Friday, September 20, 2024




We’ve all been feeling a bit much lately. So we’re going to re-tune this with feeling things on a more positive note and it may even go to DO, RE, ME, FA, SO, LA, TEEEEEEEEEE, DOOOOOOO!!!!! ;)

We can feel all sorts of rough stuff. I know it may not be evident but some of this rougher energy IS from global events. Remember that water and wave thing I discuss here often.

Now it’s time to work on bringing my and your energy UP a bit more.

Yesterday I just had to get into nature and have a walk. I just KNEW if I didn’t I too would flip my lid and possibly regret something. Nature can calm us. Some of us are tuned to the seaside, some of us are tuned to the mountains, some of us recharge in a lake setting and even snow or desert conditions are for some. Nature in all her grandeur is a natural recharge – all puns intended ;)

Talking to the Creator (whatever word you want to use there) helps with the connection. People walk all the time, however the mindfulness of this helps more than words can relay. Even now, when our world is so very shaken and turbulent, this simple act is like touching the calmer waters within. This is one of the steps I took yesterday as I wrote earlier.

After that bit of special time taken, and a few errands, I came home and worked on a few things. That’s when things got interesting. I guess the Virgo side of things in me was restless because I then took apart one of my book cases. I pulled everything out and rearranged my books. Cleaned the shelves and books where needed. OMGOSH it was NEEDED!!! and then rearranged with books arranged authors and categories as I like. I walked back to admire my work and it FELT clean. The energy radiated better vibes so much so I could see it and feel it. Sometimes I’ll feel the energy pick up, but to see it sharper and feel it so strongly was a real attention getter for me.

For this weekend and even longer, I’m going to make this suggestion. Find your way of doing what I’ve done in the last couple of days. Keep with the shielding and other protections you do, but also pick spots to clean and tidy. Often we don’t notice how something could get a bit much until we tackle it like I did that book shelf yesterday.

Years ago I remember cleaning mine and Michael’s joint office. There had been a lot of things that had been aggravating me regarding work and more. I had this really great desk and chair and a lovely older loves eat and chairs behind each of our desks. One day he, Michael, was away on business and I decided to tackle that office and give it a good going over. When I moved my chair, oh my gosh did I feel a puddle/pool/spot of ugly energy there. It wasn’t that dirty but, wow, the energy sure was unpleasant. Cleaned and tidied it was definitely different. On that occasion it was also energetically cleared.

Can’t hurt to give even just a small area, like my bookcase, a try on this. It could help more than you know <3

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