walk around but we have to take the action to overcome those stones. IF you look at the sword closely enough, it’s got a heart in it, so it takes heart (the most powerful energy…) to pull it out. We’re not couch surfing at this point we’re taking action, action we might see from our newer perspective!!!!!

Lastly and I find this one amazing “Crossing Bridges” as we need to cross and not burn bridges now. We need to mend more, heal more and along with the last bit of Mercury Rx Magic we need to Release more of what is holding us back or part of that old story. We have a better perspective now from the third card so we can use the bridge to walk over the old emotions (the water in the card) and let that go under the bridge as we look up and forward with better light <3

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