Sunday, September 22, 2024





When was the last time you smudged or energy cleared? Today I’m in the process of clearing and cleaning things and energy.

Yesterday I was up BEFORE O’dark thirty (YAY for Full Moon Energy!) and I couldn’t go back to sleep once my brain hit the click button. To start a project in the afternoon was not going to happen, no matter how much one part of me was saying “Hey we can do it!” and my common sense said “WTF is wrong with you!??????!!!” Yes, even Mediums can use those terms on themselves. I will say I gave myself a bit of encouragement and we’d tackle the cleaning, clearing and some soul care “on the morrow” meaning today.

Just as I described the other day about cleaning and organizing the bookshelf, when we do a bit of extra cleaning and tidying, you can sense with your abilities the difference it makes. I could see and feel the change immediately. The same can be said when we take a bit of time to energetically clear our homes, a room, our office, or even our car/vehicle. This change is why I’m going to tackle taking apart and putting back together in a better way a few things, well a lot of things, in my flat.

Energy shift for the Equinox, Eclipse season and a whole lot more is what it feels like now. Over the last 5-7 years I’ve noticed a lot of times, without me knowing it, I’m doing this with a lead up to OR working with a significant astrological shift. That was a little bit of weirdness when I first discovered that. Twilight Zone music please. LOL!

When are other times that it’s good to do a real clearing and cleaning out?

First and foremost when you feel the need.

If you are feeling too tired or an energetic heaviness.

Things just start happening that aren’t feeling in your best interest.

There has been a major life event for you or a close family member. That could be a job change, a family or friend member passing, a fur person’s passing, a very strong argument, strong illness in the family and the list goes on.

Then there is any time and every time you feel like you need a pick me up.

We don’t realize it but our energy IS affected by our home and its contents. We put that energy in whether we mean to or not a lot of the time. Like my story about the chair being moved and there was the ick energy. Some time later we’ll go over how this energy we read with psychometry. For now it’s enough to know it’s not always pleasant and nice and we can turn it around.

Self and Soul care in this and other ways go hand in hand <3 <3 <3

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