Thursday, September 26, 2024

HAPPY THANKFUL THURSDAY!!!!! Benefits of being thankful at times!!!



Thank you for being here!

Finding things to be thankful for raises our energy up. It helps us renew our own energy, raising it up with each heart felt “Thank You.” But there’s more Magic in it. These simple quiet actions also raise up the energy around us, around our homes, our families and more.

If you were to watch Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s moving “The Shift,” you would see in the first scenes him waking up and saying “Thank You” three times. Not many of us would usually do that at 3:13 in the morning, but he did.

This allows a better flow of energy from the get go on any given day.

For me personally I added into my early morning routine a “THANK YOU!” for having gotten most of this rearranging done. This has been a huge project for me. Moving book cases, rearranging things, cleaning things, moving bins of things stored and necessary but not “out” due to seasonal needs. The fun of finding things I’d not seen or used in too long. Putting many of those out front to get back to using and working with my “once again new” finds.

As I go about my morning routine, I say thank you the Creator of All/God for so many points and things in my life. There are times when I do this throughout the day too. Today in addition to some of my regular gratitude points, I’m also thankful I have had time to get ready for this hurricane system coming through tonight and tomorrow. We normally don’t have this coming from the south, however as you may be aware, this time we do.

Well, I’m as prepared as I can be. The fur kids have extra food and everything, so thankful for that! I’ve put together extra water, etc although we’re not in the eye wall path, (projected that is I’ve still got my angst on that!) we’re on the NE side of this gal and like my late friend Helene, she could pack a wallop if she wanted to. Helene could be a dear, but that Long Island Lady could be rough stuff if she needed to be.

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