Monday, September 16, 2024

Can Life Be Like a Waltz??????


OH my there are days we get derailed on our intentions and that was my day today for a good while.

Some things I got done. Many things are on a to-do list for tomorrow or at least this week.

It’s OK.. it’s how it needs to be even though deep down I would like to have a small tantrum on that idea.

Going deeper to just respect that today had done what needed to be and the rest is for another day.

For whatever the reasons(s) it was a step back like you would do in a waltz. I like to think of some things in life like a good waltz. You sometimes swirl around, sometimes go forward, sometimes go backward and then swirl around some more and go forward. I do miss a good dance!!!!

What a nice thought to head of to slumber land with..

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