Sunday, September 15, 2024

Soul Talk Sunday



I was raised in a “Sunday Worship” couple of families. It is the day I tend to lean to for thinking more on the “soul” side, however, I don’t think the Creator Energies really care what day we take to do this. Some people have their Holy day on Thursday, or Saturday or even Friday at evening. God doesn’t really care as long as we do a bit to connect and just be with our understandings at that time.

So Looking at the soul today…

Well, looking at it every day for me and not just because I talk to Dead People most days. LOL!

Years ago, there was a cold and ugly winter day where I spent a good couple of hours of it watching videos on youtube. For years I’ve not watched much TV. So this show was all new to me even though it was over a decade old. There was one I remember where they stopped the show (I saw a part of the out take) and had a discussion on Soul/Spirit as a concept. Some women felt this was a very foreign subject to them. That segment of the show really surprised me because I’ve always been so connected to that side of life.

Our souls need loved by us, not just those around us. We’re the only one with our soul self all of our lives, even if we’re a twin! Our soul self needs time off from our day to day mind and body stuff. Our souls are so much more than we imagine. I found that out buying a piano from a country Buddhist when Michael was unwell with his cancer.

It was February of 2010 and Michael had had his cancer diagnosis for about 2 months. Stage four colon cancer and neuropathy from everything he’d endured in coma and more. Not a great way to start out the year I’ll admit. I’d gone to my doctor and she’d given me a prescription for my blood pressure.

What I wanted and needed as much as prayer was music. I’d always wanted my own piano and “dadburnit” I was going to get myself a piano. I was well paid as a lower level administrator for my biomass job so that wasn’t an excuse anymore. What’s more my soul craved touching the keys…

It had been like that since I was a little girl. Twice I had tried to convince my father to buy different houses because they had pianos as he looked for a new one to renovate. It didn’t work but I remember trying to make my case around 9 and 11. So this time, nothing was going to stop me.

It’s in part due to this meeting that I really do believe everything happens for a reason. How many Buddhist ‘Nam vets does one meet in a very small East Tennessee town? Not many. We talked and he asked me about why I wanted a piano and I told him straight up I needed it for a kind of therapy. He asked me if I played and I said not much in this life but I can feel it. We discussed a good few things and he learned of what I needed the piano for.

Then in this old East Tennessee barn turned piano repair shop, he helped me be able to realize I could handle what was coming. He walked me through a soul expanding exercise whereby we worked from past experiences and more. Then, he helped me and brought my self and soul back into a tighter package within me, mostly.


I felt better and more confident about what was coming down the pike. It wasn’t going to be easy I knew but I felt overall these coming events I could deal with.

My soul and I had a non-verbal discussion on quite a soul level in other words.

So for whatever time you want to do a little self soul talking it’s great to find the time, but better to MAKE the time. If you’re asking a bunch of questions on a lot of levels my answer is this. Start small. You are here in this life, with this time and you can talk to you any time. Take a go at it and keep on going. You’ll be surprised <3

Your Guides and Angels are always there to help too, just ASK! <3

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