Monday, September 23, 2024

HAPPY MAGICAL MONDAY!!!!! Discerning where the energy is coming from is MAGICAL!



Today I'm reminding myself of the Magic because I can feel angst so much in the ethers.

Magical Mondays.... A few years ago I found a stone in the middle of the road. It was a gravel road I traveled down sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. Yet there in the side of the road was a stone with "MAGIC" literally cut into it.

Today we can remember that there is more magic and in many ways than we may well guess in any moment.

Remember too your Loved Ones and Mine are so close and just a thought away… Keep the energy lighter in other words.

The next thing is to use your discernment. You can use this powerful tool by asking yourself “Is this something I’m picking up or am I upset at something?” Probably it’s not you. If it’s not you see if you can “feel” or sense/see/hear where it’s coming from or from who. You can ask if it’s from specific people you know. Usually family or close friends is the best way to start. Don’t call them and say “Have you been ticked off this morning?” Just focus your thoughts in their zone. Focus on that for a moment or two because it does not take long! If you feel a “no” or nothing at all, you know it’s not them. If you get a surge of this energy you know it’s them and you can now more easily protect yourself.

This reminds me of when I first started doing this practice. It was over 20 years ago now. Michael and I hadn’t been living together very long, but we had been together for almost 2 years. He was on a trip to Bangladesh and I was home tending to my business and my girls. One morning I got up and was angry. No, it wasn’t PMS. My youngest daughter braved up and said “Momma why are you so spiky all over?” From the mouths of babes at 14 she nailed it. Momma’s energy was spiky and I had no idea why. I stood in my laundry room and focused, I knew it wasn’t my girls. For once it wasn’t the neighbors next door (a couple who LOVED to argue and two PhD's have tempers too!) Then my mind was drawn to Michael.

Quickly I went to the office and sent him an email (it was evening for him). I doubted he’d get the email so I went to get my coffee and start our day. It was a Saturday so we had the day off. After an hour or so I went to my computer and checked my emails. My sensing the anger dissipated like a fog in the sunshine as soon as I sent that email.

Low and behold there was one from him.

He was very surprised by my email. How did I know he was livid? Then he told me of how the trip to Bangladesh was a hoax by a company that was trying to get intellectual property and that was also using reports to fund themselves without doing any of the work. So he was livid that the money spent on the trip was so very wasted. Their last day was tomorrow and for that he was grateful.

Since all those years ago, I usually go to this method. This is one method of discernment that is easy enough to use whenever needed and no one needs to know but you!

Discernment can wipe away most anxiety or anger sensations in a very short period of time. The Magic is it’s not always us! Also, It normally won’t ever be someone we love from the other side. This is something that is not used for those that have fully crossed over.

Sometimes it’s the folks outside of us and our immediate circle that we pick up. Other times, it can be events that are hours, days or even weeks in advance. There are a lot of factors in that.

Today’s Magic and I feel there’s always a little Magic in every day <3

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