Friday, September 13, 2024

Full Moon ENergy short....



Moon Energy for what this day was pretty much named for or because. We carry a unique series of deep beliefs about this day. Our world is a 13 month “moon-th” planetary body. Her ancient male inhabitants wanted an easier method thus screwing up the calendar brilliantly. Instead of 13 months of 28 days we have 31 day months, a 28 or 29 day month, and 30 day months. All of which have many of us reciting a very old poem just to make sure we’ve got it right… maybe…. Hopefully.

Lunar energy can lead to “moon sensitivity” which I know well. I get cranked up and energetic. Today, like years before, I’ll go to sleep and be awakened regardless of cloud cover or darkness of curtains by the full moon bright overhead. The most adamant of roosters have NOTHING on this wake up call! Oh no my friends nothing on this one!

Full moon energy thankfully has slacked off with my PMS + ESP situation. I’m no longer the bitch that knows everything. I can leave my broom parked on many occasions and just listen and sometimes laugh. For those with a stronger estress cycle still, polish up those broomstick handles ladies!

Many people in medical fields that I’ve spoken to over the years will know the full moon can and does do many things for a variety of people and patients. I’ve read science articles on this “debunking it” but in point of fact I also know that those paying for a study often won’t pay until their results align ;)

So we know where that can go.

It’s a dance the moon and our world. Each one gently dancing their way around, tugging and pulling with super moons, full moons and new moons. All have their phasic energy bouts. Texts having been written on all of them.

Find some fun in reading on the Moon and her myths and legends this weekend. It may be a fun way to work with her energies. You never know <3

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